
Make Working Out A Habit This Year

Make Working Out A Habit This Year

When I talk with clients in Houston, TX, I find that the ones that are most successful at sticking with a fitness program tend to make working out a habit. Most of us think of negative habits, like smoking, binge-watching videos or TV or leaving dirty dishes on the floor, but habits can be good, too. If you make it a habit to eat healthy meals or exercise at a certain time every morning, you’ll be just as apt to do it as you would a bad habit. Most of the time, you automatically do it or it’s uncomfortable when you don’t.

Working out is essential for a healthy life.

Your workout doesn’t have to be formal. It’s all about living an active, varied lifestyle. You need flexibility, strength, endurance and balance training throughout life. If you’re active, moving furniture, dancing, playing basketball or riding bikes might be part of the way to do it, but it even an active lifestyle doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get all types of exercise or work all parts of the body. A program of exercise does. If you don’t get all the types of training or work on all parts of the body, it can leave you vulnerable.

Start by scheduling your workout.

Just like any appointment, you’ll be more apt to keep that appointment with yourself when it’s on your schedule. You’ll also start to associate that time with your workout. Have you ever switched jobs or had your job schedule change and found yourself driving to your old workplace instead of your new one, or driving to work when you meant to go to the grocery? It happens. Just like establishing any habit, whether it’s eating healthy food or going to work, once it’s a normal part of your daily life, you don’t even have to think about it, you just do it.

Don’t try to do it all at once.

If you haven’t worked out for a while, or ever, you need to monitor yourself and start slower. Instead of pushing yourself to do an astronomical amount of reps, cut back on the reps and focus on form for the first few weeks. The proper form is one of the most important parts of any workout routine. Slowly add repetitions and sets as you go. Don’t risk injury by pushing too hard.

  • You can follow our online services for a workout that’s created to bring success. Schedule time for personal training, small group or bootcamp training to create a scheduled workout and create a habit.
  • Make working out a habit by being prepared for the next day’s workout. Pack your gym bag or have your workout clothes laid out. If you have the bag next to the door, you won’t forget it.
  • Workout with a friend. Working out with a friend means you’ll be held accountable for showing up. It’s one reason personal trainers have such great success. They hold clients accountable.
  • Track your progress. Tracking your progress means writing down your workout, including the number of reps. Make notes on how hard or easy the workout felt and how you increased difficulty as you went. Winners keep score.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Strength Training After Having A Baby

Strength Training After Having A Baby

A lot has changed over the years. Women are no longer subject to weeks of bedrest after having a baby and even the present rule of waiting to exercise for six weeks after childbirth has its exceptions. If you’ve exercised throughout your pregnancy, you may be able to start even sooner. That doesn’t include women who had complications or a C-section. You may be able to start strength training before the six weeks’ time, but before you start any exercise program, check with your health care professional.

Moderation is the key.

Whether you exercised before you had your baby or not, start slowly. Your body is undergoing some dramatic changes, with muscles and skin being stretched to the limit. Your ligaments and joints are also looser, so there’s more chance of injury. Start with something simple and productive. Walk with your baby in your arms. Lifting the baby also provides great strength training. The baby is the weight of many small weights you’d use in the gym to begin strength training. Even better, as you get stronger, your baby also gets heavier and more challenging to carry.

Core strength and pelvic floor strength are extremely important.

Laying on your back with thighs at a 90 degree angle to the floor, knees bent and parallel or at an almost 90 to 105 degree angle to your thighs. If you want, baby on your tummy, do toe taps while bonding with your bundle of joy. Lower one leg and tap the floor with your toes then raise that leg and lower the other, also tapping. Repeat.

Walking, doing pelvic tilts and some yoga can help strengthen your body.

A pelvic tilt can be done in a number of ways, standing, sitting or lying on the floor. It’s a matter of moving your back so you have it straight, taking the normal curve out of the spin, then returning back to normal position. It’s almost a rocking forward and backward of the hips. Doing simple yoga positions, like child position, cat/cow, mountain pose and goddess pose can build strength without putting too much stress.

  • If you were actively doing strength training before the baby was born, don’t expect to start where you left off. You need to go slowly but will find you’ll be back to your previous level quickly.
  • When you first start working out, don’t use weights. Focus more on form than on repetitions or how much weight you can lift. Always work to strengthen the pelvic and core areas first.
  • In the first six weeks, avoid barbells or weights. Lifting your baby’s body weight will be enough to help build or maintain strength. When you’re ready for more strenuous workouts, consider getting inexpensive resistance bands.
  • Focus on posture and avoid high impact workouts. Your abdominal muscles and pelvic muscles have been through a lot and aren’t ready yet. Focus on improving your posture, which changed during pregnancy due to weight shift.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

How To Exercise With Bad Feet

How To Exercise With Bad Feet

If you have bad feet, running long distances in Houston, TX, isn’t the type of exercise you should be doing, but you should be doing some form of exercise. The right type of exercise can even help strengthen both your feet and ankles. A physical therapist can help you with those. Here are some exercises you can do for the rest of your body. They’ll help strengthen every part, plus build cardio and flexibility fitness. Start with stretches. If your issue with your feet doesn’t allow you to put pressure on them. You can do stretching while sitting.

Bad feet means avoiding high impact exercises.

Whether the problem is temporary, like a twisted ankle or cut, or something that heals more slowly, low impact workouts like water exercises or seated workouts can be perfect. Even battle ropes can be done in a seated position. Modifying some of the positions can be helpful for relieving the stress on the feet. Instead of butt kicks, where you’re standing, get on hands and knees and do donkey kicks, removing the pressure from the feet.

A chair can be workout equipment.

You can sit in a chair and workout or use the chair as a rest for your feet as you lay on your back on the floor. Even people with walking boots can train. Always start your workout with stretching then begin with an upper body workout. Throw punches, do air boxing, make angel wings or do shoulder presses. Doing the arm motions to a jumping jack, without the jump, can also get your blood circulating and provide good exercise for upper body toning and cardio.

Work your lower body without putting pressure on your feet.

That same chair used for the upper body workout, where you sat on it, now becomes a bench for your feet. This time you lay on the floor and lift your feet, putting them on the chair making your knee angle almost 90 degrees. Keep your hands beside your body and lift your bottom off the floor, creating a 45 degree angle from your shoulders to your knees. This is a modified bridge that puts no pressure on your feet. It strengthens the core muscles, while also working on the glutes.

  • Do ankle circles throughout the day to build the muscles in the ankles, calves and feet. Do foot stretches to strengthen the muscles in your feet. Always check with your health care professional first.
  • If you feel pain or undo pressure when doing any foot or ankle exercise, stop. Putting pressure on an already injured area will slow the healing.
  • You can even modify push-ups by using a footrest, chair or couch. Lay the front of your thigh on your support of choice and do upper body workouts, like push-ups.
  • If you’re confined to a couch, you can still do strength training. Just use resistance bands. You can even use them while watching TV. It will keep your hands busy and make it less likely you’ll snack while sitting.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

The Truth About Gluten

The Truth About Gluten

If you’re considering buying gluten-free products, just because you believe they’re healthier, you might be wasting your money and even decreasing health benefits. For instance, potato chips are naturally gluten free, but they’re not healthier than a slice of whole wheat bread, which contains gluten. Gluten is an amino acid that’s found in rye, wheat and barley. It can’t be digested and may permeate the intestinal lining. In some people, the body mistakes the gluten for an invader, which starts the immune response, which can also cause intestinal cells to be killed and set off a series of digestive issues.

Celiac disease is just one issue gluten can cause.

You don’t have to have celiac disease to have gluten intolerance. The most common symptoms of celiac disease are abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, bloating and constipation. Not everyone has the same symptoms, which makes it so difficult to diagnose without taking tests. Other symptoms can include cognitive impairment, depression, fatigue, migraines, anemia, dermatitis, joint pain, missed periods, osteoporosis, peripheral neuropathy and excessive weight loss.

People who are gluten intolerant may actually gain weight when giving up gluten.

Nobody wants to make it easier to gain weight, but in the case of gluten intolerance, it’s far better than being sick all the time or getting dermatitis that cause open sores all over your body. If you follow a gluten restricted diet, your body will return to normal weight slowly, but there’s also a benefit. You won’t have that bloated appearance that gluten intolerance can cause, so you potentially could look thinner and most definitely healthier.

If you believe you have gluten intolerance or celiac disease, try going gluten-free.

A gluten-free diet may actually help you lose weight if it’s well-balanced. Instead of eating baked goods, bread and other high fat, sugary, processed products, focusing on whole foods could be the key to shedding those extra pounds. Be careful, some foods that are gluten-free are still high in calories and not necessarily good for you. The key is not the gluten-free aspect, but the healthier diet.

  • There are anecdotal reports that gluten may be linked to autism and even schizophrenia. There is some evidence that a change in diet can alter behavior and even cause personality changes.
  • If you go gluten-free, make sure you have adequate fiber in your diet. Many gluten products are a good source of fiber and vitamins and minerals.
  • Gluten intolerance is more prevalent than it used to be. It may be because we’re more aware of it, there’s more gluten in the flour used, or we’re cleaner, which may lead to an overactive immune system.
  • If you show any signs of celiac disease or gluten intolerance, see your health care professional as soon as possible. Irreparable damage can be done if you have celiac disease and continue eating foods that are high in gluten.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

The Healing Benefits Of Bone Broth

The Healing Benefits Of Bone Broth

Some people in Houston, TX, still make bone broth from scratch. They start by roasting leftover bones, then simmering the bones in water for hours. It’s a healthy option as a base for soup and extremely delicious. Homemade bone broth also has healing benefits, but best of all it’s free, you just need to invest time. You can make bone broth from any kind of bones, including those from leftovers. Some people save and freeze the bones, while others buy bones specifically for the broth, opting for those from pastured chicken or beef.

Bone broth helps keep your gut healthy.

Our food undergoes so many assaults that never used to exist. That means our gut has the same issues. The food is different from that of just 70 years ago, with the names of ingredients often sounding like a chemistry experiment. Even whole foods that shouldn’t have additives often are coated with pesticides, fertilizers or herbicides. To make matters even worse, what heals us can hurt us. Many medications, especially antibiotics, are hard on the gut. All these things can damage the gut lining and create inflammation. Gelatin, found in bone broth, can help boost collagen levels and help heal the gut.

You’ll help relieve aching joints when you eat bone broth regularly.

All your joints contain cartilage, which can be damaged or worn away as you age. When that happens, you know it because it hurts every time you move your joints, due to the scraping of bone on bone. Luckily, the body can rebuild much of the cartilage, but it has to have the raw materials, which include collagen, chondroitin, glucosamine and gelatin

Your heart, brain and organs will thank you for consuming bone broth daily.

You’ll boost your brain power when you eat bone broth regularly. It helps boost your memory, have more focus and think clearer due to the compounds that bone broth contains. The glycine in it helps regulate how the brain uses energy and even improves cognitive performance. Chondroitin increases brain plasticity—the ability to learn more and build new neural pathways—which can even cause an IQ increase. It has heart healthy ingredients that can reduce the risk of heart disease and significantly reduce the severity of a heart attack. Bone broth helps reduce inflammation that can cause other serious conditions, such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

  • Bone broth is packed with nutrients. Bone broth has 17 amino acids, which help renew the body. The amount of each will vary by the bones used, cooking time, other ingredients added and whether an acid, like apple cider vinegar, has been added.
  • If you want to lose weight, consider adding bone broth to your diet. It’s nutritious, but also filling and low in calories. Some people continuously brew it in a slow cooker and add it to their meals each day.
  • The bones you use make a difference in nutrition and health benefits. Use the bones of pastured or wild animals. Always roast the bones before simmering. Add herbs and spices, such as ginger, turmeric or peppercorn.
  • The glycine in bone broth can help you sleep better. It’s not only good for helping reduce brain fog, but excellent for insomnia. You’ll fall asleep faster and have a deeper, more restful sleep.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Best Healthy Treats To Have In Moderation

Best Healthy Treats To Have In Moderation

Focusing on good nutrition doesn’t have to mean giving up all the foods you love. In fact, there are many places in Houston, TX, where you can get healthy treats. The most important thing to remember is to consume them in moderation and not make them the main food you eat all day, every day. Portion size is also important. They should be in 100 to 200 calorie portions or you won’t get the weight loss results you want or have the healthiest diet.

Nuts are a healthier treat, but you have to understand portion size.

If you buy a one pound bag of mixed nuts and eat them all in a day or two, while eating your normal 1500 calorie meals, you simply won’t lose weight. There are 16 ounces in a pound and one ounce of mixed nuts contains 175 calories. That means the whole bag has approximately 2800 calories. However, if you consume one ounce a day as a snack, while sticking with a 1500 calorie diet, you’ll still lose weight, but just slightly slower.

Most fresh fruit or vegetables can be a healthy snack that will fill you up, not out.

Even though potatoes are a vegetable, we’re not talking about chips or fries. Instead, consider a medium-sized apple, a half a cantaloupe, a cup of blueberries or a banana that are approximately 100 calories. An orange, a cup of strawberries or a cup of fresh cut vegetables, like tomatoes, celery, bell pepper and broccoli contain even less. You can even have some lower calorie dip with the veggies, like hummus or yogurt dip. Best of all, fresh fruit and vegetables contain nutrients and also fiber. Fiber keeps you feeling fuller longer.

There are many treats that can satisfy your sweet tooth.

You don’t have to long for those days when sweets were allowed, you can include sweet treats that are healthy and lower in calories. Cut a banana in half and push a Popsicle stick in the cut ends, then freeze them. Melt a few semi-sweet chocolate chips in the microwave and dip in the frozen banana, you can even roll it in a crushed nuts and still keep the calorie count between 100-200 calories. Choosing a slice of angel food cake instead of chocolate cake with frosting can satisfy your sweet tooth at 72 calories and you can top it with two tablespoons of non-fat topping and 8 large, sliced strawberries for less than an additional 100 calories.

  • You can save money and be more successful at losing weight by buying treats in bulk, then breaking the snack into individual portion sizes that are approximately 100 to 200 calories and packing them in plastic bags.
  • Make your own trail mix and bag it into individual serving sizes of 100-200 calories. You can use nuts, dried fruit and even bits of semi-sweet chocolate. Make sure the chocolate is high in cacao.
  • Make your own microwave popcorn. Just put 1 ½ TBSP of popcorn in a microwave safe bowl and loosely sit a cover on top. Microwave until the popping slows. Three cups is only 72 calories.
  • You can grill fruit for a sweet treat that will tickle your taste buds. Grill a slice of pineapple, a banana, peach or papaya. You can even grill watermelon, sprinkle on some feta cheese and top a salad.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Is It Possible To Crave Healthy Food?

Is It Possible To Crave Healthy Food?

Most people understand how people can crave sweet treats and junk food but fail to realize you can also crave healthy food. It’s all about habits and noticing how good you feel after eating healthier food. The trick is first to give up sugar. It’s a real struggle, since sugar is quite addictive. Focus on healthier sweet options, such as fresh fruit. Once you break the sugar habit you’ll start to notice when food has added sugar and even may find it far too sweet for your taste. The key is that the more sugar you eat, the less your taste buds register the sweetness, so by eliminating it from your diet, you’re resetting your taste buds back to normal

Identify why you crave unhealthy food and use the same technique to crave healthier options.

Remember as a kid how you got a special treat, whether it was for doing something special or just a holiday treat, like on Halloween or Christmas. Many positive emotions are tied to unhealthy foods. It was often a special treat to go to a fast food restaurant or get a big bowl of ice cream at night. You now add that to the addictive nature of sugar—to the point where there may be withdrawal symptoms—you can understand why it’s harder to give up junk food.

Instead of focusing on the actual treat, focus on how the food makes you feel.

Some people love to eat healthy foods. Instead of focusing on the sweetness, saltiness, crunchiness or whatever the addictive link, they focus on how they feel after they eat the food. These people tend to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and some even note they feel stuffy and out of sorts if they eat too much junk food.

You can train your brain by eating healthier.

Studies show that you can train your brain to crave healthier foods. One study at Tufts University compared the MRI brain scans of a control group and one that was put on a healthy weight loss diet both before and after the diet. At the start of the study, both groups reacted more positively to junk food and less positively to healthier options. At the end of the six months, the brain scan showed the group on a healthy diet reacted more favorably to foods that were healthier than foods that were unhealthy and the control group remained unchanged.

  • Keeping a food diary can help develop healthy food cravings. You’ll be surprised at how different you feel after you eat a healthier option. Most people don’t realize it until they actually focus on their energy level, satisfaction level and overall good feeling for a few hours after a meal.
  • When you eat mindfully, you focus on flavor, texture and satisfaction as you take each bite. Many people find that healthier food makes their meal more enjoyable and satisfying.
  • Keeping a food diary can also help identify the emotion that goes with the unhealthy food. If you find you eat ice cream when you’re sad or crunchy snacks when you’re angry, deal with the sadness or anger first or find a substitute that’s healthier.
  • Identify when you’re full, not just when you’ve cleaned your plate. One suggestion is to eat blindfolded, then quit when you’re full. Another option is to take really small portions and allow yourself seconds or even thirds if you’re still hungry.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Superfoods For An Active Person

If you’re looking for a definition of superfoods, don’t go to a scientific journal. It’s been used in popular press to indicate the food is packed with nutrition. When people ask me for help at R C Fitness in Houston, TX, about the best type of superfood to help boost their workout, give them more energy or build muscles, there’s no one right answer. In fact, many food choices are healthy and do all those things and more.

What’s your goal?

Your goal should be a well-balanced diet. However, after that, focusing on specific areas, like boosting energy and building muscles, is good. If you want to improve your overall energy or provide a boost of energy for a workout, consider a protein/carb combination. For instance, a pre or post workout snack can be Greek yogurt that’s topped with berries or other fruit a half hour before you workout. Greek yogurt is filled with healthy protein, probiotics and calcium and the fruit provides quick energy from the carbs and boosting muscle healing. In fact, all milk products combined with a carb can benefit your body, so a glass of chocolate milk could be an excellent option.

Cherries might be your answer.

One study that was exercise related focused on the effects of eating cherries and post exercise soreness, muscle pain and strength loss. The study used tart cherry products in varying amounts that were the equivalent of consuming 50 to 270 cherries every day. The results were significant. Not only did runners, who consumed cherries twice a day, every day, show improved recovery and performance, they had less pain. That’s due to the fact that cherries are anti-inflammatory.

Bananas are versatile and easy to transport.

You can freeze bananas and dip the tip in a bit of melted dark chocolate for a sweet, yet healthy treat or toss the frozen banana rounds in a blender to make an ice cream substitute. Bananas are high in potassium and vitamin B6. It can increase your electrolytes, improve digestion and lower blood sugar levels, while also acting as an anti-inflammatory. Roll that dark chocolate dipped banana in some crushed walnuts and you’ll boost the superfood status. Walnuts are rich in nutrients, including omega-3 and protein.

  • Combine superfoods in a great post-exercise snack that will help your recovery. Don’t settle for less. If you’ve selected yogurt and fruit as your snack, toss in some sliced bananas and chopped walnuts to increase benefits.
  • Include sweet potatoes in your diet for antioxidants vitamin A and C. They can aid in lowering blood pressure and are high in manganese, iron, manganese and copper, necessary for muscle building.
  • Make sure broccoli is part of your diet. It’s important for boosting muscle development, repairing cells and building new cells. You need adequate iron to carry oxygen to all parts of your body and broccoli has that too.
  • Don’t forget about eggs. While eggs may not have the glamour of other superfoods, they’re an inexpensive high quality protein and contain riboflavin, folic acid and vitamin B12, which increases endurance.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Why Fiber Is Important To Your Body

Why Fiber Is Important To Your Body

Dietary fiber has become the center of many jokes and comedy routines. That’s because it’s associated with the relief of constipation. However, fiber is important for more reasons than that. If you’re trying to shed extra pounds, eating extra fiber can fill you up without adding a lot of extra calories. Not only does it make you feel full quicker, but it also keeps you feeling full longer.

The ABCs of fiber.

There are just two broad categories of fiber. The first is insoluble fiber. That’s the roughage your body can’t digest that builds bulk in your stool, keeps it softer and helps you go more easily. Soluble fiber, on the other hand, dissolves in water and creates a gel, which blocks the absorption of fat, aids in lowering cholesterol, and keeps blood sugar levels more stable. It feeds the beneficial microbes in the digestive tract, and they help your body to be healthy by aiding in digestion and absorption of nutrients.

If weight loss is your goal, increase your fiber content.

As noted before, fiber fills you up without adding a lot of extra calories. It also keeps you feeling full longer. Foods that are high in fiber are normally low in calories, such as apples, peas, strawberries and citrus fruit for high soluble fiber content and seeds, whole grains and the edible skins of most fruits and vegetables for insoluble fiber.  A plant based diet will provide more fiber, since animal based foods don’t contain fiber.

You can easily increase fiber in your diet by eating healthier.

No matter what your age, fiber is important. Up to the age of fifty, men need 38 grams of fiber daily and women need 25grams. After the age of fifty that requirement drops, with women only requiring 21 grams and men requiring just 30. One easy way to help fill that requirement is having a meatless meal daily. Including just a half cup of navy beans in your meal will provide 6.5 grams of fiber. An apple as a snack offers 2.9 grams of fiber, with 0.9 grams from soluble fiber and 2.0 from insoluble.

  • No matter what your reason for increasing fiber in your diet, do it slowly. If you increase it too fast and suddenly eat a lot more than normal, it can cause some unpleasant reactions in your body, like gas and digestive issues.
  • Some popular high fiber foods include pears—5.5 g per medium pear, avocado—6.7 g per cup, raspberries—6.5 g per cup and lentils at 7.3 g per cup.
  • One unique way to boost fiber is to snack extra fiber in your diet. Guacamole has about 8grams of fiber per serving. Use whole grain tortilla chips to dip and add another 2 grams of fiber. Hummus is also high in fiber and perfect for dipping.
  • Highly processed foods often lack any significant amount of fiber. Not only are they low in fiber, but they’re also often high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Should People Over 55 Be Weightlifting?

Should People Over 55 Be Weightlifting?

In Houston, TX, I see more and more people over 55 focusing on exercise and diet as a means of staying younger and more viable. While you might think they just run, ride bikes, or do less strenuous exercise, it’s not always true, nor should it be. Actually, weightlifting becomes more important the older you get for a number of reasons. Once past the age of 30, unless you maintain a fitness routine, people start to lose muscle mass. This tendency is called sarcopenia and is part of aging unless you take action to avoid it. Without a program of strength training, sarcopenia can cause a loss of three to five percent of muscle mass every ten years.

Strength training helps maintain muscle mass and can even build it, but that’s harder.

The older you get, the harder it becomes to get back into shape, but it is possible. Weightlifting, as you age, is more about maintaining strength, rather than bodybuilding. There are some famous senior bodybuilders and one in particular started later in life. Ernestine Shepherd, who was in the Guinness book of World Records for being the oldest female bodybuilder, didn’t start working out until she was 56. While most people won’t compete, one look at Ernestine, who is in her 80s, will tell you that not only does exercise and weightlifting keep you strong, it also keeps you looking young.

You can avoid the serious condition of osteoporosis.

Brittle bones and osteoporosis occur because of muscle loss. As the muscles tug on the bones, it causes the bones to absorb calcium to maintain strength. While it’s not just about calcium and vitamin D intake, you do still need a balanced diet, but what most people forget, is that you also need weight bearing exercise. Just like aerobic exercise strengthens the lungs, weightlifting and other strength-training helps build bone muscles and bones.

The difficult part is when you start from scratch.

If you’ve never been a person who worked out regularly, it’s going to take you a little longer. People who were in shape before will actually see results faster. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. The older you are, the lower your hormone levels that help build muscle tissue. You might not see the bulk, but you will see the difference in your strength and energy level. Seniors who do weightlifting and strength training, also live independently longer and have more energy in their senior years.

  • You can do everyday activities to maintain strength. Weightlifting might occur in the form of carrying grocery bags or lifting a grandchild or a pet. If you want a more formal program, you don’t need weights, fill bottles with water and use as barbells.
  • When you participate in a program of regular exercise, you reduce the risk of diabetes, reverse insulin resistance and normalize blood sugar levels. It can help osteoporosis, arthritis, depression and back pain.
  • Strength-training isn’t just about weightlifting. You can use resistance bands, create your own weights or use bodyweight exercises. It’s about putting stress on the muscles to help keep them strong.
  • You’ll have to work harder initially, since it takes longer to build muscle tissue. Take your time and don’t work beyond your capabilities, especially the older you are and more out of shape you are.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness