
Get What You Need To Reach Your Goal

Get What You Need To Reach Your Goal

Some people fail in their attempt to lose weight because they aren’t sure what to do or how to start it. If you’re building a house, you need a blueprint first. The same is true when you’re trying to reach your goal of weight loss, you need a guide or a blueprint to follow. That’s what I provide for clients in both Houston, Tx and those online. It’s a step-by-step program designed specifically with you in mind.

Start with your ultimate goal and break it down to smaller more achievable goals.

Maybe you want to lose 50 pounds or chisel your waist down from 32 inches to 24 inches. It doesn’t happen overnight and the time it takes can often discourage people. That’s why breaking your goal down to smaller more quickly achievable goals. It helps you track your progress, so you can make changes if necessary and get that boost of encouragement from achieving the goal.

Learn how to eat healthier and have the information at the tip of your fingers.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be a mystery, especially when you’re using my plan. We have a nutrition package that you can customize to match your goals. Whether you want to use the helpful Flexible Meal Planning app provides great meal options or create your own delicious healthy meal with the help of the guidelines provided, this tool is necessary to help you reach your goal.

There’s no need to leave the house to workout when you have the help with online training.

If you’re confused about where to start, don’t worry. We provide all the tools and help you with a program based on your needs and goals. It’s available to you 24/7, unlike gyms and personal trainers. For those working unusual hours, it’s not a problem. Schedule your workout when it’s most convenient.

  • I not only provide the workout program, our team tracks you and keeps you accountable. That’s very important for success. It provides the motivation to stick with the plan, even though it can be tough or you’ve experienced a set-back.
  • It’s great to see success and even better when you get to share it. It also provides inspiration for others. That’s why we want you to upload pictures to help provide a documentation of your progress.
  • You’ll have all the information you need to reach your fitness goal when you join the RC Fitness family, no matter whether it’s a total transformation or just building more muscle tone.
  • Try the 90 day challenge and see how well you do. You’ll be amazed at the difference just a mere 90 days make. Start today and you’ll look back and be glad you made the decision to do it.

Want to Learn More About How to Reach Your Goal?

If you’re ready to reach your fitness goal, contact me here today.

Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life

Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life

Years of bad decisions and neglect may have determined how your body looks now, but it doesn’t have to determine the future you. You can now make a dramatic change and be in the best shape of your life. It takes desire, a goal and determination, plus some guidance and support. That’s what I provide at RC fitness. I make it easier to change old habits that prevent you from looking your best and developing new ones that make the transformation.

What do YOU need to be your best.

Many personal trainers only focus on losing weight. Not everyone needs to lose weight. Some people want to look curvier, more toned or even gain weight. Each person needs something different. That’s why I created a personalized program, so you can reach the goal that’s right for you. Each person’s program focuses on a different goal and has varying types of workouts and eating plans to reach them.

Whether you want a better booty or losing weight, the right exercise program can do it.

While you need a full program of workouts, which includes flexibility, strength, balance and endurance, you also need some specific exercises to achieve the goal you want. Strength building is important, since it builds muscles where you want them, flexibility training helps you move with grace and avoid injury. Balance and endurance helps avoid accidents and boosts your energy throughout the day. Boosting your energy can help you accomplish all your goals. My program is well rounded, yet specific to you.

What you eat is just as important as working out.

There’s a saying that the perfect body starts in the kitchen. It’s true. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Eating healthy and clean isn’t dieting. Dieting leaves you feeling hungry and deprived. The worst part of dieting is that it ends and you go back to old eating habits. Instead, healthy eating becomes a way of life. Sure, you can still eat a favorite “unhealthy” food occasionally, just not all the time and remembering portion control. You’ll never regain the weight you lost when you eat healthy.

  • We provide support to help you get in shape. We keep in touch and hold you accountable, which can provide the motivation to stick with your goal.
  • It’s not going to be easy, but you can do it. The RC Fitness program helps people of all fitness levels from beginner to competition training. We stay in contact to make sure you’re getting maximum benefit.
  • You’ll be amazed at not only how great your body looks, but how great you feel. Feeling good is just as important as looking good.
  • It’s time to start on the future you. The you that looks better than ever. Find the plan that works best for you. Start it! Stick with it! Watch the transformation.

Want to Learn More?

If you’re ready to get in the best shape of your life, contact me here today.

Sunscreen Ideas For Summer Workouts

Sunscreen Ideas For Summer Workouts

One of the best things about summer workouts is that you can take them outside and enjoy the sun. Of course, you have to make sure you follow certain protocols to ensure your safety and good healthy. Wearing sunscreen is a must if you’re outside in the sun for long. It protects your skin and prevents burning that can age you and ultimately may cause skin cancer. There are also other rules to follow to prevent sun damage.

Workout when it’s not as hot and the sun isn’t as high in the sky.

Taking your training outdoors, do it when the sun’s rays aren’t the strongest. The time between 10 a.m. and 3 to 4 p.m. should be avoided to help prevent sunburn and heat exhaustion. Exercise early in the morning or later in the day, especially if you’re concerned your sunscreen will drip off your body with all the sweat. Earlier in the morning is normally the coolest time.

Apply your sunscreen liberally before you put on exercise gear.

Use a sunscreen that covers a broad spectrum with protection for both UVA and UVB rays. Make sure it has a high SPF—sun protective factor—protection. It should be as much about 50, but can be as low as 30. Applying it before you put on your workout clothes ensures you’ll get your entire body and won’t miss an area where you sleeve rises a bit as you workout, or where the sun hits your back when you bend.

Apply the sunscreen liberally, especially on areas where you’re more likely to get sunburned, like your nose.

Use lotion, which is easier to ensure it covers the area and doesn’t have fumes that may affect your health like spray on lotion. Use a liberal amount before you leave the house. A dopple the size of a golf ball should work. Be aware that if you use products with retinol—including sunscreen with retinol, it may actually intensify the sun rays and boost your potential for sunburn. Carry the sunscreen with you and if you’re sweating profusely, reapply it at least once every hour and a half.

  • Don’t forget to wear a hat to protect the top of your head from the sun. It also provides more shade for your face.
  • Even if the sky is overcast, you’ll still be exposed to the rays of the sun. Sunscreen is just as important on those days as they are on the super sunny ones.
  • Check into workout clothes that offer sun protection. The UV protective clothing is lightweight and designed for outside workouts.
  • Stay safe when you workout. Don’t forget about staying hydrated and if it’s really hot, either take your workout to a shady area or cut it short outside and take it inside.

Healthy Snacks At Your Desk

Healthy Snacks At Your Desk

There’s a lot of people who work in offices throughout Houston, Tx, who want to find healthy snacks for those bouts of midmorning and midafternoon hunger. Some are lucky enough to have access to a refrigerator and some are not. Either way, bringing personal options that are lower in calories and high in nutrients is far better than opting for the food from the candy machine, overeating at lunch or gobbling down the first thing they see at the gas station after work. Many of these options actually save money, too.

Save money and eat healthier homemade microwave popcorn.

Don’t pay the high price for a bag of microwave popcorn, when you can make dozens of bags for the same amount of money that have fewer calories. All it takes is a brown paper lunch bag and some popcorn kernels. Just pack up ¼ cup of popcorn kernels in each bag, fold the top several times and it’s ready for the microwave. You can even keep some seasoning at your desk, such ones in stores, like a ranch or dill pickle, or make your own. You can melt a few bittersweet chips that are 60 percent cacao up to 80 percent cacao and drizzle, then top with some sea salt for a treat everyone will want to try.

Take some nuts and seeds.

Keeping a bag of trail mix that’s exclusively made of seeds and nuts, with maybe a few pieces of dried fruit thrown in for sweetness at your desk can help you relieve that midafternoon hunger. If you’re not good at eyeballing portion size, take it in individual serving sizes. Eating a whole bag of trail mix at one serving will not make you thinner. To make it less expensive and control portion size, cut the whole dried fruit before time and just add a few small pieces to each bag of trail mix.

Keep energy balls on hand.

There are a number of recipes for energy balls on the internet that provide high protein that gives long term protein and quick energy to boost you immediately. If you want a salty caramel flavor, try these balls. There’s no added sugar. They take a cup of fresh medjool dates or regular dried dates, a cup of cashews or other nuts and seeds–raw is healthiest, but you can use roasted, 2 tsp of vanilla extract and a pinch of sea salt. Combine all the ingredients in a food processor, adding a bit of water if it’s too dry to form a ball. Roll in balls the size of a golf ball and chill in the refrigerator. They stay good for a month refrigerated, but can stay in the freezer for months. You can take frozen ones to work with you and let them thaw throughout the day for a morning or afternoon treat. There are 70 calories, 2.8 g fat, 8.9 g carbs, 1.6 fiber, 6.1 g sugar, 3.5 g protein in each ball.

  • Keeping it simple is often the best route to take. Take a piece of fruit. Whether you choose an apple, orange, banana or pear, they don’t need any special preparation.
  • Sprinkle some unflavored Greek yogurt that has live cultures with a few nuts or some blueberries or strawberries for a yummy healthy treat. You need a refrigerator in your office or this one.
  • If you have a refrigerator available, take some fresh veggies for a snack and a little dip made with powdered ranch dressing and Greek yogurt.
  • Plain oatmeal packs are a filling option and you can store those packets in your desk and then have your treat ready as long as you have water, a mug and a microwave. Sprinkle on some cinnamon.

5 Reasons To Lift Weights

5 Reasons To Lift Weights

I always make sure everyone has strength building exercises in their workout, which in many cases includes weight lifting. There are a number of reasons to lift weights, here are five of my favorite ones and often the top reasons people include weight lifting in their workout. Lifting weights isn’t just for men. It’s perfect for women, too. Contrary to what some women think, it won’t make you bulk up like the Incredible Hulk. Women don’t bulk up like men because of hormone difference. Even for men it takes a lot of work and focused training.

If you want to burn fat, grab weights and start exercising.

One reasons strength training, weight lifting in particular, is so important in a workout program is that it torches calories, while building muscle tissue. You may think that cardio workouts are the best at burning calories, but you’d be wrong. Yes, they do require a high calorie expenditure, but those calories come from both fat and lean muscle tissue. Lifting weights actually builds muscle tissue while it burns calories from fat. After weeks of training, you’ll have more muscle tissue and less fat tissue when you lift weights. That’s good, because muscle tissue needs more calories for maintenance, so the more you have the more calories you’ll burn 24/7.

Reason number two for weight lifting, strong muscles and bones.

As people age, they begin to lose muscle tissue. That loss of muscle tissue is called sarcopenia. It often starts in the second half of the thirties and continues each year. Losing muscle tissue can have a huge effect on a senior’s ability to function on their own. Lifting stops and reverses the loss of muscle mass. Losing muscle tissue also affects bone loss. When you lose muscle mass, loss of bone mass also occurs. Studies show weight bearing exercises can slow that process of osteoporosis as well as some medications and maybe even reverse it.

You’ll reduce the risk of serious conditions when you workout with weights.

Besides osteoporosis and sarcopenia, working out with weights can help reverse insulin resistance, the precursor to type 2 diabetes. When you do resistance training, it activates four separate signaling pathways that boost the production of APP1, a protein helps your body use insulin and regulates the absorption of glucose. That lets your muscles use glucose more effectively. It also helps deal with chronic conditions and the pain of arthritis. Strength training is as effective as medication for pain reduction.

  • Reason number four to do strength training is that it lowers blood pressure. It can help prevent heart disease. It’s far easier on the heart than aerobic training, too.
  • A fifth reason weight training is beneficial is for improved energy. At first, you’ll be ready to shower and go to bed immediately after lifting weights, but after a few months, you’ll notice you have more energy than you had in years.
  • As a bonus, you’ll burn off the hormones of stress when you workout with weights. It also stimulates the production of hormones that make you feel good.
  • Not only does strength training give you the curves you want, it makes you more coordinated and helps improve your balance. You’ll not only get a great body, you’ll carry yourself with confidence and reduce the risk of falls.

Eat Green And Fit Into Your Jeans

Eat Green And Fit Into Your Jeans

One of the things I emphasize when I talk to clients in Houston, Tx is that when you want to lose weight so you fit into your jeans, you have to eat green. That doesn’t mean everything you eat should be green, just that you should eat healthy and include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. You need to workout to tone your muscles and get that curvy look everyone loves. Working out also helps you burn calories, but the real secret to losing weight starts in the kitchen.

Eating healthy isn’t dieting.

When you think of losing weight, you normally think of going on a strict diet where you wave good-bye to all your favorite foods, lose weight and then go back to old eating habits, which makes you regain the weight you just lost. Instead, eating healthy simply means making smarter choices when it comes to food. It means less processed foods and more whole foods. You can eat that way for the rest of your life and be healthier for doing it, too.

Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to have some of your favorite foods.

If you love cake, when you healthy, you can still have some cake occasionally. You just can’t have it every day and must remember portion control. It means eating one piece of cake, not the whole cake. Don’t worry if that happens, either. You aren’t falling off a diet or anything, just taking a step back one day from what’s now your normal healthy eating habits. Go back to healthy eating the next day.

You’ll never feel starved or deprived.

One of the things that most people love about healthy eating is that they never feel hungry. You’ll even learn to make substitutions that don’t effect the taste of the food, just makes it healthier and lower in calories. For instance, eating brown rice has more nutrients than the same amount of white rice, but fewer calories. Substituting Greek yogurt for sour cream on a potato also saves calories but gives you that same creamy taste.

  • You’ll be amazed at how much you like the new way of eating and on those rare days you go back to old eating habits, how unsatisfying it is.
  • Cutting out products with added sugar is one of the biggest changes. It’s hard because sugar is so addictive. Make sure you have plenty of fruit for snacks and gradually switch your snacks to other options that aren’t sugary.
  • Learning to eat healthy means you can eat anywhere without worry about falling off a diet. You simply make the smartest choice of food when in restaurants or at parties.
  • When you combine regular exercise with a healthy diet, not only will your jeans fit better quickly, you may even find you have to buy a smaller size much sooner than you thought possible.

Lower Body Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Lower Body Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Any time you do lower body workouts, don’t forget to warm up and cool down. Warming up helps you get more from your workout, while preventing injury and cooling down helps prevent aches and pains. Start any workout with warm up exercises like marching, swinging your arms like a windmill, jumping rope, squats or lunges. Cool down with stretches, such as quad stretches, stretching the hamstrings by lying on the back and lifting one leg straight up or other types of stretches.

Body weight exercises are the key to exercising anywhere.

When you’re at the gym, you can add weights to these exercises, but at home or when you’re first starting, do them with only body weight. Start with squats. With your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping the majority of your weight on your heels, bend your knees and squat making your thighs parallel to the ground. Stand back up and squeeze the muscles in your butt as you do. Follow it with a set of reverse lunges. With feet at shoulder-width, step backward with one leg, putting the ball of the foot on the ground, bend your knees with one knee tapping the ground and the other at a 90 degree angle. Raise your self up, lifting the back foot bending the knee until your thigh touches your chest.

The inner thigh will benefit from a plié.

Your feet should be spread wider than your shoulder-width, turning your toes out and with hands in front of you. Now squat, making your thighs parallel with the floor. It’s time for the tough part, it’s time to go up on toe. Lift your heels off the ground in that position and hold. Lower your heels back down and repeat. Jumping helps build leg muscles and there’s no better way to do it than jumping on one foot as you lift the other to tap the chair and put it on the ground. Then jumping on the that foot and tapping with the other.

Side lunges are simple, but effective.

Stand straight with your feet hip width apart, lift your left leg and place it far to the left. Bend your knee, pushing your bottom back at the same time. Bring the foot back to the start position and repeat. Then do the other side. Do a curtsy lunge with the starting position the same as a side lunge. Place your left leg at a diagonal behind the right leg, bending the knees to lower yourself to a lunge, making it look like a curtsy. Push back up to starting position and repeat. Then do it on the other side.

  • Side leg raises help shape the legs. Laying on your side, lift your body up to rest on your forearm. Lift the upper leg in the air and return to start position.
  • To tighten that inner thigh, start the same way as a side leg raise, but instead bring the foot of the upper leg in front of the lower knee and lift the bottom leg upward.
  • An easy one you can do anywhere is a calf raise. With your feet hip-width apart, lift one leg until the knee is at hip level, pointing your toes with your hands on your hips. Now go on tiptoe with the foot that’s still on the ground. It really helps your balance, too. Do the other side.
  • Simple things like walking, marching with your knees lifted high and riding a bike can help make your lower body shapelier.

Amazing Butt Exercises

Amazing Butt Exercises

One of the most requested exercises are butt exercises. Many of the clients in Houston, Tx just want a toned sexy butt, but others want to make their backside bigger or shrink their booty. I put together some butt exercises that help achieve each desire. There are everyday things you can do to boost your booty and get your glutes in shape for that bikini. One of those is to take a walk. Walking helps get the glutes into shape. It’s especially good if you walk on uneven terrain and climb a few hills. Riding a bike can also improve your bottom. Not only will these exercises help you tone your butt, they’ll make it smaller, especially when combined with clean eating.

Tone your butt with hip lifts.

A hip lift may look simple, but it can be tough. Lie down with your back on the floor and arms to your side. Bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor when you do. Lift your hips up toward the ceiling, creating a triangle. Hold, squeezing your butt muscles and hamstrings for a minute and lower your bottom back down. As you get more proficient, when you’ve raised your butt, keep your thighs parallel to one another and straighten one leg, pointing it straight ahead. Hold for a few seconds, then lower the foot back to the floor, followed by lowering your hips.

There’s a lot of great exercises you can do for your butt with exercise bands to enhance them.

If you’ve never done butt kicks, getting on bended knees on all fours and kicking back and up, one leg at a time, that’s a good place to start. To make it more difficult, stretch an exercise band around both your feet, making the kick up a lot tougher. Putting it around your calves and side stepping also boosts your glutes, as does doing deep squats with a band just above the knees.

Build a bigger butt with barbells squats.

Deadlifts, lunges and hip thrusts are also great butt builders, but the key is to ensure you have sufficient resistance. Heavier weights and fewer reps are the key. If you have a really heavy lift, do only two to six reps. For moderately heavy, eight to twelve reps is good and for light—but still heavy for you, twenty reps and no more will build your butt. Exercise your muscles more frequently, meaning do exercises three times a week.

  • A great butt exercise that’s easy to do and burns extra calories too is to take the stairs. Climbing stairs builds a beautiful booty.
  • Switch out that easy chair for TV watching or chair at work with a balance ball. It improves your core muscles while glamorizing your glutes.
  • Lie on your back. Do a bridge and squeeze at the top of the bridge. That helps boost the strength and tone of the glutes.
  • If you want some quick results, do a reverse lunge. Instead of stepping forward and squatting down, step backward with one foot and squat.

What Is Paleo

What Is Paleo

If you want to eat like a caveman, then you’re ready for the paleo diet. Paleo stands for paleolithic, which was the early age of the stone age, when caveman walked the earth. The Paleo diet has fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs and nuts, but no grain. Many people feel it’s closer to the way caveman ate and can help you to lose weight and become healthier. It’s a pre-agriculture society. There was no artificial or processed food available. In other words, cavemen never had a coke or quickie burger.

A Paleo diet is a whole food diet.

The Paleo diet is all about eating whole foods without much processing. After all, that would be how the caveman ate. There is one difference between a Paleo diet and healthy eating guidelines is that when you eat healthy, you can include grains with your meals. Some of the foods the Paleo diet eliminates are actually healthy. It eliminates all grains, legumes such as peanuts, beans and soy. Dairy is eliminated, so milk, cheese and other products like yogurt disappear with it. You won’t be eating starchy vegetables on a paleo diet, such as potatoes and corn.

You might have problems finding food you like on a strict Paleo diet.

A strict Paleo diet makes it far more difficult to eat in public restaurants or even visit others for a dinner together. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, it makes it almost impossible to have a well balanced diet. Vegan’s primary source of protein comes from beans and legumes, which aren’t allowed on a Paleo diet. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible, just a lot tougher. Vegans have to depend on nuts and seeds for protein. That can mean eating a whole lot of nut butter! A Paleo diet also makes it harder to get carbs for energy, so if you’re an athlete who does tough workouts, you’ll have to work harder to get the energy you need before working out hard.

There are good things about the Paleo diet.

One of the best things about a Paleo diet is weight loss. Eating like a caveman is also easier in some ways. It’s far easier to identify the foods that you can eat. The rules are simple and not very complicated. There are limited foods from which to select. There’s no label reading, since processed foods are totally out of the picture. When you consider that most fresh fruits and vegetables are anti-inflammatory, you’ll be improving your health, too.

  • Using a modified form of the Paleo diet that includes dairy and grain, while eliminating processed foods is my favorite diet. It opens up more choices and provides certain nutrients easier.
  • While cavemen were forced into more rigid eating patterns, they would have eaten a piece of cake if they had it available and you can too when you eat healthy. Unlike a Paleo diet, which doesn’t allow an occasional treat, eating healthy does.
  • Another drawback of a Paleo diet is cost. Many of the foods cost more than foods in the traditional American diet.
  • If you want to eat like a caveman, don’t forget to get all the exercise a caveman got. You should make sure you exercise regularly. While you don’t have to walk EVERYWHERE, walking more is a place to start.

Grains And Your Digestive Health

Grains And Your Digestive Health

I get a lot of questions from clients in Houston, TX about the potential of grains affecting their digestive health. Grains are extremely difficult to digest. It’s easy to understand why grains are difficult and could be troublesome to digestion. They are seeds and seeds have hard outer casings. Many seeds were created that way to encourage spreading the plant to different areas. The casing doesn’t digest, protecting the seed through the process to be eliminated elsewhere, conveniently in it’s own supply of fertilizer. That hard shell is what helps the plant survive, but also can cause digestive problems.

Survival is the ultimate goal of all living things.

Grains contain phytic acid, which may be part of that ultimate plan for self-survival or just an unhappy coincidence. It affects how the body absorb minerals. Phytic acid blocks the absorption of important nutrients in the small intestines and potentially lead to bone loss. The modern way of processing grain can increase the potential for damage to digestion.

Complex proteins are hard to digest.

Grains contain complex proteins, which are hard to digest. One of those proteins is gluten. Recently, there’s been an awareness of how it can affect the body negatively and create health issues that range from digestive to neurological. One reason people have become more aware of the problem is that people seem to be more affected by it. It might be because the amount of gluten in wheat has increased. In the 1960s it was hybridization to create a variety with bigger grain, improving the yield. Since then, it’s become the prominent and almost exclusive variety grown. It contains higher amount of gluten. It’s hard for the body to break down that protein, so it wreaks havoc on the digestive system. The disaccharides in grain are equally difficult to process, creating another digestive problem.

Grain may interfere with the digestive enzymes.

Your body needs enzymes to digest food and seeds use enzyme inhibitors to help prevent sprouting when conditions aren’t right. Those two facts go together to create a problem in the digestive system. Grain enzyme inhibitors don’t just block the seed enzymes, they block the digestive enzymes, too. In order to get rid of the inhibitor, you have to prepare grains properly. That can mean soaking, sprouting or fermenting them. Modern grain products don’t use those methods.

Digestion requires an enzyme to act as a catalyst.

All digestive actions start with enzymes. Since grains are seeds, they contain an enzyme inhibitor to help prevent the seed from sprouting if conditions are good for growing. These inhibitors may help the seeds to grow in the right conditions, but they certainly don’t help your digestion. By ingesting grains that aren’t prepared properly, we’re passing on these inhibitors to the digestive system, slowing or halting the process of digestion.

  • Leaky gut, a newer complex of conditions, is thought to be related to the more prevalent appearance of grains in the modern diet. The symptoms of leaky gut often include somewhat unrelated symptoms.
  • There are some examples of grain products on the market that use older techniques to rid the grain of enzymes, sour dough bread and sprouted bread are two. Since legumes contain the same substance, it’s always important to soak dried beans before preparing them.
  • Giving up grain entirely can help you find out if your digestive troubles come from it. If your symptoms disappear, you might consider re-adding them using more ancient alternatives, such as amaranth, sorghum, millet and kamut.
  • Not only does the preparation techniques of soaking, fermenting and sprouting help eliminate the phytic acid in grains, it also makes the disaccharides grains contain easier to digest.