Fitness & Wellness

Are You Bikini Body Ready?

Are You Bikini Body Ready?

While summer is barely here, warm weather started a while ago and will last well into fall. There’s still time to get bikini body ready and show off your body at the end of the season. In fact, if you start right now, imagine the progress you’ll make by August or September and how great you’ll look at the end of the year. You’ll be ringing in the New Year with a whole new you that’s gorgeous and fit.

Know your goal.

You might think, “Of course, I know my goal. I want to lose weight.” That’s not really a goal but just a statement. How much do you want to lose? If you just want to look better, what does that mean? You need to identify how many pounds you want to lose or state the size that you want to be. Your goal could read, “By September 15th, I want to lose 24 pounds.” That gives you 12 weeks to do it, which is a realistic goal.

It’s time to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Summer always has been a favorite. It’s time that a lot of fresh fruit ripens, like cherries, apples or berries. These are like nature’s candy. All the farm produce also makes it easier to eat healthier and lose weight easier. No matter how many hours you put in working out, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. A great body starts in the kitchen. That’s why we provide nutritional help and a personalized meal plan. You don’t have to starve to shed extra pounds, just make smarter choices that are lower in calories and more nutritious.

If you create a habit, you’ll be more apt to stick with a program.

How do you make something a habit? You do it at the same time every day consistently. That’s why I always recommend that people schedule in their workout if they’re doing it online or workout the same time every day if you’re working out in person. It’s also one reason that working out with a personal trainer can help. You have a standing appointment with the trainer. Not only does that make you more accountable for showing up, it also helps create a habit.

  • Make sure your goal is realistic. If you have 100 pounds to lose, you simply can’t do it safely in 8 weeks. Stick with a realistic goal that’s between one and three pounds a week.
  • Plan your meals to help you stick with the program and prepare them on your days off of work. When you cook everything in one or two days, you’ll cut the time you spend in the kitchen and have daily meals ready to heat and serve that are quicker than a drive-through.
  • You can have fun while getting that bikini body. Our group classes are a blast and everyone is friendly. Make it a girl’s night out or take the classes instead of stopping for a drink after work, which can really help make you look better.
  • No matter what weight you are, never hate your body. Hating your body is counterproductive. You have to love it enough to keep it healthy and active.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Squats For Gains

Squats For Gains

We focus on results at RCF in Houston, TX. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on equipment to get the results you want. Bodyweight exercises can get you in shape quickly. One of the best bodyweight exercises for both the lower body and upper body is squats. They provide a functional fitness workout, exercising the muscles that you use in everyday movements, like climbing stairs, bending, walking and carrying heavy loads.

Squats strengthen and sculpt your bottom and thighs.

If you want a toned booty, squats will help you do it. It targets muscles on the lower body that most people realize and feel producing the effort when they do squats in workouts. Squats are a compound exercise that require correct execution and maximizes the benefits in the upper body. It builds the core muscles in the abdomen and back. They target your buttocks, front and back of the thigh, groin, hip flexors and calves. You can even modify squats to work other muscles, like those in the arms, chest upper back and shoulders.

One important benefit of squats is strengthening core muscles.

If you have back pain, work on your core muscles. You’ll improve your posture when you do. Since it improves functional fitness, it reduces the risk of injury by strengthening tendons, bones and ligaments. If you want to lose weight, squats burn tons of calories. If you participate in sports, jumping squats can increase your strength and ability. Best of all, you can do squats anywhere.

Squats have a number of variations that improve other muscle groups.

You can do basic squats by with your feet at shoulder’s width with your arms to your sides. Bend at the hips as you bend your knees, as you sit back, like you’re going to sit in a chair. While you do that, raise your arms in front of you. Keep your body straight and lower it until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then push yourself back up to starting position. You can do wall squats, put your hands behind hind your head for a prisoner squat, weighted squats and squats that use a variety of foot positions, like a plie squat.

  • Bodyweight squats are good, but you’ll also get good results when combined with dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands or a yoga or medicine ball.
  • You can get maximum benefits for all muscle groups by doing as little as 50 squats a day. You don’t have to do them all at one time. You can do half in the morning and half in the evening. As you get stronger, you can either increase the 25 squats at morning and evening or add an extra session mid-day.
  • Of the over 45 types of squats, jump squats are a high intensity version of squats. They’re done like ordinary squats but instead of just standing up, the squat ends by jumping up. They increase flexibility and build muscle tissue faster.
  • At RCF, we provide all types of squats to help you shed pounds quickly and transform your body. They’re a key component that can help you reach your goals and become the person you want to see in the mirror.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

How To Hit Your Workout Goals

How To Hit Your Workout Goals

Before you can hit your workout goals, you have to set goals. Setting goals is always the first step toward fitness. You have to know what you want and create a pathway to get to that destination and actualize your dreams. One of the first steps is looking at your goals and making sure they’re achievable. If you want to lose 50 pounds a month for two months, that’s not possible to do. It’s not only unhealthy, but it would also require some type of major illness or surgery to do.

Be consistent.

You can’t exercise every once in a while or eat healthy at breakfast and consume a soft drink and candy bar for lunch and still expect to reach your goals. Schedule your workout at a specific time and put it in your appointment book or on your phone. You’ll not only be more apt to stick with an appointment, but also develop a habit of working out at that time. Plan your meals. Our meal planner can help you create all the meals for the week and snacks, so you eat healthy at every meal.

Learn easy ways to judge portions to give you more control.

There are simple ways to identify what a portion of any food is. For instance, a portion of meat, poultry or fish is the size of the palm of your hand. Your cupped hand can measure your carbs and a fist is the perfect measure for veggies. Fats, like butter, are the size of the tip of your pointer finger and by putting together your ring finger and middle finger, you’ll have the size of a portion of cheese.

Keep a food diary to help you stick with a healthy eating pattern.

Don’t be ashamed if you’re more aware of what you eat when someone is watching. It’s human nature. Keeping a food diary is one way of doing it, keeping you aware of all the bites and nibbles you have throughout the day. Too often people don’t realize just how much they eat. For instance, you might grab a handful of candy when you pass a coworker’s desk candy dish or clean up the last of the lasagna in the dish before you put it in the dishwasher. If you’re more aware of what you eat and when, you’re more able to find ways to save those calories or substitute that food with lower calorie options.

  • Get help. Everyone does better when people work together toward a goal. A personal trainer or family can provide motivation. You can workout with a friend or family member.
  • Track your progress a number of ways. It’s not all about weight lost, inches lost count, as well. You can also track your blood pressure, energy level and clothing size. Take a full length selfie every month and compare photos. All these successes will be motivating.
  • Have fun. Not all exercise is done in workout sessions. Find active hobbies and fun activities that also burn calories. Ride a bike, take a walk or play a little basketball with friends or family.
  • Appreciate who you are. Don’t do negative self-talk. If you fall off the wagon and eat a whole cake, go back to healthy eating the next day. You only fail when you quit trying, so never give up.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Signs You're Working Out Too Much

Signs You’re Working Out Too Much

More is better is what most people think when they’re trying to get fit. When you have that mindset, you workout for hours every day and do all types of exercises, including strength-building ones in hopes of reaching their goal more quickly. There are signs that you may be taxing your body and working out too much. Overdoing your exercise goals not only can stress your body and slow your progress, but also cause you to lose ground.

Why does overtraining set you back?

When you workout, particularly if it’s strenuous, you’re taxing your body. That causes stress and stress is bad for you. While exercise burns off stress hormones, too much exercise creates it, since it doesn’t give the body an opportunity to heal. That can cause your immune system to be suppressed and reduce your resistance to disease for up to 72 hours. The muscle tissue in your body takes time to repair the micro tears that occur during exercise. When you over-exercise, it doesn’t allow the body to do that. You’ll find you’re more prone to illness when you over-train.

Other signs include poor performance.

The more you workout the better you should be, but what if you’re working out hard and getting worse. Instead of being able to do six sets of 10, you wear out at four or five sets, less than the previous week. That’s a sure sign. If you try to push past it or make your workout tougher or longer, it only makes it worse. Not only will your performance be worse, your enjoyment will diminish and you’ll start dreading the workout that you enjoyed just a few weeks previously.

Your mood can help you determine if you’re overdoing training.

Your body is telling you that it’s tired and trying to heal and sometimes that information comes via your mood. If you’re depressed, angry, irritable, anxious or even confused a lot, it might be signs of working out too much. It’s similar to someone who is getting sick, already ill or still recovering. Many times their mood isn’t stellar. Part of it comes from being fatigued. Imagine if that’s how you feel every day. It certainly can wear on your emotions.

  • Do you have problems sleeping at night that you didn’t have previously? Insomnia can be a sign that you need to take a short break from exercise, reduce your workout time or alternate days of hard and easy exercise.
  • Ironically, if you workout too much, it actually can cause lean muscle loss and may even increase gaining fat. That’s not normally a goal of any person exercising.
  • Losing your appetite is another sign you may be working out too much. It’s normally one of the later stage signs. While it might sound like a benefit, it’s not. You need adequate nutrition to build muscle tissue.
  • If you track your heart rate, you’ll notice a marked difference. If your heart rate is normally 50 beats per minute and it jumps to 70, your body is feeling stress and it could be from over-exercising.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Is My Weight Loss Goal Realistic?

Is My Weight Loss Goal Realistic?

A lot of clients at RCF, whether they come to the gym in Houston, TX, or workout online, hate to take the time to make goals or when they do, make them unrealistic. Why should your weight loss goal be realistic? There are a lot of reasons. You not only want to lose weight, but you also want to keep those pounds off permanently. Unrealistic goals may cause you to starve yourself to achieve, so you won’t learn how to eat healthy for permanent weight loss. If you set them too high, it can also be discouraging. Losing weight permanently is all about changing habits and habits take a while to change.

Is your overall goal a healthy one?

If you’re trying to lose weight, but are already to thin, there’s a big problem. If you weigh 135 pounds, that doesn’t mean much, you might be the perfect weight, too thin or too heavy, it all depends on your height. A person who is six foot tall and weighs 135 is classed as underweight on the BMI chart, but they’re five foot tall, they’re overweight. You need to know what your ideal weight is for your gender, age, height and build to see how much you need to lose.

Once you determine your ideal weight, set your goal.

Keep your goal healthy by checking with a BMI chart and give yourself a healthy timeline. Most trainers agree that aiming for losing two pounds each week is a healthy route to take, particularly if you’re using both exercise and a healthy diet. You’ll probably lose more weight in the beginning, since the bigger you are, the more calories you’ll burn. It’s like carrying a heavy weight everywhere you go. Just stick with the two pound loss each week, even if you lose a ton the first week or two, it will slow down.

Divide your goal by two to find how long it will take.

If forty pounds is your ultimate goal, it will take you 20 weeks. Now you have to put it on a timeline. If you’re starting May 1, you’d reach your goal by September 18th. You’re now ready to make your goal, it will be similar to: “I will lose 20 pounds by September 18th by following a healthy diet of 1200 calories daily and working out 45 minutes a day. Track your progress to make sure you stay on track.

As you build muscle tissue, you’ll burn more calories, since muscle tissue requires more than fat tissue does. However, muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch, so you may not shed a pound, but look thinner.

While a healthy diet is the most important part of weight loss, since you can’t out-exercise a bad diet, you need exercise to tone and shape your body. Stick with realistic workouts.

You don’t have to stick with strictly pounds as your goal, you can use inches or other way to measure your progress. Even tracking your progress with a picture of you in the same outfit each time works, especially if it’s way too tight initially.

Keeping your goals realistic boosts your motivation, especially if you exceed your goals, which can happen, particularly in the beginning. They help you not only form a plan, but let you modify it if you’re not getting the results you want.

Can I Workout While Pregnant?

Can I Workout While Pregnant?

Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different, so advising you whether you should workout while you’re pregnant and if it’s safe is impossible. However, there are some generalizations that can be made that will help guide you. Always check with your health care professional first, even if this isn’t your first pregnancy and you worked out your last pregnancy. Most women who have had more than one child understand that not only is each person different, so is each pregnancy. It’s always better to take precautions and be informed before you begin any exercise program.

There are lots of considerations to determine the type of exercise you should do.

Have you been working out? Chances are, you can continue, as long as you make modifications along the way and avoid certain types of exercise. High impact exercises, ones that involve contact or ones where you could potentially fall, should be avoided. If the exercise has jarring movements that could cause shock to the body, it should be looked at closely. Basketball, skiing, volleyball all have the potential of hard contact or falls, so they might be better if avoided. Avoid exercises that put pressure on the abdomen, such as full sit-ups, leg lifts, toe touching or deep knee bends.

There are a lot of benefits to exercising, but even mild exercise can be dangerous for some pregnancies.

People with preexisting conditions, such as asthma, heart disease and diabetes need to discuss the potential for exercise closely with their health care professional before beginning any program of exercise. Anyone with a history of miscarriages, premature births, a weak cervix, spotting or low placenta also need to be careful and base your decision on the recommendations of medical experts.

Take it easy if you’ve never exercised before getting pregnant.

If you led a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy isn’t the time to start a rigorous exercise program. For those people, taking up less intense exercise programs are the best. They can be as simple as walking, riding a stationary bike, swimming or using a step machine. Regular bike riding should be avoided because of the potential for falling. Avoid any type of workout, include walking, in excessive heat.

  • You’ll find your pregnancy and delivery is easier and your recovery is quicker if you’ve kept exercising during pregnancy or even started a walking or swimming program when you first discover you’re pregnant.
  • No matter how fit you are, avoid exercises that involve twisting at the waist, HIIT—high intensity interval training—workouts and those with high impact. Avoid holding your breath during stretches or bouncing.
  • Get your arms ready to carry the baby by working out with light weights. Using wrist weights when you walk is one way to do this. Never lift weights when laying on your back.
  • Exercises like the kneeling or standing pelvic tilt can help relieve and prevent back pain during pregnancy Squats and Kegels help improve delivery. Cardio workouts also help during delivery.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Best Workouts To Tone Your Legs

Best Workouts To Tone Your Legs

Great legs make you feel fabulous whether you’re wearing your favorite shorts or jeans or at the beach in a swimsuit. At RC Fitness in Houston, TX, we can help you achieve that goal. Workouts to tone your legs focus on the muscle groups of the thighs, calves and booty. It gives you that curvy, trim look. Do you suffer from cankles—where your calves and ankles are the same size? Start with the ankles with weighted calf raises, side lying leg lifts using resistance bands, seated calf raises and stair calf raises. They shape the calves and slim the ankles.

Get rid of thunder thighs and puckered cottage cheese thighs.

You can’t really eliminate cellulite, but you can make your thighs smaller and/or smoother by strengthening the muscle tissue. Squats and lunges help do that. Squats to make cellulite less visible include a goblet squat, where your feet are wider than a normal squat and you push your knees out to the side, not straight forward. Side lunges are excellent to tone the thighs, as are side leg raises and donkey kicks.

Make sure you work the front, back and sides of the legs.

If you want faster results that strengthens all the muscles in your legs, do a jumping plyometric squat. Jump up and drop down to squat position, then jump back up again in rapid succession. Every muscle in your leg will be worked. It’s tough to do. Explosive lunges also work the whole leg. They’re done like lunges with feet together, then lunging forward on one leg. Instead of stepping back, you jump as you switch legs midair and land with the other foot forward, continuously switching forward leg.

Tone your booty while you tone your legs.

A plie squat, like ballerinas do, work hamstrings, inner thigh, quads and glutes. The difference in how it’s done compared to a regular squat is the position of the feet. Instead of straight forward and held closer together like a regular squat, the feet are turned out to form a V. If you want to challenge yourself, keep making the V wider. An exercise that will tone your thighs and butt as it strengthens your abs is a bridge. Lay on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hands to your sides. Lift your hips off the floor about five inches and hold, squeezing your glutes as you do.

  • Go up on toe like a ballerina and you’ll have gorgeous legs like they do. You’re really not going up on your toes, but rather on the balls of your feet. Raise up slowly and then lower yourself slowly until your heel is touching the ground again.
  • As your legs get into shape, you can increase the intensity and the number of repetitions you do. As you increase both number and intensity, you’ll get faster results.
  • Step ups are also good for leg muscles. Start with the platform lower and work your way to a higher platform. If you have weights, hold them in your hand as you get more proficient.
  • If you’re overweight, a healthy diet to lose weight is important if you want gorgeous legs. At RC Fitness, we offer in person and on line exercises and a healthy diet to help you lose weight.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Best Exercises For A Strong Core

Best Exercises For A Strong Core

If you’re moving, you’re using your core muscles. Even sitting in a chair involves them. These are the muscles that start right below the pectorals and end right below the abs. They are muscles both in the front and back of your body. You need strong core muscles for other muscles to function properly. You even need them to walk. Strong core muscles will help you look thinner, aid in your workout and allow you to do every task more easily. That’s why it’s important to do exercises for a strong core.

A plank is not only good for core muscles, it’s good for shoulders and glutes.

Include plank exercises in your core workout. Start with your body outstretched, face down and your toes and forearms on the floor. Your elbows should be directly under your shoulders. If you choose to do a straight arm plank, your palms should be directly beneath your shoulders. Hold the body straight with no bending or sagging and shoulders down. Hold for ten seconds and build until you hit a minute.

V-sit-ups will tax your tummy.

Sit-ups are hard, but V-setups are even harder. Start by sitting on the floor with knees bent, feet on the floor and hands resting beside you. Hold your abs tight as you slowly lift your legs up and extend them at a 45 degree angle to your body. Reach your arms forward, until they’re slightly beside your shins and hold, continuing to breathe deeply as you do. Hold the V-position as long as you can. In the beginning, it may only be a few seconds. Return to starting position.

Not only will a back bridge build your core muscles, they’ll give you a great butt.

A bridge is simple, yet great for core muscles and good for people with back aches. Lay on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor directly beneath the knees. Tighten your abs and buttocks, then raise your hips to create a straight line that extends from the shoulders up to the knees. As you squeeze your core muscles, try to suck in your belly so hard that you feel like your belly button is touching your spine. Hold, then slowly lower yourself back to starting position.

  • If you’ve been doing lunges for your lower body, just add a twist for the core. Just step out and do a lunge, then with your hands in front of you twist to the right. Step up and lunge again, then twist left.
  • Traditional push-ups can tighten your core. Focus on ensuring your body doesn’t sag. If you aren’t able to do a push-up, do a modified one on bent knee.
  • You’ll find videos of how to do many core strengthening exercises. Remember, if it’s good for the abs, it’s strengthening your core. The Superman, oblique twist and side planks are just a few.
  • Some benefits of building your core muscles not only include making you look slimmer by improving your posture, but also improving your balance and making you more graceful.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

What Are The Healthiest Berries?

What Are The Healthiest Berries?

We focus on both diet and exercise for a healthier life and great appearance at RCF in Houston, TX. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of that. Some tasty additions to a healthy diet are berries. Berries are defined as a fruit with a pulpy pericarp that has seeds embedded inside it. You immediately think of grapes, blueberries and currants, but bananas, peppers, eggplant, watermelon, oranges, pumpkins, avocados tomatoes, kiwis and cucumbers also fit that description. Yes, all of these are considered fruits and are berries. Strawberries, black raspberries and raspberries aren’t berries, but we’ll include them in the group of berries.

Grapes and products made from them, like juice, raisins, vinegar or wine, have health benefits.

When you eat the skin and the seeds of the grapes, you’ll be consuming the potent antioxidant polyphenol, that it contains. They not only help lower blood pressure, but also heart rate. Grapes contain fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K. One study showed that if you ate grapes three times a week, your risk of type 2 diabetes was lowered by 12%. Another study showed that people who consumed 17 ounces of grapes for 8 weeks had lowered blood cholesterol levels and less oxidative stress. However, 17 ounces is about 89 grapes, which is quite a lot. Another study found drinking 12 ounces of Concord grape juice for 12 weeks improved memory.

Cranberries can be beneficial for UTIs—urinary tract infections.

Most people are aware that cranberry juice and cranberries may be beneficial for UTIs and many nursing homes include cranberry juice daily in residents’ diets. The cranberry juice contains substances that prevent the E. coli bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract or bladder wall. Other infectious bacteria, like the H. pylori that causes gastric cancer and stomach ulcers, also succumb to the teflon-like powers of the cranberry that prevents it sticking to the stomach wall. Cranberries contain fiber, vitamin C, manganese and antioxidant polyphenols. They can help keep the arteries more flexible, oxidative stress, lower high cholesterol and blood pressure.

Blueberries are healthy are part of that comes from the color.

Seriously, the substance that makes blueberries blue, anthocyanins, are not only good to reduce oxidative stress, it also helps lower the risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. They also help lower bad cholesterol and enhance the artery functioning. They reduce insulin resistance, which is the precursor to type 2 diabetes by as much as 26%. They’re even good for reducing cognitive decline that comes with aging. Blueberries contain fiber, vitamin C, K and manganese.

  • Raspberries, the berries that aren’t really berries, are high in vitamin C, K and manganese. They are also high in antioxidants. Black raspberries reduce the risk of heart disease and may reduce inflammation.
  • Goji berries are high in vitamin A, C, fiber and iron. The vitamin A and zeaxanthin they contain are beneficial to the eyes. They also contain the antioxidant polyphenols and drinking goji berry juice for 30 days can increase blood antioxidant levels in 30 days.
  • Strawberries, another berry that’s not a true berry, has high amounts of fiber, vitamin C and manganese. It can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower inflammation and may help prevent diabetes.
  • You might not expect berries to grow on a palm tree, but acai berries do. It has ten times more antioxidants than blueberries. It can reduce insulin amounts, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It also reduces the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Successful Weight Loss Takes Programming, Not Will Power

Successful Weight Loss Takes Programming, Not Will Power

I tell clients they have to get in the habit of exercise and eat healthier to boost their results. One reason I focus on healthy habits is because successful weight loss takes programming, not will power. Scheduling your workout at the same time every day is one tip that can help you stick with the program. Put it on your calendar, like an appointment, because it is an appointment with good health and energy. Like any habit, once formed, it’s hard to change.

I don’t focus on diet, but do encourage healthy eating.

You can’t out exercise a bad diet. If you’re taking in a huge amount of calories, you simply can’t exercise that long to burn them and the energy they provide is stored as fat. Start by making one small change in your diet, then move on to another change. Carry fruit with you for a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. It will replace the chips, donuts or other junk you normally eat. Once in that habit, put more greens on your plate and cut out fried foods. Work on that a few weeks then cut all foods with added sugar. Just keep reprogramming yourself and you’ll see a remarkable change in your weight.

If you’re totally out of shape, start slower, but stick with it.

You might not be ready for a tough, calorie burning, belly crunching workout. That’s okay. Start at your level of fitness. If you can only do ten jumping jacks, do ten, but focus on increasing that number the next week. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can build on your progress. Track your progress and make it a game. Within 30 days you’ll see a big difference in how much you’re actually able to do and how far you’ve come. Getting fit is all about making progress, no matter where you start.

Move more and make it a habit to be more physical.

If you’re used to driving down the block and circling the parking lot to find a parking space near the door, change that habit quickly. Instead, walk or ride a bike to a close destination. If you have to drive, park further from the door to get more steps in for the day. Take a break every hour if you have a sedentary job. You don’t have to leave your office or cubical, just stand up and move around a bit. Not only does it burn more calories, it gets your circulation going so you have more energy.

  • If you have health issues, always check with your health care professional before making any dietary or changes in your exercise habits. He or she will provide guidance on the approach you need to take.
  • Reward yourself when you stick with the schedule. The reward can be just giving yourself kudos for sticking with the program. The 30-Day Snapback Challenge has a built in reward system.
  • Understand that it isn’t about willpower. It’s about establishing a habit and sticking with the schedule. It’s easier to stick with a habit that you do at the same time every day, than try to find a time to workout every day that varies.
  • Your health is your wealth. It’s time to turn things around and get fitter. Without good health and energy, accomplishing anything else is far more difficult. Only you have the power to change you.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness