Fitness & Wellness

Fitness Guidance

Fitness Guidance

Fitness Guidance

Many people find that getting fit is difficult for a number of reasons. The main reason is a lack of fitness guidance that works for their situation. While an exotic diet of goji berries, sabacha, wakame and agar-agar may help you lose weight, they aren’t normally on the menu at your favorite restaurant or easily found on the grocery shelves. You don’t have to worry. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive or involve foods you’ve never tasted. With the right guidance, you can learn to make small changes in your diet that will reap big rewards.

Fitness is more than just diet, it’s exercise too.

No two people are exactly alike, so no two exercise programs should be identical either. While you may be far stronger than the person next door, he or she might have more flexibility or endurance. There are more ways to measure fitness than just measuring inches and muscle strength. There is cardio vascular fitness—endurance, flexibility—range of motion, strength and balance. The right type of fitness guidance can identify your level of fitness in each and create a program to improve all areas.

Make sure you do all types of exercise.

Why is it important to get specialized advice in all areas? While Superman may have muscles of steel, he still needs flexibility, maybe not that of Elastic Girl/Woman or Mr. Fantastic, but still needs it to prevent super hero muscle and joint injuries. Without all types of exercise, you’re only partially armed to help prevent injuries and have functional fitness. A trainer insures you get the right amount of exercise in all areas to meet your personal needs.

Tracking and staying with the program is one problem most people face.

One of the best ways to boost your results is to track your results. That’s also one reason many people turn to professional help when it comes to fitness. Knowing the right way to weigh in—yes, there is a right way and it’s once a week at the same time each week—and when to up the ante and make your workout harder can bring great results. Trainers do that, either in person or via other forms of communication. Trainers also provide a great deal of motivation when you need it the most.

While health care professionals may know a great deal about illness, they often have little training in nutrition and exercise. That makes sense, since there is so much to know about the human body. The expertise of a trainer is primarily in those two areas.

Eating healthy often means eating foods that are closest to whole. Whole foods are those that are the least processed in the right amount.

You don’t have to make all the changes at once. Personal trainers don’t give you a diet but help you learn how to make smarter choices when it comes to food. You are never on a diet, because diets always end.

You’ll learn the right way to do each exercise from a personal trainer and that can preen injury and maximize benefits.

Motivation For Your Fitness Journey

Motivation For Your Fitness Journey

Motivation for Your Fitness Journey

If you need motivation for your fitness journey, you’ve come to the right place. Everyone is motivated by results, but when it comes to fitness, results aren’t always that easy to identify. People on starvation diets may see pounds drop off immediately, but these extremely low calorie diets are just tricking you. While you may be losing water weight, you’re also slowing your metabolism too. Super low calorie diets are unhealthy and you have to end them sometime. Then the pounds start to return and they often bring friends. You need to do it right and get the potent motivation you need until you see lasting results.

Regular exercise and eating healthier is the only way to achieve lasting results.

That may sound like a lot of work, but I’m here to make it easier for you. I’ll show you how to have fun while getting the exercise you need to shed those pounds and build muscle tissue. I’ll also help you learn to make smarter choices when it comes to food. That’s not dieting because dieting doesn’t work. As noted before, diets always end and you go back to old eating habits.

Healthy food tastes fantastic.

People often eat the same old things out of habit. They’re familiar with certain foods and identify them as tasting good. Greasy fried foods, fatty meats and sugary treats help you put weight on, while also negatively impacting your health. You’ll be amazed at how much weight you can lose by making some small dietary changes that add up to huge calorie savings. Learning to eat foods closer to their natural state, whole foods, not only saves calories, it also provides more nutrition. You’ll find you like grilled, roasted, baked or steamed foods far better than fried foods after a while, too.

I’ll track your progress and help you get results faster.

Combining a healthy diet with regular exercise does so much more to help you shed pounds. Not only does exercise burn off extra calories, it builds muscle tissue. Muscle tissue uses more calories than fat tissue does, so it perks up that lazy metabolism and helps you shed pounds quicker. You won’t drop a clothing size overnight, but I’ll track your progress and provide motivation until you do. When you workout with me, you’ll see the progress faster, which is also a boost to your fitness program.

You’ll have more energy. You may not have started out looking for more energy, but find you have it. That gets you into shape to be more active and burn even more calories.

You’ll look more fantastic every day. Not only will you look slimmer, you’ll look healthier and fitter. That’s the new sexy!

We have fun here. Making your workout fun makes you look forward to doing it. While fitness is a serious goal, it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun reaching it.

You’ll feel happier and great. Not only does exercise burn off stress hormones that make you feel like you’ll explode, it stimulates the brain to create hormones that make you feel happy.

Fitness Is Mental

Fitness Is Mental

%image_alt%You may think that getting fit is all physical, but fitness is mental, too. Belief in yourself and your abilities is just as important as knowing the right exercises to use and how to eat healthy. It’s a three legged stool that will be unstable unless each leg is strong. I can help you learn the right type of exercises, teach you how to eat healthier, but unless you have the resolve, you won’t put forth the effort it takes for success.

When you believe something is true, you make it true.

You are what you think you are. That’s right! If you think you’re meant to be overweight, you’ll sabotage all efforts to shed those pounds so you’ll always be right. If you believe that the extra weight is temporary and you have the ability to change, that makes all the difference. Change starts with belief. Even if you don’t have a firm focus on who you can become, I can help you. I believe that you were meant to be fit and know you’re capable of achieving more than you ever dreamed possible.

Sometimes you have to see results before you really believe they’re possible.

Seeing is believing. That’s why results are so important and why I help you achieve them faster than you might on your own. Too many fitness programs are abandoned before the person ever sees any results, even though they’re actually taking place in their body. I won’t let you give up and will do what it takes to get you through the toughest part, so you can see the results faster and have that burst of motivation it takes to achieve your goals.

If you can believe it, you can achieve it.

No matter whether you’ve tried before and failed, you can do it. You now have me to help you achieve your goals and I won’t let you fail. I’ll believe in you until you can believe in yourself. I’ll show you how to make smarter choices when it comes to food, but I won’t show you a diet because diets don’t work. Instead, I’ll teach you how to make substitutions, such as eating frozen mashed bananas instead of ice cream. (It taste just like banana ice cream!) Say good-bye to fried foods and hello to delicious whole foods. Most people love their new way of eating and never feel hungry or deprived.

You’ll have fun while you shed pounds. Working out should be renamed “Fat destroying fun.” Getting together with a group to boogie away fat not only provides lots of support, it also creates solid friendships.

You’ll feel fantastic after just a short time. You’ll ache at first, there’s no doubt about it. You’re waking up some of those muscles you’ve barely used. But after a short time you’ll only notice how great you feel.

You’ll not only look sexier, you’ll feel sexier too. Everyone will notice that you’re getting hotter by the day.

You’ll be doing your health a favor. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help prevent serious conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

Raise Healthy Kids

Raise Healthy Kids

Raise Healthy Kids

If you want to raise healthy kids you can start by setting a good example. If you smoke, quit! If you need to lose weight, start on it today. If you eat healthy and serve your family healthy meals, they’ll learn to love these foods and they’ll even become comfort foods in later years. What you do to improve your overall good health helps train those young minds in ways to act and things to do. Active parents that involve their children seldom have kids that become couch potatoes.

Get them involved in some form of exercise.

Whether it’s Little League, hiking, walks in the morning or other type of activity, find something your kids love and get involved with it too. While a museum may not sound like it’s a place for exercising, if it’s large and you walk the entire area in a day, that’s good exercise that seems more educational. You may not be the great outdoors person, so exercising at home with the kids joining you is another way to start each day. Make sure you take time to do it each day. It will become part of their routine.

Create dinners that provide a healthy blend of foods.

If you didn’t grow up eating healthier, it might not be as easy as it sounds. When you start serving foods that are closer to whole foods, foods with the least possible processing, you’ll come closer to a healthier meal. Eating healthy isn’t dieting. Dieting doesn’t work. It’s making smart choices, such as substituting brown rice for white rice or using Greek yogurt to replace sour cream for baked potatoes. It may mean changing the way you cook, from frying to steaming, grilling or broiling foods or using unsweetened applesauce to replace sugar or oil when baking. When kids grow up with healthy food, it becomes their comfort food.

Give them healthy snacks.

Snacks aren’t bad. In fact, most healthy food plans include two snacks a day and sometimes three. Eating smaller, but more frequent meals is one way for you to lose weight and help prevent your children from gaining it. Apple slices with peanut butter, delicious fresh fruit juice pops and fresh veggies with dip make delicious snacks. You can get the kids involved and make snacks with them. Try mixing honey, peanut butter and wheat germ, creating balls and rolling them in wheat germ. Refrigerate these and you’ll have sweet, yummy snacks ready for the kids that are good for them too.

Limit the time on the computer and phone. If your kids have a phone, get one that doesn’t have all the bells and whistles. That just encourages sitting and game playing. Let them learn that the great out of doors can be fun!

Make sure they learn to appreciate water as a drink choice. Too often people serve juice or fruity drinks that declare an abundance of vitamin C, but fail to mention the abundance of sugar. Keep bottled water on hand, even if you have to wash and refill the bottles.

Choose whole fruit over juice. Whole fruit gives fiber and fills you as it refreshes, saving calories.

Make a special time for each child where you do something special and active with them.

Get Amazing Results, Even At Home

Get Amazing Results, Even At Home

%image_alt%You can save time and money, while getting amazing results even at home. While working face to face with a personal trainer is the ideal solution to your fitness or weight problem, not everyone has a schedule that allows them to do it on a regular basis. That’s where great technology partners with simplicity and a trainer who’s willing to go the extra mile to insure you get both the help with exercise and diet that you need to shed those pesky pounds and get the body you’ve hoped to achieve. When you work with me, I will do whatever it takes to help you stay on track, as long as you’re working your hardest too! I want to see you succeed, so I’ll show you ways to workout at home or when you travel that don’t require all the fancy equipment you find in a gym.

You can track your food intake easier when you use an app.

Your cell phone, tablet or computer is often your your link to the outside world, secretary, reminder and vast world of information. It only makes sense to use it to help you shed extra pounds by tracking the food you eat. Of course, downloading the app on your cell phone is the best way, since it’s always with you whether your driving home from work or taking the kids to the park. A program to track food intake is a must!

You don’t have to use expensive equipment to get magnificent results.

When you set your mind to success, nothing is impossible. I’ll show you exercises that don’t require a lot of equipment. In fact, many of them only use body weight or are calisthenics that will help you shed pounds and inches in a short time. The key is consistency and hard work. When you think you’ve reached your limit, you probably still have the ability to go one step further if you push yourself. It takes more than just a casual attitude to get fantastic results and I want to help you achieve that winner mind set.

Combining regular exercise with a healthy diet blasts off fat.

Eating a healthy diet isn’t dieting. Dieting is not only more restrictive, it has a starting and stopping point. A healthy diet is a lifetime dedication that allows you to make wiser food selections. You may have a busy schedule and say fast food is the only way you’ll be able to eat. If that’s true, you still can eat healthy. Instead of grabbing a burger and fries, consider a fresh salad. Try packing a healthy lunch and make sure you include nutritious snacks to help keep you satisfied so you don’t raid the candy counter when you stop at the gas station. It takes some forethought but it’s well worth the effort. When you combine a healthy diet with regular exercise, you’re attacking fat on two levels. Not only are you lowering your caloric intake, you’re increasing the amount of calories you burn.

Regular exercise helps build muscle tissue and muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does, so the fitter you are, the easier it is to lose weight.

You’ll be amazed at the opportunities you have at home to workout and get work done at the same time. Carrying as many bags of groceries at once, walking or running to the store rather than taking the car and doing household tasks as rapidly as possible gets those jobs done fast, while also burning extra calories.

You’ll feel fantastic and energetic the more you workout. You’ll also have more energy to be more active and that burns more calories too.

Even if you’re working out at home, you’re still connected to the services of a personal trainer who can adjust your workout when needed to maximize the benefits.

Burn Fat With No Equipment

Burn Fat With No Equipment

%image_alt%You don’t have to spend a lot of money buying equipment or go to a gym with the big machines, you can burn fat with no equipment and often do it better than you might with the best mechanical aids available. It’s all a matter of using the right program that’s designed specifically for your level of fitness and the needs of your body. The best part of burning fat without the need of exercise equipment is that you can do it anywhere you are. You don’t have to make a special trip to the gym because your home, hotel room or even back yard becomes your gym.

Learn how to do each exercise correctly.

One of the dangers of working out on your own is not doing the exercises right. That’s why watching someone do them, whether it’s live or on a video, is very important. Doing an exercise improperly can cause injury or make them far less effective. You also need to know which exercises are the most beneficial based on your body type and particular need.

Burning fat requires more than just exercise.

You need to learn to eat healthier too. Eating healthy isn’t dieting. Dieting indicates that you restrict your food intake to a specific food selection. Many times you feel deprived and often hungry on a diet. Most of all, diets don’t work. That’s because you go right back to your old eating habits that put on weight in the first place. Healthy eating means making better choices when it comes to food. Instead of eating fried foods, eating whole foods is better. Whole foods are the closest to their natural state. If you do need to cook the foods, steaming, grilling or broiling is the best way to keep calories down. You’ll learn to substitute lower calorie foods for the higher calorie ones, such as eating wild rice instead of white rice.

Getting the best guidance is important.

Learning a specific workout is great as a starter, but you won’t burn all the fat you want to burn if you never change that workout. Getting personal guidance from a trainer can help in that area. As you become fitter, the trainer adjusts your workout to reflect your new level of fitness so you’ll always be working toward your maximum potential.

Not all fat burning exercises are the same. Some simply work better than others. Learn the ones that provide the most benefit for your exercise time.

Combining healthier eating and regular exercise burns fat faster because your not just burning more calories exercising, your reducing your caloric intake.

The longer you workout the more muscle mass you’ll develop. The more muscles you have, the more calories you’ll burn. That’s because muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue does.

You’ll feel fantastic, more energetic and want to be more active. That helps burn calories too. You’ll start living the active lifestyle that not only helps take off fat, but keeps it from returning.

How Knowledgeable Is Your Trainer?

How Knowledgeable Is Your Trainer?

%image_alt%When choosing a personal trainer, you want to make sure your trainer is certified and has all the knowledge necessary to help you reach your fitness goals in a safe healthy manner. Selecting a name from the phone book or online advertisement isn’t the best possible method. Just like choosing a doctor based on location and price might not be the wisest. The most expensive isn’t always the best and the least expensive isn’t always a bargain. You need to do your homework.

Find a trainer that has a proven track record.

Look for personal success stories online and read reviews. There are a huge number of places that have reviews for everything from plumbers to trainers. Check his or her website to see if they include success stories. Choose carefully if the trainer doesn’t have a website. It may mean he or she is relatively new to training and doesn’t have any successes under his or her belt.

Check the trainer’s educational background.

You want a trainer that has studied fitness and knows what works. Otherwise you’ll be spinning your wheels, exercising without getting the results you want. A true professional will help you develop an exercise program that is both fun and interesting, changing it frequently to help you burn more calories, while also keeping it fresh.

See if the trainer has more than a background in exercise.

Not all trainers give nutritional information. While regular exercise will help you develop a great body and lose weight, when you combine it with a healthy body and all the necessary fuel it takes, you get the results faster and improve your overall health at the same time. Insuring you have a healthy diet and all the extra nutrients will help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals quicker.

When you look for a personal trainer, make sure he or she also provides ample motivation. One of the biggest problems with exercise programs is the lack of follow through. When you’re motivated, it’s never a problem. Any significant change always starts in the brain.

Make sure the personal trainer is as fit as he or she should be. Would anyone want to use the services of a beautician with a bad haircut or makeup job? The same is true using the services of a personal trainer. You can be assured the trainer knows what he or she is doing if they’re in fit condition.

Work with a trainer who makes you feel comfortable. Not all personal trainers have communication skills or personality to help you feel comfortable so you can focus on the exercise program and fitness regimen.

Find a trainer that will teach you how to be fitter, not just give you a workout. When you’re empowered with knowledge you can stay fit for the rest of your life.

Transform Your Body Anywhere

Transform Your Body Anywhere

Transform Your Body Anywhere

If you want to transform your body, it takes more than just working out in a gym a few times a week, especially if you leave and head for the next fast food restaurant. I takes dedication to making lifestyle changes each and every day, 24 hours each day. Lifestyle changes do include working out regularly, but they also include eating healthier and getting plenty of rest. They even include making small changes to burn calories and build muscle tissue that you can consciously do each day. Once you start making these small changes and see how great you’re starting to feel, you’ll make even more and before you know it, you’ll feel fantastic and look dazzling.

Make an effort to exert more energy each day.

If you live close to work, walk there rather than drive. You’ll get the benefit of the extra exercise and also lower fuel bills and less frustration, particularly if you live in the city. Any time you have a choice, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Those few extra steps may seem like very little, but they can make a dramatic difference in your weight and fitness if you do it every day. Maybe you’re going from the first floor to the 25th floor, which is a lot of steps for anyone to conquer initially. In that case, walk up a few flights and catch the elevator the rest of the way. Don’t circle a parking lot looking for the closest spot, but park in the first spot you see and walk briskly toward the door. All these changes may seem minor but they all add up to big rewards.

Put on some music and have fun.

Dancing is one of the best forms of exercise if you’re not specifically exercising. When you’re working around the house, put on some music and boogie while you vacuum, dust or tidy up the room. Keep on moving as much as possible and you’ll start to see the results come faster, particularly if you’re also participating in a program of regular exercise.

Eating healthy isn’t dieting.

Not everyone knows the best foods to eat to help you get healthier and lose weight. In fact, most people don’t. Learning to eat healthy isn’t dieting. Dieting always ends and then you go back to your old eating habits. Eating healthy may mean you make substitutions, such as substituting Greek yogurt for sour cream or brown rice for white rice. It may mean you learn to cook healthier and rather than frying, learning to steam, bake or broil…while still getting the savory flavor you crave! Many of the changes save you a few calories, but added together they mean big savings and lost pounds.

Burn more calories by building muscle tissue. Muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue does, so the more you have, the more you’ll be boosting your metabolism 24/7.

Get some sleep! Sleep is often underrated. If you aren’t sleeping between seven and eight hours a night, you probably crave sugary products to keep you going. That can spell weight loss disaster.

Burn off that stress. Stress hormones make change to your body, but exercise burns them off. Cortisol, one of the hormones from stress is associated with abdominal fat.

Love who you are. You should never hate yourself or your body, but know it’s not really who you are. Hating yourself for eating too much is counterproductive. Leave the past in the past and look forward to the future.

Push Past Your Comfort Zone

Push Past Your Comfort Zone

Push Past Your Comfort Zone

I hear so many people who come in and tell me they just aren’t seeing results. The main reason I find is that they’ve been doing the same exercise routine for years and never upped the ante or made it harder. You have to push past your comfort zone in order to get the maximum results from your fitness program. If you’re spending the time working out, make sure it’s worthwhile. That’s one reason people benefit from using the services of a personal trainer.

Personal trainers always keep you working out toward your maximum potential.

Before you start with me, I assess your overall fitness and create a program designed especially for you. It will be tough at first, but as you get stronger and fitter, you’ll be able to accomplish all goals. That’s when I really help you by adjusting your workout to your new fitness level. You’ll always be working hard, but that way, you’ll always be making progress. If you’re presently working on your own, ask yourself, “When was the last time I made my workout more difficult?” You probably won’t be able to remember.

Find ways to get extra exercise.

Making anything more physically difficult isn’t our natural inclination. That’s why we often take the car when we only have to go a few blocks or take the elevator. Now is the time to stretch your anticipation. Next time you go to a neighbors or to a nearby store, walk there briskly or run. Take the stairs and not the elevator. If you have an opportunity to choose between a sedentary way of doing something and a more physical one, take the physical route. It’s often these small steps that add to your overall fitness.

Learn the right way to do each exercise.

When you’re pushing yourself to the limit, it can be easy to use the wrong form, but that can minimize the benefits and may even be dangerous. If you’re trying to build a specific group of muscles that are not strong enough YET, you may use smaller muscle groups to help you get through the exercise. Those muscles weren’t intended to work that hard, which can cause injury. When you’re pushing yourself, make sure you not only watch the instructor, but also have someone watch you when you do it, to insure you’re doing it correctly.

While you’re pushing past your comfort zone in exercise, do the same when it comes to eating. Try new dishes that are healthier alternative. The worst that can happen is you’ll say, “I’ll never eat that again.”

Build your workout program gradually, but continuously. Add a few extra minutes, reps or sets every week or so.

Get the help of a personal trainer. You don’t have to use the trainer’s services every day or every week, but just enough so he or she can help you raise the bar on your exercise program.

Aim high! Too many people underestimate themselves. Never give up. Aim high and keep going until you reach that goal.

Fitness Is Mind AND Body

Fitness Is Mind AND Body

Fitness is Mind and Body

Fitness is mind and body working together to help you have the healthiest life possible. Not only does working out help you think clearer and feel better, thinking positive also helps you be healthier and achieve more. The mind and the body are not separate entities, but work together to create the beautiful person that is you. Focusing on the positive isn’t the same as living in denial. Instead it’s giving attention to the steps of progress you make while standing firm in your resolve to achieve a goal. In this case, a fitness goal.

The body affects the mind in many ways.

When you’re under stress, your body creates hormones that prepare you to fight or for flight. That was an excellent attribute when stress was the potential of being eaten by a saber tooth tiger or trampled by a herd of charging bison. Today, stress comes in a wide variety of forms and running or fighting isn’t appropriate for most of them. If those hormones aren’t burned off, you’ll be angry, paranoid, depressed or a have a number of other negative reactions. They also make changes in the body that can lead to illness. Burning off those hormones with exercise not helps you feel better, but the body also creates hormones that give you a feeling of well being, such as endorphin and dopamine, when you exercise.

Working out builds your self esteem.

Studies show that even before any visible signs of improvement show, people have improved self esteem when they start a program of regular exercise. Exercise also helps your posture. You’ll walk taller and amazingly, feel better about yourself when you do. Not only that, your posture gives you presence so others notice it too. You’ll see just how much exercise can help your overall self esteem.

When you believe you can, nothing can stop you.

The power of belief is dramatic. No matter what your present fitness level, YOU CAN CHANGE IT FOR THE BETTER if you believe you can. Some people call it mental toughness, which is the ability to continue long after others might have quit. Others just call it determination, but in reality, it all boils down to believing not only in yourself, but in your fitness program.

If you keep a mental image of what you want to look like or how fit you want to be, it will come true. When you don’t want to exercise, focus on it. When that slice of cake looks overwhelmingly delightful, focus on it.

You’ll sleep better at night when you workout regularly. That alone can help you have more resolve and feel better about yourself and everyone around you.

You’ll feel happier when you workout and think clearer. Not only does exercise stimulate the circulation of blood, it helps build more connections in the brain to improve cognitive thinking.

Exercising regularly can help prevent serious conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s. It also can help you lift depression and prevent osteoporosis.