Fitness & Wellness

Benefits Of A Morning Routine

Benefits Of A Morning Routine

If you’re finding it difficult to fit exercise into your day or miss working out several days in a row because “life” happened and the kids needed you, the boss had an emergency or the toilet overflowed, you probably will benefit from switching to a morning routine where you get uninterrupted time for exercise, a healthy breakfast and even a little solitude. You can do it by making a few adjustments and planning ahead.

You could be burning more fat in the morning.

You’ve fasted the whole night as you slept and if you workout before you eat breakfast, you might be burning more fat, at least according to research done in Japan. Another study from Belgian showed that a diet high in calories didn’t affect those who exercised after fasting, but did cause those who ate before exercising to gain weight. Working out the first thing in the morning puts you in a fasting state and may help you shed pounds quicker without all the pain of fasting. For those with low blood sugar, eat something small ten minutes before you workout.

You’ll start your day in a better mood.

When you workout the first thing in the morning, you’ll burn off any stress, but also boost your circulation and increase the hormones that make you calm, cool and collected. Those happy hormones, known as endorphins, can help you start your day right, with a smile on your face. The quiet surroundings allow you to focus and clear your mind.

Make time for friends with exercise.

If you don’t have time for friends, use a morning exercise routine to make the time. Whether you workout in the gym or at each other’s homes, having a workout buddy will keep you on schedule. Make sure you get up early enough to have time to get ready for work and have a healthy breakfast together. Making your workout time also a social time not only makes it more pleasant, improves your chances of sticking with the program.

  • People with Type 1 diabetes can face a potential risk of hypoglycemia when exercising. When you workout in the morning, it lowers the risk. It may be the higher cortisol levels in the morning, which helps control blood sugar.
  • A 2014 study showed that adults that exercised early in the morning, 7 am, got a deeper sleep than they did on the days they didn’t exercise early. The sleep was even better if the person exercised outside.
  • People who exercised in the morning were more active throughout the day and burned more calories, according to a Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2012 study. It increased activity for 24 hours.
  • Working out early is especially important in the summer months. It’s the coolest in the morning and can help you get your workout in and beat the heat of the hot summer day.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

What's Your Motivation To Stay Healthy?

What’s Your Motivation To Stay Healthy?

People often wonder why I focus on helping you find your motivation to stay healthy and get fit. Getting fit isn’t like doing a term paper or doing last year’s taxes. You have to focus on it every day, not just one time or once a year. It involves more than just working out for a half hour a day or even an hour a day. It means you have to identify problems with your diet and learn to eat healthier, establish a program of regular exercise and learn to create new healthier habits, like drinking enough water or getting enough sleep.

You need to keep your motivation in front of you until healthy changes become a habit.

For the first few months, especially the first few weeks, you’ll be making changes that you didn’t know you needed to make. Maybe you just realized how many snacks you eat mindlessly, grabbing a handful of candy as you pass a coworkers desk or those fries you snitched from your partner’s plate. Finding time to workout is hard, especially in today’s busy world, so scheduling your workout at the same time every day can add to your motivation to do it.

There are times you simply don’t feel like working out.

A lot of things can affect your desire to get healthier and fit. A rainy day can be a low energy day and you just want to curl up on the couch and binge watch TV. Maybe you’ve had a bad day or a frustrating one and a big bowl of ice cream or a bag of chips could help you make it through the drama. That’s the very time you need that motivation, whether it’s living healthier, looking better or just feeling good again. Write down your motivation on sticky notes. Put it as a screen saver on your phone. Do what it takes so when you need it, it’s there for you to see.

Is your desire to look better what drives you? Use it.

I don’t care who you are, it’s tough to look at photos that reveal any flaws or extra weight, but it’s exactly what you should do for motivation, if that’s what drives you. Take a full body selfie in just a sports bra or other revealing style top and form fitting workout pants or shorts in the mirror. Note the spot you stood and every month, at the same time of day, take another selfie wearing the same clothing. Just knowing you’re going to have to show progress will keep you going, but so will keeping that picture and looking at it frequently. It’s super motivating, even before you see results and especially afterward.

  • If your health is a motivator, focus on the progress you make physically, not just in inches or pounds lost. If you couldn’t do two flights of steps a month ago and now it’s a breeze, write down that progress and congratulate yourself.
  • Find ways to make your life more active. Carry a healthy lunch and walk to the park to eat it. If you’re at home, do a plank while you’re watching TV.
  • Getting fit can mean getting more done. If you exercise every other day, on your off days, do something active. It can be something you’ve meant to do, like moving that couch and rearranging the living room. Do it with vigor and make it your workout.
  • Is your motivation to have more energy and good health to be a good mom or dad? Don’t wait to get fitter. Use that motivation to play with the kids and get active. Shoot some hoops, go for a bike ride with them or mimic animals walking.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Exercises That Relieve Stress

Exercises That Relieve Stress

Do you feel that sickening, sinking feeling in your stomach all the time? Does your job or even your drive to work make you want to scream? That’s the ultimate definition of stress. Stress can be bad or good. Stress sends out hormones that prepare the body to run or fight and if you’re in imminent danger, that’s good. However, unlike early man, today stress can include many things and running or fighting doesn’t resolve any of them. Your body is left in the fight or flight state, which can cause damage to your body. You can burn off the hormones and get back to normal with these exercises that relieve stress.

Here’s the good news.

Scientists have discovered that by working out, you can burn off the hormones that create the stress and replace them with ones that make you feel good. Weight lifting and strength training workouts are a good way to start. Studies show that weight training can reduce the stress you feel and burn off those health damaging hormones, like cortisol, which is linked to abdominal fat. Studies show that exercise, like weight lifting, can relieve stress, lift depression and clear the mind. You can use resistance bands, too. These are inexpensive and easy to store.

Doing cardio will get your heart pumping and mimic the act of running.

It’s the fight or flight response that comes from a stressful situation, so what could be more appropriate than a run or other cardio workout? You can simply run at a steady state pace or make it even more beneficial for fitness and weight loss by adjusting the speed and intensity of the run frequently. It’s called HIIT—high intensity interval training. You run at top speed and intensity for a short period, such as a minute and then revert to a recovery pace for equal or slightly longer.

You don’t have to shed one drop of sweat to get some relief.

If you’re not somewhere you can run, jump or lift weights, you still can get stress relief. Have you ever noticed how people pace when they’re nervous? They’re helping to relieve stress. Just walking works. You can even modify your walk to make it a hit workout. Yoga and tai chi are also good at relieving stress, since both are considered meditation in motion. The gentle stretching and mindfulness and mental quiet make it a good, “no sweat” option.

  • When you workout regularly, not only will you burn off stress hormones and clear your head, you’ll also get in shape and improve your posture. Both can make you feel more confident and better equipped to handle stress.
  • Do something fun to get rid of stress. Have you ever considered kickboxing, martial arts or regular boxing as a supplemental workout? You’ll definitely mimic the fighting action.
  • Even though most people think that stress is more prevalent for those that work, retired seniors actually have lots of stress, too. For some people, particularly seniors, stress often turns to depression. Working out is even more important the older and more isolated you are.
  • Get outside and do your workout. If the weather allows, go barefoot. There’s a theory that grounding, letting the soles of your feet in direct contact with the ground, can add health benefits and reduce stress.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

How Your Hormones Affect Weight Loss And Fat Storage

How Your Hormones Affect Weight Loss And Fat Storage

What are hormones? Immediately, you probably think of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, but there are far more types. Hormones are the body’s messengers. They bring the messages that start the chemical processes. That puts them in charge of everything from growth rate and mood to how your immune system functions. Your hormones affect weight loss and fat storage, too. Not only does that include sexual differences on the storage of fat, but also the storage of fat in the abdomen, belly fat.

Every cell in the body is affected by hormones.

Hormones do more than just bring messages to the cells. They can affect your overall health. Whether it’s weight gain or feeling sick, it could be caused by hormones. The production of insulin, which is a hormone that controls the amount of sugar in the blood, is also controlled by hormones and its secretion. Sex hormones, determine where fat is distributed. In the case of sex hormones, stimulates fat

placement on the hips and bottom, while inhibiting belly fat.

It’s not one specific hormone, but the balance of hormones.

There is a give and take of hormones. If you have higher levels of insulin, you’ll have lower levels of glucagon. These two hormones do opposite jobs. When the amount of insulin rises, glucagon go down. Higher insulin levels not only regulate sugar, they increase fat storage in the abdominal area. If you have a higher level of glucagon, your body tends to burn the fat.

Even if your weight is from hormonal imbalances, you still have some control.

You do have some control over the secretion of each. The more sugar and white refined flour you eat, the higher the insulin levels. The more protein you eat, the higher the glucagon levels. However, those aren’t the only hormones that affect belly fat. Cortisol, a hormone create when you’re under stress, also contributes to belly fat by increasing insulin. Instead of grabbing a Danish, opt for unsweetened yogurt and fruit. Simply eat more protein and avoid the pastries and white bread. Burn off that cortisol with exercise to lower your insulin levels and include more healthy fat in your diet with nuts, avocados and fatty fish. Healthy fat supports hormonal health.

  • Another way to help control your hormones is to get adequate sleep. Lack of sleep causes the body to overproduce ghrelin—the hunger hormone and under produce leptin—the one that makes you feel full.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. It helps lubricate the digestive system, joints and skin. It boosts your metabolism. Dehydration can occur because of hormonal imbalance, and dehydration can affect weight gain by boosting cortisol levels.
  • Increase your metabolism by drinking green tea. It contains L-theanine, an amino acid that makes you feel calmer and reduces the level of cortisol in your body.
  • Increase your oxytocin, the happy hormone and reduce your cortisol levels by taking time to appreciate everything around you. Give your family a hug. It’s good for the waistline.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Should You Count Calories Or Macronutrients?

Should You Count Calories Or Macronutrients?

At RC Fitness in Houston, TX, we focus on helping you achieve the best version of yourself. Part of that process is losing weight for some clients. That brings the question of the best way to lose weight. Should you count calories or macronutrients? There is no simple answer, since it’s a personal preference that should be based on your goals, lifestyle and needs. Do you feel the need to be completely accurate or is a more relaxed option better? What’s your relationship with food? Do you want something that’s easy to use the rest of your life or more concise for right now?

It’s more about awareness than an actual number.

People often think that they don’t eat that much and must have a slow metabolism. Sometimes, just identifying exactly how much they really do eat is all that is necessary. That can occur with both techniques. Sometimes, learning which foods are really high calorie and being made more aware of lower calorie options is all it takes. Recording your food intake not only makes you realize how often and how much you eat, it makes you more aware of portion control.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re counting carbs or calories, the results are the same.

With both methods of tracking your food consumption, you’re more aware of your eating habits. In a way, it makes you more mindful when you eat and that’s a good thing. You’re forced to track every morsel and judge the portion size you consume. You’re also more aware of what you drink and how that counts up, whether it’s in calories or carbs. In the case of many people, that alone can get people to switch from soft drinks to water or infused water.

Both tracking techniques will teach you how to eat healthier.

While macronutrient counting tends to be my favorite when it comes to learning how to eat healthier, both calorie and macronutrient tracking teach you a great many lessons. The both identify serving size and help you with portion control. Both help you make adjustments to lower your caloric intake or balance your micronutrient intake. You’ll learn what every bite represents and have the information to decide whether it’s actually worth the extra calories or carbs when you eat it.

  • It won’t take long, whether you’re using macronutrient tracking or calorie counting, to identify ultra-high calorie foods. It helps you decide whether that extra piece of cake is really worth it.
  • Both types of tracking programs are used to help you retrain your brain and your taste buds. Sugar is often omitted from both types and it is responsible for changing the way your body tastes sweet things.
  • With both types of tracking, you’ll develop an internal guide by sticking with a program until it’s internalized. Later, if you find yourself gaining weight, you can look at your eating habits and make adjustments.
  • Finding the best program for your needs is what’s important. It’s all about finding a program you’ll stick with and follow through to get results.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Working Out With Small Weights

Working Out With Small Weights

I have clients all over the world, many are from Houston, TX, and other towns near me. Most of my clients want that toned, lean look that’s so sexy. Most people are historically predisposed to hunting for a mate that looks healthy. It’s part of the evolutionary past that might have occurred because a healthier-looking person was more likely to provide healthy off springs. While trends for what is considered attractive change, one thing is certain, working out with small weights can help you get the healthy, curvy look that’s so popular now. Not only does it make you more attractive, it also makes you stay healthier.

Using lighter weights is great for HIIT—high intensity interval training—workouts that burn calories.

Some people believe that heavier weights will help you build muscle faster, but there are benefits to using lighter weights. You can modify your moves to work your muscles on all planes and do more repetitions. In fact, lightweight workouts are great for HIIT workouts, where you work at top intensity for a short time to get your heart rate at peak performance and then lower the intensity for an equal or longer period for recovery, volleying between the two throughout the workout. It burns tons of calories and continues even after the workout ends. Cutting back on the rest time between sets and reps can also build muscle faster as it burns fat.

You can do combination moves with lighter weights.

If you’ve ever tried to do a squat while you had weights in your hands, you know that lighter weights are important. It’s pretty tough to do shoulder press as you squat down if the weights are too heavy. Trying to do that, with weights are too heavy, can cause your form to suffer and having the proper form is the most important part of any exercise, followed by actually doing it. Using lighter weights lets you work your upper body as you do lower body exercises, getting a full body workout at one time.

People who want a toned look benefit from lighter weights.

Studies show that people who use lighter weights can build just as much muscle as those who use heavier weights. You can get just as much benefit, but have to sue them differently. They’re just another versatile tool that can help you get fit. Lighter weights are probably more versatile for the average person, since you can add them to more exercises.

  • What constitutes a lighter weight? It all depends on you. If a five pound weight is easy for you to lift, it’s a light weight. If a twenty pound one is well within your range to lift easily, it’s a lighter weight.
  • You’ll be able to learn a movement easier and have good form if you’re not struggling to lift a weight. That’s why lighter weights are good for the beginner. Once your form is perfected, you can add more weight.
  • Part of learning form is learning proper breathing. That’s more easily done when you use lighter weights. Taking deep breaths, through the belly and not the chest, helps you exercise longer when you use lighter weights.
  • You need to lift until you are fatigued and feel like you could do just one more move, but nothing beyond that. Don’t workout until you are completely fatigued. Don’t wait until your form suffers.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness!

How To Diet Without Losing Muscle

How To Diet Without Losing Muscle

If you want to look your best, you need both a healthy diet and regular exercise. As you’re working out, you’re building muscle tissue, but you’re also burning calories. That means you’re actually burning fat tissue. You want more muscle tissue and less fat tissue, since muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does, so it makes it easier to lose weight. If you’re building muscle tissue and burning fat, you may even find your weight loss is slower. That’s because muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. So how do you diet without losing muscle? One thing is certain, it takes exercise.

The real goal is to lose fat, not necessarily lose weight.

Not only can pounds come from increasing muscle tissue, they also can add up if you have water weight gain. It’s one of the reasons people gain weight before their menstrual cycle or lose it rapidly with a cleanse. You won’t lose real pounds with a fad diet, it’s just temporary. Switching to a healthy diet that can be sustained for life is the only answer.

You need the right type of exercise.

Since exercise burns calories, adding it to your fat burning goal is important. However, it’s important to have the right type of exercise. If you’re doing constant cardio, you’ll definitely be burning calories, but those calories come from burning all types of tissue, both fat and muscle tissue. Add one or two days a week of strength building to your workout schedule. Make sure you have at least a day between them. You’ll burn calories from fat, not burn muscle tissue.

Eating the right types of food is important.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that eating a diet of candy bars and fried foods is not only going to put on weight, but definitely isn’t good for you. Finding the right types of food to help you shed those pounds of fat, without burning off the muscle tissue is important. Eating sources of lean protein, eliminating processed food or food laden with sugar and cutting out food high in bad fat is important.

  • Intermittent fasting can help. One method of intermittent fasting is to limit eating to eight hours a day, fasting the other sixteen. It can boost your human growth hormone, help insulin sensitivity, modify the production of the hunger hormone and also help reduce inflammation.
  • Quality protein in your diet is extremely important. Not only does protein help you feel full longer, it also is necessary to build and maintain muscle tissue.
  • Exercising to lose weight and build muscles is another key factor. You need to do strength and muscle building workouts, rather than cardio that burns both fat and muscle tissue as energy.
  • Don’t over-train. You need at least a day between strength building workouts. These types of workouts cause micro tears the muscles and require time to heal. Over-training can actually cause loss of strength.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness!

Why Exercise Relieves Stress

Whether you live in Houston, TX, or any other part of the country, stress is real. Sometimes, just turning on the TV and listening to the news can cause stress. Instead of watching TV, you’re better off exercising. You’ll feel great in a short time. Sometimes, just running up and down stairs can make you feel great. That’s because exercise relieves stress. While it can be addictive, it’s a great addiction and the only side effect is a fabulous buff body and loads of energy.

When you workout, your body reverses the changes of stress.

When you’re under stress, your brain creates hormones to prepare your body for running or fighting. It’s called the fight or flight response. Stress during the times of early man came from being attacked or seeing enemies or predators. When confronted, the brain created hormones to help man do one or both of those. The hormones caused the body to send more blood to extremities for running and fighting, dilate the eyes to see better, and increase the heart rate and blood pressure. All these changes diverted blood from other areas that weren’t necessary for either running or fighting, like the stomach. It explains why you often feel sick to your stomach and may even tremble.

What stressed cavemen is different than your stressors.

Times change and so do things that cause stress. While early man may have been stressed by a saber tooth tiger, angry customers, traffic jams and running late are the stressors of today. Even crowds can be stressful. In most cases, running or fighting isn’t appropriate. Sometimes, things perceived as dangerous aren’t even real, like waking up from a nightmare or watching a scary movie. Your brain doesn’t differentiate between the real or perceived danger. It simply sends out stress hormones that make the changes.

Just get moving, since exercise not only burns off hormones, it has other benefits that help you.

All types of exercise, whether its running, doing calisthenics, pressing weights or simply pacing the floor help burn off stress hormones. Even better, the brain creates happy hormones that make you feel good to replace the stress hormones. The activity simulates the movements you’d make during fight or flight, tricking your body and brain into relaxation. Exercise also increases circulation, as it sends nutrients and oxygen laden blood throughout the body. It allows you to relax by relieving muscle tension. It helps to bring you to a relaxed state, with muscle tightness gone and a wider range of motion.

  • Healthy eating can also help prevent stress. Try going sugar free for a while. It can level out your blood sugar so you don’t have a sugar high that makes you on edge or the ultimate sugar crash where you get cranky.
  • If you have a serious problem that just has to play out and you have no control, exercise can help you take your mind off it. While you can’t control everything in your life, it helps you control your thoughts, at least for a while.
  • Psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists now include exercise as a complementary treatment in conjunction with medication for anxiety, depression and stress. Studies show it is sometimes all that is needed to treat these symptoms and as good for some patients as medication.
  • If you’re emotionally out of sorts, it may be the result of an imbalance of beneficial gut bacteria. Studies show the digestive microbes play a role in your emotions and exercise can boost the growth of beneficial bacteria.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Best Exercises For Tone Arms

Best Exercises For Tone Arms

Working out can help tone your body and give you the fit look you want. While spot exercising won’t remove fat from certain locations, it burns calories that burns fat from the entire body and tone the muscles in the areas you work. You can’t do spot exercises for weight loss in a certain area of the body, but you can tone the muscles and take away the flabby appearance. In fact, you can actually do exercises to tone arms or any other part of the body. Toning the arms helps you look great in sleeveless tops and beachwear.

If you suffer from the bat wing look, start working those upper arms.

No matter what sex you are, toned arms are sexy. It takes strength-building exercises to get that toned appearance. If you want to lose fat, eat healthy and focus on compound exercises and full body workouts, but for bat wings turn to tricep extensions. You can use a water bottle, soup can or dumbbell to do them. Just hold it with both hands, arms stretched straight above your head. Bend your arms at the elbow, lowering the weight behind your back and then back up to the original position with arms overhead.

Bodyweight exercises don’t require any equipment.

Push-ups may seem old school, but there’s nothing that tones arms faster. You can do a standard push-up or ones on bent knee that are easier. Start with prone position with toes touching, body straight and hands directly under the shoulders. Raise and lower your body, keeping it straight. If you want to do the easier version, do it the same way, but with your legs bent and knees touching the mat. Adjusting the width of your hands makes a difference in the muscles it works. For bat wings, putting hands closer together than shoulder-width works.

If you want an exercise to do at the office, try a chair dip.

You can do a chair dip almost anywhere that you have a stable chair that doesn’t roll. Sit on the edge of the chair with legs extended and feet flat on the floor. Put your hands on both sides of the chair, lifting your body up and forward and then lower it toward the floor until your elbows are at right angle. Then raise your body back up to seated position and repeat.

  • It doesn’t matter whether you have to lose weight or not, eating healthy plays a big role in getting the look you want. You need collagen, which is a protein that helps increase muscle mass and improve skin elasticity.
  • You don’t have to move frantically to get a great workout when you do a plank. A plank works the whole body, yet it’s super simple. You lay on the floor with hands in line with the shoulders and toes touching, then lift yourself up and hold.
  • If you want an exercise that uses inexpensive equipment, try ones with resistance bands. The basic arm exercise is to hold your arms in front of you with one end of the band in each hand and then pull.
  • You’ll find a wealth of back and arm exercises in my online exercise collection. Take our co-fit 21 day challenge and you’ll see a huge difference, not only in your arms, but your entire body.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Benefits Of Strength Training In Older Women

Benefits Of Strength Training In Older Women

My clients in Houston, TX, are really all over the world, know I love strength training for women and men. While many people don’t do strength training after a certain age, particularly women, the benefits of strength training in older women is extremely important. Older women tend to avoid it because they often believed it was not only unladylike, but dangerous and built bulky muscles. Those things are not true and luckily, people are finding out that strength-training can make a big difference in health and physical appearance.

You won’t build bulky muscles, but will build more muscle mass.

Women often see female bodybuilders and think that doing an hour of strength-training each week will make them look like that. It’s simply not true. You will build muscle mass, but it will mean toned, svelte muscles. It’s extremely difficult for women to get the muscular look of bodybuilders and takes hours and hours every week, plus a dedication to diet and other lifestyle changes. Older people, male and female need to work on building muscle mass, since it wastes away as you age. It’s estimated that a sedentary person loses about forty percent of their muscle mass between the age of 30 to 80. That can destroy the option of independent living as you age.

You need more muscle mass to avoid bone loss.

When you’re building muscle tissue by lifting weights, you’re also helping your bones. Working your muscles hard tugs on the bones. It causes the body to begin the bone building process and send more calcium to the bones Just doing strength training two to three times a week helps maintain calcium levels in the bones and avoid osteoporosis.

The stronger you are, the more you’re protected from severe conditions.

Building strength does more than help you live on your own longer. It helps you the prospect of diabetes and even help normalize blood sugar if you already have it. Strength-training can help people with osteoporosis, arthritis, back pain and depression. It can relieve symptoms and in some cases reverse them. If you have a precursor to diabetes, insulin resistance, it can reverse it by increasing the protein responsible for regulation of blood sugar levels.

  • Falls account for many people losing their independence as they age. Strength-training helps improve your balance and prevent life altering accidents.
  • Do you want to sleep better? It’s important for heart health and weight control. Try strength-training. It helps you sleep and achieve the deep sleep that is important for health.
  • Are you turning into a grouchy old person? Depression and anger is one of the problems faced by older people. Exercising can increase the hormones that make you feel good and lift you out of depression.
  • Boost your metabolism with strength training. A number of health issues occur or get worse when your metabolism slows and causes weight gain. You’ll also look years younger with pep in your step and a body younger women will envy.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness