What Happens To The Body On A Diet?

When you go on a diet or change your diet to include healthier foods, depending on what type of diet you choose, the body makes changes. To find what happens to the body on a diet, we’ll just include a diet that changes from junk food to healthy food, because that’s where you see the most beneficial changes. At your first healthier meal on the first day, your body responds.

Your blood sugar levels are immediately affected.

It may be tough to reduce added sugar in your diet, but well worth it. When you switch to foods that have a lower glycemic index, your blood sugar levels are affected immediately. The glycemic index measures carbohydrates effect on blood sugar, ranking them between 1 and 100. The higher the number, the more increase in blood sugar levels, which are followed by deep dips. Those fluctuations cause an increased risk for obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Cutting out sugary treats like pastries, candy and soft drinks immediately lower your risks.

Severe calorie restrictions can affect your body negatively.

There’s a reason that I recommend a healthy diet, not a starvation diet. If your diet has severe calorie restriction, your body reacts negatively. It’s programmed to stay alive and eating too little is an indication that food is scarce, so to avoid starvation, the body does what it needs to do to stay alive. It uses the available energy—calories—more efficiently, effectively lowering your metabolism and making weight loss more difficult. It tends to burn lean muscle tissue, which requires more calories for maintenance and stores fat for later. Again, that’s not what you want if weight loss is your goal.

It’s not about diet, but the type of diet you choose.

We know that a dramatic calorie-restricted diet isn’t healthy and just eating healthier food is better, but what about a keto diet or many of the other variations, like intermittent fasting? The keto diet simply restricts carbs, which affect the glycemic index and intermittent fasting is nothing more than eating your food in an eight-hour window of time. What you eat is what’s important, although some studies show that intermittent fasting can be beneficial. The reason may be due to the fact that this type of diet often causes people to eat less with little or no snacking.

  • Doing strength building exercises while losing weight can also be beneficial, no matter how healthy your diet is. It not only burns calories, but builds muscle tissue that require more calories, to keep your metabolism high.
  • There’s an estimate that for every pound of muscle tissue a person has, they’ll burn about 50 extra calories each day.
  • While it’s recommended that you never reduce your caloric intake lower than 1,000 calories a day, you don’t have to count calories when you eat healthy. Our meal plans let you leave the table feeling full.
  • If you want to be your healthiest, start by cutting out food with added sugar and sugary treats like pastry and candy. Eliminating processed foods and sugary carbonated drinks can help you lose weight immediately. After the initial cravings wane, you’ll feel better, too.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

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