
Do You Need A Preworkout?

Do You Need A Preworkout?

One client in Houston, TX, asked me whether she needed a preworkout. When I said that it all depended on her situation, she looked puzzled. She thought a preworkout was a warm-up, which is important for every person that exercises. I reassured her that a preworkout was a drink or other type of supplement taking before starting a workout and that there were reasons to take them and also reasons they’re unnecessary.

Whether it’s a powder you mix with water, pill or liquid, most preworkouts have certain ingredients in common.

These dietary supplements are created to increase athletic performance and boost your energy. Most of them contain creatine, caffeine, all types of B vitamins and amino acids. Some have artificial flavor and sweeteners. There are no standards set for these products and some can actually have a dangerous and unhealthy effect on your body. Some may contain artificial sweeteners, including sugar alcohols, which can cause abdominal distress, such as diarrhea, gas and bloating. That’s not a recipe for a good workout. Excess caffeine in these products can elevate blood pressure and cause anxiety.

Do you have a nutritional deficiency?

If you’re trying to overcome a known nutritional deficiency, a preworkout supplement may be for you until the effects of an improved diet take over. However, for those that just want to boost flagging energy levels, adequate dehydration and sleep should be your top priority. Our society is constantly looking toward pills as a quick fix for bad habits. Don’t fall into that trap. Make sure you drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water daily and get seven to nine hours of sleep a night and you won’t feel the need for a supplement.

Should you take a preworkout supplement?

In my estimation you don’t need to do that if you’re eating healthy, getting adequate sleep and are well hydrated. However, if you feel you need a boost for your workout, consider drinking a cup of coffee before you start. Studies show it can make the workout more efficient and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg like the energy preworkout supplements do.

While most preworkout supplements contain the caffeine equivalency of a cup or two of coffee, it’s easy to consume too much or use a product that has far more.

Be careful to identify the country of origin of the supplement. Some from countries that don’t regulate products closely, have banned substances or dangerous amounts of others.

Most research hasn’t found that preworkout concoctions aren’t as effective as eating a whole food diet that’s loaded with nutrients. Try a cup of coffee and banana before your next workout and you’ll find it works as good as preworkout supplements.

If you decide to use a preworkout supplement, always find as much about the company and supplement as possible. Read both reviews and the ingredients before you take it. It could save your health and money.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?

If you’re looking for an easy way to help shed those extra pounds, consider drinking more water. You might say it sounds too easy to be true, but it’s not. If you aren’t already drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, increasing your water intake will probably help you lose weight. Of course, it’s just one of the aids and you still need to change your eating habits and workout regularly. How can something as simple as a glass of water boost your weight loss?

Sometimes, your body sends the wrong message or you interpret it wrong.

How many times have you been totally starved for something and couldn’t figure out what it was, only to identify it as juicy or other descriptor similar? You probably were thirsty, not hungry. If watermelon or a bowl of ice cream or shake were on that list, the chances that thirst not hunger drove you are huge. Too often, people either ignore their thirst or misinterpret the message. They head for the cupboard or refrigerator, when a glass of water would quench their hunger by quenching their thirst.

Drinking a large glass of water before a meal will help fill you up so you’ll eat less.

Water acts like an appetite suppressant. When you drink it before a meal, it helps fill you up so you’ll eat far less than you otherwise would. Studies show that it causes the average person to eat just 75 calories less at each meal, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you consider most people eat at least two meals a day, that can save you 150 calories a day and 1050 a week. In less than three and a half weeks, you’d save over 3500 calories, which means you’d lose a pound.

Switch from sugary soft drinks to water.

It doesn’t matter what type of water you drink. If you prefer to opt for something flavored, like infused water, it’s still contains almost no calories and provides some nutrients. Compare that to soft drinks that add another 100 calories or more to your daily count. Don’t even consider low or no calorie, sugar free drinks. Studies show that drinking those may not add calories, but they add inches to your middle.

  • Give your metabolism a boost with some ice cold water. Studies show that ice cold water increases the calories you burn. The coldness requires extra calories to warm your body back to normal, so it boosts your metabolism.
  • Dehydration can cause your energy level to drop, so you’ll burn fewer calories. Sip water throughout the day and you’ll find weight loss is easier.
  • Are you suffering from bloating and water weight? Ironic as it may seem, drinking more water can help. Water acts as a diuretic to eliminate water weight.
  • If you aren’t sure whether you’re getting enough water, the color of your urine should tell you. A very light yellow color is what you should see. The darker the urine, the more dehydrated you are.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Stress Hormones And Illness

Stress Hormones And Illness

I have a lot of clients in Houston, TX, that tell me they actually are staying healthier, looking great and avoiding illness now that they are working out. One even told me that he was ready for the flu when there was chaos at work, but it didn’t happen this year. That’s because working out burns off stress hormones. There’s a link between stress hormones and illness, so burning them off can keep you healthier.

What are stress hormones?

Your hormones are messengers. You may immediately think of sexual hormones like estrogen or testosterone, but there are so many other types of hormones that don’t affect your sexuality and are responsible for keeping you healthy. Hormones are chemical messengers that affect all parts of the body and triggers proper functioning. Stress hormones prepare your body for fighting or running. In early man, that was beneficial. It helped prepare the body to escape a predator or fight when attacked. Today, stress comes from far different types of things. It can occur when your boss yells at you, the baby cries or during a traffic jam. None of those situations would benefit from the fight or flight response. Adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine are the three primary stress hormones.

Adrenaline raises your blood pressure, boosts your heart rate and increases your energy supply.

Cortisol, another stress hormone and the primary one, triggers more sugar to be put in your bloodstream, sending more to the brain, while also boosting the amount of the substance that stimulates the repair of tissue. It ensures the essential functions necessary for flight-or-fight receive the majority of energy by curbing nonessential functions or those that would interfere with running or fighting. Norepinephrine causes blood flow to increase to the muscles that help you run or fight or reduces it to the digestive system, while also inhibiting digestive and even voiding.

Stress hormones do more than just that, they affect your metabolism, too.

When stressors are always present and you constantly feel under attack, that fight-or-flight reaction stays in “on” position. It slows the metabolism and affects where the body stores fat. When you have high levels of cortisol, fat is stored around the abdomen. This visceral fat crowds organs and can create even more digestive problems than the original hormones, while also crowding and interfering with vital organs, like the lungs or heart. It causes anxiety, depression, headaches, heart disease, sleep problems, digestive problems, weight gain and affects concentration and memory.

  • Why do clients find they stay healthier when they exercise. Stress hormones suppress the immune system. When they workout, they mimic fight-or-flight and burn off stress hormones.
  • When you burn off the hormones of stress, you also improve your sleep. During sleep the body makes repairs, while chemicals boost the immune system.
  • Stress hormones can lead to craving unhealthy food, such as those high in sugar. Exercise helps burn off stress hormones and makes eating healthier easier.
  • At Reggie C Fitness, I’ll provide help with a program of exercise and healthy eating to help you deal with stress hormones, burning them off and getting back into shape and healthier.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Love Being Fit

Love Being Fit

I always loved helping clients in Houston, TX, which is why I developed an online presence, so I could help even more people. I enjoy all the great comments and stories they share about how they love being fit. It makes everything I do worthwhile. Whether it’s the young mother that not only got back her figure, but also boosted her energy level and mood, or the young girl that lost weight revealed the real person she was meant to be, who now had the confidence she needed to accomplish her goal, it warms my heart to see their success.

You’ll love how you feel, especially if you’re a young mother.

Not only do young mothers face the changes that pregnancy and childbirth made on their bodies, they also face exhaustion and even hormonal changes during postpartum. Working out helps with the changes the body makes during and after pregnancy. In fact, exercising during pregnancy can actually make delivery easier. Postpartum exercise can help both mentally and physically.

You’ll have more energy and a new zest for life when you’re fit.

No matter what your age or your walk of life, having more energy is a boost to anyone. Even teens can use an extra dose of energy, especially during crunch time of finals. Young parents often go without sleep, working moms and dad try to burn the candle at both ends and seniors find they are slowly rusting in the easy chair after work. When you’re fit, you’ll love the difference in your energy level.

You’ll love how you look.

Looking good isn’t a superficial goal. It affects how you feel about yourself and every aspect of your life. If you’re a young girl or boy, there’s nothing crueler than classmates taunting you for your appearance, whether you’re too skinny, too heavy or simply not muscular or curvy enough. The older you get, the more important your physical appearance becomes on making the best impression on that employer or even meeting the person of your dreams. Working out and eating healthy can change all that, no matter what your age.

  • Depression can strike anyone at any time in their life. One of he benefits of eating healthy and exercise that make you love getting fit is that it helps fight depression and anxiety, making life look great again.
  • You’ll walk taller and look more confident when you’re fit. It’s the exercise that improves your posture and healthy eating that improves everything from your weight to your skin, hair and cognition.
  • Not only will you love how you look and feel when you eat healthy and exercise, you’ll actually find that you love eating healthy and how good whole food tastes and also find that working out is something you enjoy.
  • At RC Fitness, I love seeing everyone become the best they can be. That’s why I offer a free workout book. Sign up for yours today. There’s no obligation.

For more information, contact us today at RC Fitness

Eighty/Twenty Rule

Eighty/Twenty Rule

No matter what you’re talking about, if you’re looking for results of some type, the eighty/twenty rule is significant. Believe it or not, the rule actually is one of the most significant rules when it comes to fitness. What is it? It’s the rule that 80 percent of your results will come from a specific action, diet in the case of fitness, and 20 percent will come from everything else, exercise in this case.

You can’t out exercise a bad diet.

If you workout for an hour, you’ll burn from 200 to 1000 calories, more or less, based on your weight, amount of effort and the actual exercise. For instance, walking would burn fewer calories than running at top speed. A 200 pound person would burn more calories than a 130 pound person would exerting the same effort at the same activity for the same length of time. Now that you know how many calories you’ll burn, lets check out how many calories the typical fast food meal has.

A burger and fries with a soft drink is one option.

If you ate a double quarter pounder with cheese with an order of fries and a coke after your workout, no matter what the workout, you won’t lose an ounce. The double quarter pounder with cheese is 780 calories, large fries are 510 calories and a soft drink adds another 150 to 200 calories. That’s a whopping 1440 calories, more than you burned in an hour of exercise. A Big Mac meal with a medium fry and medium soft drink is 1100 calories, again far more than you could work off in an hour. Consider the consumption daily of a typical Frappuccino from Starbucks that adds up to an extra 500 to 600 calories, you’ll never lose weight UNLESS, you change your diet. 80 percent of your weight loss is diet.

So why bother exercising if diet is so important?

Diet is important, but exercise is also a priority. Exercise does more than just burn calories. It helps build muscle tissue and tone your body in the process, giving you a curvier look. Even if you never lost weight, but built muscle, you’d wear a smaller clothing size. That’s because one cubic inch of muscle tissue weighs more than a cubic inch of fat tissue. In other words, it’s like comparing lead to feathers. Since the lead weighs more, the container to hold a pound would be smaller than the container to hold a pound of feathers.

  • Exercise also can help relieve stress. As mentioned before, exercise also has other functions. It helps burn off the hormones of stress, like cortisol, that can cause belly fat.
  • Not only does combining that 20 percent beneficial exercise with the 80 percent beneficial healthy diet make weight loss faster, it also builds muscle tissue. Muscle tissue burns more calories to maintain than fat tissue does, that boosts your metabolism 24/7.
  • Once you start eating healthier, you’ll find you love how delicious the food tastes. It can also be faster and cost less than junk food, especially if you use our menus and plan meals ahead.
  • At RC Fitness, our online training is affordable and provides help with both healthy eating and exercise. You’ll love how quickly you’ll lose weight and become the person you were meant to become.

For more information, contact us today at RC Fitness

Introduce Exercise To Your Weekly Schedule

Introduce Exercise To Your Weekly Schedule

If you want to ensure you’ll have time to workout, add exercise to your weekly schedule. If you leave it to those free moments or when you have a break in the day, the chances of you doing it become slimmer. Just like any appointment, it should take priority for that time slot. Also, like any appointment, if there’s an unexpected commitment that needs that time slot, reschedule it for that day.

You can make it even more compelling by scheduling your workout with a friend.

There’s a lot to be said for having a workout buddy, whether you workout in the gym or in the comfort of your home. Having a workout buddy can motivate you, because you have another person depending on you to join them. It’s one reason personal trainers are so successful. Just knowing you’re meeting with a personal trainer boosts the potential for you to go to the gym and holds you accountable. Find a friend who will also add a workout to their schedule.

If you don’t put it into your schedule, you’ll end up skipping it some days.

While skipping a workout once every few months won’t destroy your program, once you start missing workouts, it’s easier to do the next time and then the next time, often for less than important reasons. Putting it in your schedule helps you choose the best time of day for your energy level. Some people are day people who do their best first thing in the morning, while others love the stress relief after they get off work. You get to choose the time when you schedule it.

Putting your workout in your schedule and noting the type of workout you do makes it more efficient.

If you’re like most people, your life is flooded with attention grabbers that can take away your focus. Having your workout in your schedule and identifying the type of workout can save loads of time. It’s ready for you to go without the hassle of trying to figure out what to do next. If you use our RC Fitness online training, you’ll have your own dashboard that tracks you. All you have to do is set your phone to alert you to your appointment with the gym and it’s ready with your workout for the day.

  • It takes more than just a workout program to have the body you want. You have to eat healthy, too. You can do that and have all the information at your fingertips with RC Fitness programs.
  • Depending on your program, you might want to schedule time with the online transformation team. It’s just as important as working out and can provide one-to-one accountability.
  • Your program will be as important as you make it. If you schedule it into your weekly activities, you’re reconfirming its importance.
  • The online training at RC Fitness makes it easy to add to your schedule at a time that works best for you. The gym is never closed when you workout online with Reggie.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

How To Find The Right Gym Or Trainer

How To Find The Right Gym Or Trainer

If you live in Houston, TX, it’s easy to find the right gym or trainer, just come to RC Fitness & Signature Physiques Studio. However, not everyone can get there, so providing some additional help is necessary. Our online fitness program can help turn any place you are the perfect gym and provide a trainer that will help you shed extra pounds and build the perfect body, but if you want a more hands on face-to-face experience, there are some things to look for before you make your decision.

Find a trainer that creates a program designed especially for your needs.

No two people are alike, so their programs shouldn’t be alike either. You may have a different goal, special needs like physical limitations and a fitness level that’s different from other people, even family members. That’s why I always recommend you work with a trainer that learns about you before providing a workout program. That way it would be personalized, to help you specifically with your problems with a challenging workout that is still within your capabilities.

Find a gym or trainer that offers nutritional advice.

What you eat is just as important as how much or what type of workout you do. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Even if you did a calorie torching workout, but ate a supersized Big Mac meal immediately following, you’d still gain weight, without getting the benefits of all the nutrients of healthy eating. Find a trainer that helps you learn how to eat healthier and provides a program you can follow that will baby your body, while helping you shed calories.

Look for a gym or trainer that helps you make goals and track your progress.

It’s not as easy to create a goal as you might think. Goals have to be measurable, have a timeline, a plan to achieve the goal and be realistic. Just saying you want to lose weight isn’t enough and creating a goal to shed 100 pounds in a month isn’t achievable if you’re healthy. Trainers should help you set the goals and provide steps to help you achieve them. The trainer should then continue to monitor you each step of the way to make sure that the program is working.

  • Find a trainer that will show you how to do each exercise correctly. In person trainers aren’t like watching a DVD where you can view it multiple times to get it right. Doing an exercise wrong can cause injury or minimize the benefit.
  • You need a workout program that is varied frequently to avoid plateauing and boredom. A good trainer will change your workout frequently.
  • As you get fitter, a trainer should change your workout to match that improvement. Look for guidance from a trainer or at a gym to help you track the workout so you can identify when it occurs.
  • One of the easiest ways to workout is to do it in the comfort and privacy of your own home. At RC Fitness, our online training lets you do it and you can even workout with others to make it more fun.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Get Rid Of Lower Belly Fat

Get Rid Of Lower Belly Fat

Getting fat around your abdomen can be huge problem that’s tough to eliminate. What causes lower belly fat? A lot of things cause it. It can come from a bad diet, which includes both diet and regular soft drinks. It also can occur if you don’t exercise or lead a life that’s filled with stress. Just knowing the causes provides a key to eliminating the problem. Making changes in your lifestyle will do it.

Eating healthy is the first step.

While I’ve heard that people who eat primarily vegetables say it eliminated their “potbelly” after a few months, I believe that it wasn’t just sticking with a vegan lifestyle that did it. They became more aware of what they ate and ate healthier. Not only does a vegan or vegetarian diet include more fiber, it also is lower in saturated fat and filled with nutrients. You don’t have to go strictly vegetarian to get these benefits, but you do have to eat a healthy diet. Focus on eating more fruits and vegetables and definitely cut back on processed food or food with added sugar. You also need a good source of protein to lose belly fat, such as eggs, fish, nuts, lean meat or dairy.

Get ready, get set, exercise!

If you aren’t already exercising, just doing something simple as taking a 30 minute walk each day—or three ten minute walks—can help slim you down and get rid of belly fat. While all types of aerobic workouts help, so does lifting weights and strength building workouts. Spot exercising doesn’t work, since you don’t lose weight in a specific area but all over your body. It will, however, tone the abdominal muscles. I have some great videos available on exercises that will blast that belly fat firm. You have to be consistent and you have to shed those extra pounds to get the full benefit.

Could your pooch come from stress?

Stress is a killer! It can cause changes to the body that are both dangerous and frankly, not attractive at all. One of the hormones of stress, cortisol, is closely linked with belly fat. So how do you deal with it? If you’re like most people, you can’t quit your job and lock yourself in a stress-free room, so you have to learn techniques. Meditation and breathing exercises can help you deal immediately. Exercise also burns off the hormones of stress. If you can, when stress hit, go for a walk, run up and down stairs or just get moving until you feel better. Have you ever wondered why people pace? Moving is a natural response to stress.

  • Not only what you eat makes a difference, what you drink does, too. Skip those soft drinks! They have loads of sugar. Even diet colas are a problem. In fact, they may be worse, since studies show they cause belly fat.
  • Speaking of drinks, alcoholic beverages also boost your belly fat. You’ve probably heard of a beer belly, but all alcoholic beverages increase weight around the middle. Alcohol is loaded with calories, slows your system and is an appetite stimulant.
  • Get more sleep. If you’re deprived of sleep, not only will you move more slowly, you’ll be ravenous. Lack of sleep increases the amount of hunger hormone in your body and limits the hormone that makes you feel full.
  • You’ll get a full program to help you get rid of belly fat when you use Reggie C Fitness online training.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Easy Low Calorie Snacks To Stay On Track

Easy Low Calorie Snacks To Stay On Track

Everywhere you look in Houston, Tx, there are temptations lurking. Whether it’s that new bakery down the block that has the most delicious cinnamon rolls or a quick drive through for an order of fries. If you want low calorie snacks, you have to make them yourself. Luckily, there’s a lot of easy ones you can make quickly. For instance, just bagging individual serving sizes of nuts, which is the equivalent of either 24 almonds, 12 hazelnuts, 18 cashews, 35 peanuts, 15 pecan halves, 8 Brazil nuts or 14 English walnut halves, is about 200 calories. It’s quick and easy, while also providing heart healthy benefits.

You can keep your calorie count low, while you enjoy this tasty treat.

Greek yogurt, the original kind with live culture, full fat and no additives to make it sweet or give it flavor, can be a real diet saver. While the full fat style yogurt has more calories than the low fat type, the fat provides more health benefits, plus keeps you feeling fuller longer. Get a large container and scoop out a half cup of yogurt, slice a handful of grapes or other fruit into it and mix. Mix in cinnamon to taste if you want. If you want a frozen treat that’s easy to make, get popsicle molds. Blend yogurt, coconut milk and frozen or fresh pineapple and freeze. Yum! It’s a pinasicle. Since most mold holds a half cup, this treat is under 100 calories, too.

Do you want a crunchy snack?

Crunchy and salty are often what your mouth desires. There’s nothing better than some popcorn to achieve this goal. You can either make air popped corn for a low calorie treat or make your own microwave popcorn. If you want an easy way to make it at the office, just buy some brown paper lunch bags. Pour ¼ cup in the bag, fold the top over and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until the popping quits. You can top it with a drizzle of butter and salt or even some Parmesan or powdered American cheese.

The go to favorite snacks that still hold top position.

What would a blog on healthy snacks be without at least the mention of raw fruit and veggies with dip. For ease, slice up all the vegetables ahead of time and refrigerate. If you choose fruit like cantaloupe or watermelon, cube it ahead of time, too. You can make a veggie dip out of hummus or create your own. For vegetables, mix cottage cheese and Italian dressing mix or cottage cheese, Greek yogurt and ranch dressing mix. You can also slice apples and put nut butter between the slices for a tasty treat.

  • Unsweetened applesauce is delicious! Now to add more flavor, sprinkle it with cinnamon. It’s healthy, low calorie and a treat that won’t make you sorry you ate it.
  • Another treat under 100 calories that also takes minimum effort is a date that’s stuffed. Just put a teaspoon of unsalted nut butter—I love almond butter for this—into one medjool date.
  • Is ice cream one of your guilty pleasures? Now you can have your marvelous figure and your ice cream too. Slice a banana in 2 inch chunks, lay the chunks on a tray and freeze for six hours. When you take them out, put in a blender for a treat that tastes like banana custard. It’s 105 calories.
  • You’ll love all the recipes and ideas available with our nutrition plan at Reggie C Fitness. You’ll also get even more benefits when you combine it with a workout plan that will have you looking like the star you are quickly.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Small Steps To A Healthier You

Small Steps To A Healthier You

I have a lot of online clients and those in Houston, TX, who find it tough to make all the changes for a healthier life at once. They find that changing their eating habits, working out regularly, getting more sleep and quitting unhealthy habits like drugs, tobacco use and abuse of alcohol in one felt swoop means they won’t stick with any of the goals. For those who have a lot of changes to make, taking small steps is better. No matter how you get there, the ultimate goal is always a healthier you that’s happy with how you look.

Pick one goal and work on consistency.

Of course, getting fit is your overall goal, but you can break it down to several goals, such as eating healthy or working out regularly. Start with either one and work on it for approximately six to eight weeks until it becomes a habit, then add the another addition to your fitness goals. You can start with working regularly or eating healthy, it doesn’t matter the idea is to take a step in the right direction.

Not ready for a major overhaul of your eating habits or starting an exercise program.

Maybe you don’t feel you’re fit enough to start a formal program of exercise or dive into a full blown healthy eating model, take baby steps toward your goal. If you start with exercise, just make sure you boost the amount of exercise you get in the process of daily living. Park further from the door and walk to the store or take the steps rather than taking the elevator. Rather than drive to the neighbor’s or the store, ride your bike. It all counts and is all good exercise.

Start by cutting out sugar.

You don’t have to learn how everything there is to know about nutrition to start eating healthier. Consider just giving up products with added sugar. It’s a lot harder than you think. Almost all processed food has added sugar. It’s in things you won’t suspect. The easiest way to avoid it is to eat more whole foods, rather than relying on processed ones.

  • Some processed foods have several types of sugar. The manufacturer does that to prevent sugar from being at the top of the list of ingredients, which then shows sugar as the primary ingredient. Instead, there are three to four different types of sugar in the middle of the list.
  • If giving up sugar as a start is still too big, begin by selecting healthy snacks. Take fresh fruit or nuts and dried fruit to work as your snack for mid morning and mid afternoon. Make sure you have single serving sizes ready.
  • Getting adequate sleep is also important, just as keeping hydrated. Both affect your appetite and energy level. When you do both, you’ll get a start on the road to weight loss. Either could be the start of your fitness program.
  • If you want a whole program that’s easy to use, check out the apps we have available. You can do the entire program at once or just sign up for part of it at Reggie C Fitness Online training.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness