Do You Need A Preworkout?
One client in Houston, TX, asked me whether she needed a preworkout. When I said that it all depended on her situation, she looked puzzled. She thought a preworkout was a warm-up, which is important for every person that exercises. I reassured her that a preworkout was a drink or other type of supplement taking before starting a workout and that there were reasons to take them and also reasons they’re unnecessary.
Whether it’s a powder you mix with water, pill or liquid, most preworkouts have certain ingredients in common.
These dietary supplements are created to increase athletic performance and boost your energy. Most of them contain creatine, caffeine, all types of B vitamins and amino acids. Some have artificial flavor and sweeteners. There are no standards set for these products and some can actually have a dangerous and unhealthy effect on your body. Some may contain artificial sweeteners, including sugar alcohols, which can cause abdominal distress, such as diarrhea, gas and bloating. That’s not a recipe for a good workout. Excess caffeine in these products can elevate blood pressure and cause anxiety.
Do you have a nutritional deficiency?
If you’re trying to overcome a known nutritional deficiency, a preworkout supplement may be for you until the effects of an improved diet take over. However, for those that just want to boost flagging energy levels, adequate dehydration and sleep should be your top priority. Our society is constantly looking toward pills as a quick fix for bad habits. Don’t fall into that trap. Make sure you drink 8 eight-ounce glasses of water daily and get seven to nine hours of sleep a night and you won’t feel the need for a supplement.
Should you take a preworkout supplement?
In my estimation you don’t need to do that if you’re eating healthy, getting adequate sleep and are well hydrated. However, if you feel you need a boost for your workout, consider drinking a cup of coffee before you start. Studies show it can make the workout more efficient and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg like the energy preworkout supplements do.
While most preworkout supplements contain the caffeine equivalency of a cup or two of coffee, it’s easy to consume too much or use a product that has far more.
Be careful to identify the country of origin of the supplement. Some from countries that don’t regulate products closely, have banned substances or dangerous amounts of others.
Most research hasn’t found that preworkout concoctions aren’t as effective as eating a whole food diet that’s loaded with nutrients. Try a cup of coffee and banana before your next workout and you’ll find it works as good as preworkout supplements.
If you decide to use a preworkout supplement, always find as much about the company and supplement as possible. Read both reviews and the ingredients before you take it. It could save your health and money.
For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness