
Can Prebiotics Reduce Anxiety?

Can Prebiotics Reduce Anxiety?

At RC Fitness in Houston, TX, we focus on finding ways to boost not only your physical well-being, but your mental well-being as well. While looking good is fabulous and can make you feel better, if you suffer from issues like depression and anxiety, it’s not enough. There’s good news. Many of the things you do to help your body can also improve your mental health. You can reduce anxiety through exercise and the right diet. Studies show the right balance of gut bacteria can improve depression and anxiety, but to get that healthy balance, you need to feed the bacteria the right food. That’s where prebiotics enter the picture.

Your body has more microbes than cells.

While there’s a bit of dissent about just how many microbes the human body contains, the ratio at 1.3 microbes per human cell is the latest accepted balance. The microbes help you live healthier. It’s everywhere on your body, from skin to lungs, but mostly in the digestive tract. Your microbiome affects your digestion, your immune system and can affect your mental health. There’s a gut-brain connection that scientists are now discovering, which can modify your outlook on life.

The connection between the brain and the gut goes both ways and is called the gut-brain axis.

Your hormones are affected by your gut bacteria, as are your immune and nervous system. The type of microbes that live in your gut affect how your body works. It also affects your mental health, according to recent research. Studies show that the more diverse your gut microbes and the fewer disease causing ones, the less chance you have of depression. How do you boost your healthy bacteria and make your microbes more diverse? Taking probiotics is one way, but so is providing the food healthy bacteria needs to grow, which are prebiotics.

Studies show providing probiotics and prebiotics can increase healthy bacteria and improve mental health.

The type of food you eat feeds more than just you, it feeds your microbiome. If you’re eating junk food, you’re probably feeding harmful bacteria and yeast, creating an imbalance. There are studies that show that prebiotics may help people cope with stress. Some microbes create cortisol that lead to stress and anxiety. One study showed that consuming GOS—galacto-oligosaccharides—a prebiotic—helped reduce the level of cortisol, which is directly related to stress and anxiety. The decrease in cortisol was linked to an increase in the bifidobacterium in the gut. Foods containing GOS include dairy, beans and some root vegetables.

  • Too many bad microbes in the gut leads to inflammation and stress. Chronic stress response can cause anxiety. It can deplete the body of good bacteria that produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine, GABA and dopamine that communicate with the brain.
  • When you feed the beneficial microbes with prebiotics, they displace the negative ones that help create anxiety. By producing the neurotransmitters, the healthy bacteria help relax the mind and have a calming effect.
  • Inflammation is reduced by lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which prebiotics feed. That too helps lower stress levels and anxiety. If you take an antibiotic, it can kill off beneficial bacteria, too. Eat prebiotic-food and probiotics to replace the healthy bacteria.
  • Not only will using prebiotics feed healthy microbes, it can help you lose weight. Studies show that prebiotics can help brain function, heart health, blood sugar regulation and immune health by improving your microbiome.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

The Science Of A Great Workout

The Science Of A Great Workout

Most people don’t realize how much science is necessary for a great workout. You can do all the spot training you want and you won’t get the results you want. Do you want to lose weight? Don’t bother with spot exercises—also called isolation exercises, do compound and core strength training instead. They burn more fat, while building muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism is. That’s because muscle tissue requires more energy—calories—to maintain than fat tissue requires.

Find ways to torch calories while you’re doing them and afterward, too.

HIIT workouts aren’t a specific type of workout, but a way to do any type of exercise to maximize the benefits. You can even take HIIT walks. It’s a method where you do the exercise at peak intensity for a minute or two and then ease up for the same length of time or longer using a recovery intensity. If you’re walking briskly, walk fast and get your heart rate higher, then slow it down to catch your breath and resume walking fast again. You can do it with strength training, flexibility training and endurance training. It continues to burn calories hours after you finish the workout.

Compound exercises are better than isolation exercises.

Isolation exercises work just one muscle group, like bicep curls. Compound exercise work several muscles and joints when you do them. They include exercises like squats and lunges. It only makes sense that the more muscles and joints you move at once, the more calories you’ll burn. Focus on compound exercises and full body workouts.

It’s important to work on all areas of fitness.

There are four areas of fitness, strength, flexibility, endurance—cardio—and balance. You need all four areas to be your healthiest and look your best. Strength training helps build muscle tissue, burn calories and prevents injury. It can help prevent osteoporosis in later years. Flexibility workouts aid you in everyday life to prevent muscle strains and tears. Endurance training increases your energy level and allows you to workout longer. Balance training prevents injuries from falls and makes you look more graceful when you walk.

  • You’ll be able to work harder when you do compound exercises. Unlike isolation exercises, you’re not putting all the force on just one muscle group, but transferring it over dozens of muscles and joints.
  • Don’t worry about getting big and bulky when you do strength training. It’s especially difficult for women to do because of hormones, but even men have to have a special program to bulk up.
  • Having a preworkout snack and post workout meal or snack can keep you working out more effectively and help speed your recovery. These snacks should be a combination of protein and carbs.
  • Make sure you stay hydrated when you workout. It can help improve your workout by providing more energy. Even mild dehydration can sap the energy out of you.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Building Six-Pack Abs

Building Six-Pack Abs

Many of the goals clients have at Reggie C Fitness in Houston, TX, is to get rid of muffin tops, have a flatter belly or get six-pack abs. If it were only doing spot exercises, it would be easy, but the answer is more complicated. No matter how toned your abs are, it won’t matter if you have a layer of fat covering them. I can’t emphasize that enough. Spot training builds muscle tissue, but doesn’t remove the fat from just that area. When you lose weight, you lose it from all areas of the body, not just one spot.

Great abs start in the kitchen.

Eating foods that promote weight loss, while also promoting muscle gain is necessary. It starts with a healthy diet that’s free from added sugar and highly processed food. A balanced diet should contain carbs, protein and fat, but the carbs should be non-starchy fruits and vegetables. Healthy fat is extremely important. Healthy fat actually helps you lose fat. You can get it from sources like avocados, nuts or fatty fish. Ensuring you have a wide variety of fruits and vegetables of all colors in your diet is also important. Include whole grains like oatmeal and sprinkle on some cinnamon. It will help lower insulin levels that can cause your body to store fat.

Do core exercises.

Your core muscles are the ones that make up your torso. It does include abs, but so much more. They’re the muscles in your back, hips and shoulders, too. When those muscles are strong, you have better posture and that can help flatten your abdomen immediately. Stand in front of your mirror and slouch with your shoulders down and check your belly. Now stand up straight with shoulders back and do the same. Your stomach should be flatter. Working your core muscles means working your larger muscle groups, which also burns tons of calories to help lose fat. Push-ups are one type of core exercise, so are planks, mountain climbers and rollouts.

Do strength training to burn the most fat.

Strength training not only burns tons of calories, it builds muscle tissue, too. Aim for compound exercises that work more than one muscle group to maximize the benefits. A single-arm bent over row and single-leg deadlift are two examples. You don’t have to have weights to do strength training. Good old-fashioned push-ups are bodyweight exercises that build strength, just as planks are, and they both work the core muscles, including the abs.

  • Eat more protein. You need 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of weight. Protein fills you up and is necessary for building muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn, since muscle requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue does.
  • If you’re having problems creating a healthy diet, don’t worry. We can help. Our meal plans can help you learn healthy eating. You’ll be surprised at how much you can eat and how good it tastes. You can still have some of your favorites, just not as often and keeping portion control in mind.
  • Try some tips from various researchers. Green tea contains catechins, which help you lose weight. Other studies show that adding chili peppers to your diet will increase your metabolism. It’s the capsaicin in the peppers that does it.
  • Cut back on refined foods, sugar and carbs. It cuts calories, so you lose weight, plus have more energy and feel better. Eating sugar, refined grain and soft drinks, including diet soft drinks is linked to abdominal fat, which hides those muscles.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Why Running Can Feel So Good

Why Running Can Feel So Good

If you’ve ever worked out hard or gone on a day’s run, you probably feel fabulous, and maybe even relaxed when you’re done. There are several reasons exercising, like running, can feel so good. Running can help relieve stress, which is the first reason. When you’re under stress, your body creates hormones that make changes so you can run away or fight. When you run, you burn off those hormones and your body goes back to a relaxed state. The changes were important for early man, when stressful situations were life threatening. That’s normally not the case today.

The release of cortisol is slowed when you run.

Slowing that release slows the feeling of stress that can create chronic changes. It simply feels good to have the heavy weight of stress lifted off your shoulders as you run. Not only is that good for your mental health, it’s good for your body, too. Cortisol, a stress hormone, contributes to the accumulation of abdominal fat.

Running releases endorphins that make you feel great.

If you haven’t heard of the runner’s high before, you’re learning about it now. It is a natural high that is often attributed to the release of endorphins like dopamine, but in reality, comes from a different biochemical substance. Scientists now believe it comes from endocannabinoids, which has a chemical structure similar to cannabis, but produced by the body, not by a plant. It can cause that after run relaxed feeling.

Running increases circulation, sending oxygen and nutrient laden blood to all parts of the body, including the brain.

That deep breathing you do when you run and the increased circulation give you both immediate benefits and long term benefits. It can boost your energy level, while also trigger new blood vessels to grow in the brain. Neurogenesis, the process of producing new brain cells occurs after exercise, such as a run. A run acts like an anti-depressant to improve not only the brain and its performance, but also your mood.

  • When you run, the changes in your body go back to normal and the tension the muscles held release, making you feel more relaxed. In fact, even a brisk walk can lower anxiety levels and make you feel good.
  • Exercise, such as running, is now being used as an adjunct therapy for depression and anxiety. It helps balance brain chemistry and improve coping skills.
  • If you run alone, especially early in the morning, the peaceful isolation of the run can mimic the mental quiet of meditation and provide the same benefits.
  • If you don’t run alone, it’s a great way to socialize and still enjoy the benefits of exercise. Studies show that the more friendly social interactions you have, the healthier you are mentally and physically.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Fast

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat Fast

RC Fitness in Houston, TX, one of the top priorities of many clients is to get rid of belly fat. You have to first educate yourself on what causes belly fat, since preventing it is part of the struggle. First, your diet is a huge contributor to belly fat—visceral fat. Sugar and sugary foods are high on the list of promoting fat around the mid section. Whether you drink it or eat it, if it effects on your body. In fact, high-fructose corn syrup is one of the leading causes—and it’s in everything, since it’s cheap. Several studies show that high-fructose corn syrup reduced metabolic rate, decreased insulin sensitivity and increased belly fat.

Inactivity can pack on the pounds around your mid-section.

If your biggest output of energy is getting up to get a snack, you’re a prime candidate for belly fat. A more sedentary lifestyle is probably the cause of an increase rate of obesity, including fat collecting around your middle. One study showed that people who were more sedentary, based on the number of hours watching TV, had increased belly fat. People watching more than three hours a day, were at twice the risk to have severe belly fat. The solution is a well rounded-exercise program with focus on both aerobic and resistance exercises plus a weight loss plan.

Stress is can kill you and your plans for a gorgeous figure.

If you’re suffering from belly fat, you might need to learn deep breathing techniques, meditation or spend an hour a day burning off the hormones of stress in the gym. Stress is a known contributor to belly fat. Stress causes your body to create cortisol, which is linked to belly fat. It can cause weight gain, too. If you have a higher waist-to-hip ratio, stress and its hormone, cortisol might be the problem. Solve the problem with stress reduction techniques and exercise.

Low fiber and protein diets can lead to belly fat.

Fiber and protein both should be part of your diet. Both make you feel full faster and longer, so you eat less. Fiber helps slow or reduce the absorption of calories and stabilize blood sugar levels. Studies show that increasing fiber in the diet could help reduce abdominal fat. A low protein diet increases the hormone neuropeptide — NPY, which increases hunger and belly fat.

  • Don’t think that switching to diet drinks will help you lose belly fat. New studies show that diet drinks actually increased belly fat. Fruit juice is high in sugar and promotes belly fat. The best substitute for soft drinks is still water.
  • Steer clear of trans fats. Trans fats can create an inflammatory response and that increases insulin resistance. It also increases the amount of belly fat you have.
  • Steer clear of alcohol. It can slow the fat burning process and use extra calories to store as fat on your belly. Studies show that people who drink less than one drink a day have less belly fat. Consuming more than three drinks a day had an 80% chance of having excess fat on the belly.
  • An imbalance of bacteria in the gut, genetics and an imbalance of hormones at menopause can both contribute to belly fat. Exercise helps balance hormones and may help gut bacteria. It can also help minimize the belly fat accumulation from genetics.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Is Eating Organic Really Healthier?

Is Eating Organic Really Healthier?

I get a lot of questions from clients at RC Fitness in Houston, TX, about the benefits of eating organic. It does cost more to buy organic food and the first question is always whether it’s that much healthier to justify the cost. There’s good news and bad news. The good news is that when it comes to fresh produce, you don’t have to buy everything organic. However, the bad news is that most of the produce and other foods you buy will actually cost more and there’s a reason. The first is that it costs more to grow. There are also costs in getting certified as organic, fewer subsidies, no chemical intervention to speed growth and additional costs of getting the produce to market.

You can be assured that animal products labeled organic don’t contain hormones.

If you use animal products that were raised organically, the animals are allowed to graze and eat as they did before factory farms. They aren’t given growth hormones or antibiotics and are allowed the freedom of roaming. If they require supplemental food, it must be organic and not have any synthetic additives. All those things are important, not just because of the potential harm from antibiotics and hormones, but also because there are health benefits from free-range and grass-fed animal products. Those products contain higher amounts of healthy nutrients. For instance, the milk from grass-fed cows contain a higher amount of omega 3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid, making it heart healthy.

What does that organic label really mean?

While it’s easy to understand what organically raised produce and animal products are, what about those boxes of cereal on the shelf or that bread? If you grow organic food, your land has to be free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizer for three years before harvest. No GMOs are allowed. There can be no artificial flavors, preservatives, or colors used to create the product.

Save money with the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen list from the EWG—Environmental Working Group.

Every year the EWG tests thousands of samples of non-organic produce across the nation to check for signs of pesticides, which remain even after washing and sometimes peeling. That means the more you eat them, the more pesticide you ingest, unless you opt for organic. They create two lists. The Dirty Dozen is the top twelve foods that are high in pesticides even after washing. The Clean 15 are those fruits and vegetables that are the lowest. To save money, you can buy non-organic produce on the Clean 15 list and stick strictly to organic for the produce on the Dirty Dozen list.

  • Pesticides from eating non-organic fruits and vegetables build up in the body and increase the risk of cancer, hormone disruption, brain disorders and nervous system disorders. It can lower the potential for a successful pregnancy by 26%
  • Save money with the Clean 15 options onions, avocado, sweet corn, cabbage, pineapple, papaya, asparagus, eggplant, honeydew, cantaloupe, kiwis, frozen sweet peas, onions, mushrooms, broccoli and cauliflower
  • Stick with organic when using fruits and vegetables on the Dirty Dozen plus list. They include strawberries, spinach, apples, kale, nectarines, peaches, grapes, pears, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, cherries and hot peppers as the plus for 2020.
  • Hot peppers were added to the list as they were found to contain neurotoxic chemicals that were hazardous when eaten frequently, particularly by children. If they’re cooked, the pesticide levels are reduced.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Benefits Of A Morning Routine

Benefits Of A Morning Routine

If you’re finding it difficult to fit exercise into your day or miss working out several days in a row because “life” happened and the kids needed you, the boss had an emergency or the toilet overflowed, you probably will benefit from switching to a morning routine where you get uninterrupted time for exercise, a healthy breakfast and even a little solitude. You can do it by making a few adjustments and planning ahead.

You could be burning more fat in the morning.

You’ve fasted the whole night as you slept and if you workout before you eat breakfast, you might be burning more fat, at least according to research done in Japan. Another study from Belgian showed that a diet high in calories didn’t affect those who exercised after fasting, but did cause those who ate before exercising to gain weight. Working out the first thing in the morning puts you in a fasting state and may help you shed pounds quicker without all the pain of fasting. For those with low blood sugar, eat something small ten minutes before you workout.

You’ll start your day in a better mood.

When you workout the first thing in the morning, you’ll burn off any stress, but also boost your circulation and increase the hormones that make you calm, cool and collected. Those happy hormones, known as endorphins, can help you start your day right, with a smile on your face. The quiet surroundings allow you to focus and clear your mind.

Make time for friends with exercise.

If you don’t have time for friends, use a morning exercise routine to make the time. Whether you workout in the gym or at each other’s homes, having a workout buddy will keep you on schedule. Make sure you get up early enough to have time to get ready for work and have a healthy breakfast together. Making your workout time also a social time not only makes it more pleasant, improves your chances of sticking with the program.

  • People with Type 1 diabetes can face a potential risk of hypoglycemia when exercising. When you workout in the morning, it lowers the risk. It may be the higher cortisol levels in the morning, which helps control blood sugar.
  • A 2014 study showed that adults that exercised early in the morning, 7 am, got a deeper sleep than they did on the days they didn’t exercise early. The sleep was even better if the person exercised outside.
  • People who exercised in the morning were more active throughout the day and burned more calories, according to a Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2012 study. It increased activity for 24 hours.
  • Working out early is especially important in the summer months. It’s the coolest in the morning and can help you get your workout in and beat the heat of the hot summer day.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

What's Your Motivation To Stay Healthy?

What’s Your Motivation To Stay Healthy?

People often wonder why I focus on helping you find your motivation to stay healthy and get fit. Getting fit isn’t like doing a term paper or doing last year’s taxes. You have to focus on it every day, not just one time or once a year. It involves more than just working out for a half hour a day or even an hour a day. It means you have to identify problems with your diet and learn to eat healthier, establish a program of regular exercise and learn to create new healthier habits, like drinking enough water or getting enough sleep.

You need to keep your motivation in front of you until healthy changes become a habit.

For the first few months, especially the first few weeks, you’ll be making changes that you didn’t know you needed to make. Maybe you just realized how many snacks you eat mindlessly, grabbing a handful of candy as you pass a coworkers desk or those fries you snitched from your partner’s plate. Finding time to workout is hard, especially in today’s busy world, so scheduling your workout at the same time every day can add to your motivation to do it.

There are times you simply don’t feel like working out.

A lot of things can affect your desire to get healthier and fit. A rainy day can be a low energy day and you just want to curl up on the couch and binge watch TV. Maybe you’ve had a bad day or a frustrating one and a big bowl of ice cream or a bag of chips could help you make it through the drama. That’s the very time you need that motivation, whether it’s living healthier, looking better or just feeling good again. Write down your motivation on sticky notes. Put it as a screen saver on your phone. Do what it takes so when you need it, it’s there for you to see.

Is your desire to look better what drives you? Use it.

I don’t care who you are, it’s tough to look at photos that reveal any flaws or extra weight, but it’s exactly what you should do for motivation, if that’s what drives you. Take a full body selfie in just a sports bra or other revealing style top and form fitting workout pants or shorts in the mirror. Note the spot you stood and every month, at the same time of day, take another selfie wearing the same clothing. Just knowing you’re going to have to show progress will keep you going, but so will keeping that picture and looking at it frequently. It’s super motivating, even before you see results and especially afterward.

  • If your health is a motivator, focus on the progress you make physically, not just in inches or pounds lost. If you couldn’t do two flights of steps a month ago and now it’s a breeze, write down that progress and congratulate yourself.
  • Find ways to make your life more active. Carry a healthy lunch and walk to the park to eat it. If you’re at home, do a plank while you’re watching TV.
  • Getting fit can mean getting more done. If you exercise every other day, on your off days, do something active. It can be something you’ve meant to do, like moving that couch and rearranging the living room. Do it with vigor and make it your workout.
  • Is your motivation to have more energy and good health to be a good mom or dad? Don’t wait to get fitter. Use that motivation to play with the kids and get active. Shoot some hoops, go for a bike ride with them or mimic animals walking.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Exercises That Relieve Stress

Exercises That Relieve Stress

Do you feel that sickening, sinking feeling in your stomach all the time? Does your job or even your drive to work make you want to scream? That’s the ultimate definition of stress. Stress can be bad or good. Stress sends out hormones that prepare the body to run or fight and if you’re in imminent danger, that’s good. However, unlike early man, today stress can include many things and running or fighting doesn’t resolve any of them. Your body is left in the fight or flight state, which can cause damage to your body. You can burn off the hormones and get back to normal with these exercises that relieve stress.

Here’s the good news.

Scientists have discovered that by working out, you can burn off the hormones that create the stress and replace them with ones that make you feel good. Weight lifting and strength training workouts are a good way to start. Studies show that weight training can reduce the stress you feel and burn off those health damaging hormones, like cortisol, which is linked to abdominal fat. Studies show that exercise, like weight lifting, can relieve stress, lift depression and clear the mind. You can use resistance bands, too. These are inexpensive and easy to store.

Doing cardio will get your heart pumping and mimic the act of running.

It’s the fight or flight response that comes from a stressful situation, so what could be more appropriate than a run or other cardio workout? You can simply run at a steady state pace or make it even more beneficial for fitness and weight loss by adjusting the speed and intensity of the run frequently. It’s called HIIT—high intensity interval training. You run at top speed and intensity for a short period, such as a minute and then revert to a recovery pace for equal or slightly longer.

You don’t have to shed one drop of sweat to get some relief.

If you’re not somewhere you can run, jump or lift weights, you still can get stress relief. Have you ever noticed how people pace when they’re nervous? They’re helping to relieve stress. Just walking works. You can even modify your walk to make it a hit workout. Yoga and tai chi are also good at relieving stress, since both are considered meditation in motion. The gentle stretching and mindfulness and mental quiet make it a good, “no sweat” option.

  • When you workout regularly, not only will you burn off stress hormones and clear your head, you’ll also get in shape and improve your posture. Both can make you feel more confident and better equipped to handle stress.
  • Do something fun to get rid of stress. Have you ever considered kickboxing, martial arts or regular boxing as a supplemental workout? You’ll definitely mimic the fighting action.
  • Even though most people think that stress is more prevalent for those that work, retired seniors actually have lots of stress, too. For some people, particularly seniors, stress often turns to depression. Working out is even more important the older and more isolated you are.
  • Get outside and do your workout. If the weather allows, go barefoot. There’s a theory that grounding, letting the soles of your feet in direct contact with the ground, can add health benefits and reduce stress.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

How Your Hormones Affect Weight Loss And Fat Storage

How Your Hormones Affect Weight Loss And Fat Storage

What are hormones? Immediately, you probably think of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, but there are far more types. Hormones are the body’s messengers. They bring the messages that start the chemical processes. That puts them in charge of everything from growth rate and mood to how your immune system functions. Your hormones affect weight loss and fat storage, too. Not only does that include sexual differences on the storage of fat, but also the storage of fat in the abdomen, belly fat.

Every cell in the body is affected by hormones.

Hormones do more than just bring messages to the cells. They can affect your overall health. Whether it’s weight gain or feeling sick, it could be caused by hormones. The production of insulin, which is a hormone that controls the amount of sugar in the blood, is also controlled by hormones and its secretion. Sex hormones, determine where fat is distributed. In the case of sex hormones, stimulates fat

placement on the hips and bottom, while inhibiting belly fat.

It’s not one specific hormone, but the balance of hormones.

There is a give and take of hormones. If you have higher levels of insulin, you’ll have lower levels of glucagon. These two hormones do opposite jobs. When the amount of insulin rises, glucagon go down. Higher insulin levels not only regulate sugar, they increase fat storage in the abdominal area. If you have a higher level of glucagon, your body tends to burn the fat.

Even if your weight is from hormonal imbalances, you still have some control.

You do have some control over the secretion of each. The more sugar and white refined flour you eat, the higher the insulin levels. The more protein you eat, the higher the glucagon levels. However, those aren’t the only hormones that affect belly fat. Cortisol, a hormone create when you’re under stress, also contributes to belly fat by increasing insulin. Instead of grabbing a Danish, opt for unsweetened yogurt and fruit. Simply eat more protein and avoid the pastries and white bread. Burn off that cortisol with exercise to lower your insulin levels and include more healthy fat in your diet with nuts, avocados and fatty fish. Healthy fat supports hormonal health.

  • Another way to help control your hormones is to get adequate sleep. Lack of sleep causes the body to overproduce ghrelin—the hunger hormone and under produce leptin—the one that makes you feel full.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. It helps lubricate the digestive system, joints and skin. It boosts your metabolism. Dehydration can occur because of hormonal imbalance, and dehydration can affect weight gain by boosting cortisol levels.
  • Increase your metabolism by drinking green tea. It contains L-theanine, an amino acid that makes you feel calmer and reduces the level of cortisol in your body.
  • Increase your oxytocin, the happy hormone and reduce your cortisol levels by taking time to appreciate everything around you. Give your family a hug. It’s good for the waistline.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness