
What Is Your Sweat Telling You?

What Is Your Sweat Telling You?

Sweat is good. That’s one of our mottos at RC Fitness Houston, TX. When you sweat, it means you’re working hard and doing what it takes to get into shape. When your body is getting overheated, particularly if you’re in a tough workout, sweat comes to the rescue to cool it through evaporation. While people who sweat a lot may have an odor, it doesn’t come from the actual sweat. The odor comes when it mixes with the bacteria on the skin, clogged pores and dirt.

There are two to four million sweat glands in the body.

You have two types of sweat glands. Eccrine sweat glands are located on your palms, the soles of your feet, your forehead and armpits. The apocrine glands are larger and located in areas with more hair, such as armpits, groin and the breast area. The sweat from those glands is smellier. There’s more hair in those locations. The more hair there is in the area, the more potential for bacteria that can produce a more potent smell. There are also two types of sweat. The first is regular sweat to cool down, which is primarily water and salt, and the second is stress sweat which is thicker and evaporates more slowly, giving it time to combine with bacteria and produce odor.

Some people smell worse than others do.

Genetics plays a role in whether your sweat smells bad, so does your gender. How dirty you are, what you ate and your overall health, also affect the smell of your sweat. The sweat from apocrine glands starts out odorless, but when it hits the surface and mixes with the bacteria on the skin, the bacteria breaks down the sweat to produce an odor. People with diabetes, an overactive thyroid, kidney or liver dysfunction or genetic disorders may have a uniquely smellier sweat.

You can learn a lot about your body if you investigate your sweat.

If your sweat is far smellier, maybe you have clogged pores, need a shower or exfoliation. Profuse sweating can be an indication of hyperhidrosis, a medical condition causing a person to sweat as much as four times more than the average person. It’s embarrassing, but not normally dangerous. Hypohidrosis, also called anhidrosis, is characterized by too little sweat. That can be dangerous and come from conditions that are also dangerous, such as a metabolic disorder, connective tissue disorder, diabetic neuropathy, a central nervous disorder, such as a stroke or Parkinson’s or dehydration.

  • A cold sweat leaving you feeling clammy may be caused by low blood sugar, low blood pressure or other serious condition such as heat exhaustion, a heart attack or a serious allergic reaction.
  • If you suddenly start to sweat, even though you’re not anxious or too warm, and have a sudden increase in your heart rate, it may be an early indication of a heart attack.
  • If your sweat is smellier than usual, check what you eat. Food high in choline, such as meat and eggs, secrete choline in their sweat and smell fishy. Low carb diets create a fruity smell, while sugary treats may increase yeast overgrowths to increase BO.
  • Some medications can cause increased sweating and odor, such as Tylenol, meds for ADHD, birth control pills or allergy meds. A magnesium deficiency increases odor. Eating flax, sesame seed, raw almonds or dark chocolate can help.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

You Can Make Changes At Any Age

Don’t spend your life looking backward and wishing you had done one thing or another. Instead, look ahead and move toward those things you want to accomplish. You can make changes at any age, even ones that affect your fitness and health. Too many people spend time waiting for the next big moment or looking back at what might have been. It’s time to stay in the present and focus on what you can do today. You’ll live your best life by realizing you have control of today, not the actions of yesterday or the promises of tomorrow.

The older you get, the harder it is to get and stay fit.

Everyone wants to look their best, no matter what they say. Everyone wants to feel good and have energy. It’s a universal desire. Getting fit, losing weight and boosting your endurance and strength goes a long way in improving your daily life. When you pass the age of twenty or thirty, your hormone levels begin to drop and the harder it becomes to build muscle tissue. It may be harder, but not impossible. It may take longer and require a bit more dedication, but it’s well worth the effort. It will make you look and feel younger than ever. It can keep you independent longer and put pep in your step.

Stick with a goal until you’re successful.

Success breeds success. When you workout, you’re doing more than just building muscle tissue. You’re working toward a goal. The more you workout, the more confidence you’ll build. You’ll even walk more confidently, since better muscle tone improves you posture. As your body gets stronger, you’ll feel stronger and more capable. Once you accomplish your fitness goal, you’ll have the tools to create and conquer the next goal. Your success is a stepping stone to the next success, no matter what your age.

No matter what your age, you need a dream.

People get old because they have no dreams, challenges or goals for a better tomorrow. They don’t wear out, they choose to sit and rust out. Find your dream and set a goal to reach it. It can start with getting fit, which will give you the energy to follow through and reach that goal. No matter how big or small the dream or how old you are, having a dream and a goal to reach it will make life worth living.

You’ll feel better and less stressed when you workout regularly. Stress adds to the aging process and makes you look older. Working out increases the happy hormones that keep you relaxed.

Do you always see the negative side of life. You can change. Start everyday identifying all the blessings you have and avoid dwelling on what you don’t have. Develop an attitude of gratitude to make changes.

Besides getting your body fit, working out can improve your cognitive functioning. You can add to that change by making it a goal to learn something new every day.

Look at your diet and start making small changes. Cut out foods with added sugar for a start. It’s extremely hard, but well worth the effort. Once you’ve conquered sugar, move on to other highly processed food.

Should We Work Out Every Day?

Should We Work Out Every Day?

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, you need to work out at least 150 minutes a week for moderate exercise and a minimum of 75 minutes for vigorous workouts. How you divide that workout time depends on you. You won’t get the benefits if it’s done all in one day and it could even cause injury. Should you workout every day, or is every other day just as beneficial? There’s no real guidance on this but I have my own philosophy based on science.

Workout every day, but vary your workout.

Strength training should be part of your workout regimen. When it is, you need a day or two between workouts for the tiny microtears in the muscle to heal. Should you sit at home during those rest days? No! The days you aren’t strength training should be devoted to other types of exercise, such as flexibility training and endurance/cardio workouts. Remember, the 75 to 150 minutes is a minimum amount of exercise time.

Doing something every day is better than doing nothing.

While the minimum for moderate workouts is 150 minutes, I believe that between 240 and 300 minutes a week if far better, particularly if your goal is weight loss. You can also increase the intensity and reduce the amount of time spent every day. Vigorous exercise cuts the amount of time in half. If you do a half hour of exercise six days a week with three days of vigorous exercise and three days of moderate exercise, it’s like doing 270 minutes of moderate exercise for the week.

Exercise can include a number of activities.

You don’t have to do deep knee bends to get exercise. You can go for a walk, ride your bike or swim. If you’re running short on time, make your housework part of your regimen. Do it with vigor or turn on the music and dance your way through the tasks. Our programs can guide you with a program designed to help you get the right amount of all types of exercise and become your fittest quicker.

  • One interesting study found that you could break your workout into sections, as long as each was at least ten minutes long. If you don’t have time to walk for a half hour, go for three ten minute walks throughout the day.
  • As a general rule for those that want to lose weight, doing strength training two to three times a week, straight cardio two days a week and active resting–such as walking, is a good plan. I’ll create a plan designed specifically for you.
  • You might think that more is better and do hours of exercise every day, including vigorous strength training. Exercising, particularly strength training, too much can actually negate your efforts to get fit and cause muscle loss.
  • Make workouts fun and have a workout partner to share successes and goals. A workout partner will hold you accountable. Consistency and staying active are the keys to success.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Could Resistance Training Be Right For You?

Could Resistance Training Be Right For You?

If you want to transform yourself into the shapely you hiding inside, our program at RC Fitness in Houston, TX, can be the perfect option. It uses a variety of techniques and different types of fitness training. Resistance training, endurance, balance and flexibility are all important to be the healthiest, shapeliest and most alluring you.

Resistance training is another way of saying strength training.

Some people hear the words strength training and worry they’ll become muscle-bound and bulky. That’s just not true, especially if you’re a woman. A woman’s physiology and hormonal balance won’t let that happen unless you’re doing a rigorous workout regimen. If you see some of the women body builders, many are on a strict regimen that require hours in the gym daily. Some even use hormones, like steroids, to get that bulky, hulk type appearance.

Weight loss is easier if you’re using resistance training.

When you do resistance training, you’re building muscle and burning fat. While cardio burns calories, the calories it burns come from both fat and muscle tissue. That’s not true of resistance training. The muscle tissue you build is sinewy and lean, so you look more toned than muscular. Why would you want to build more muscle tissue? The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you’ll burn 24/7. It boosts your metabolism. When you’re resting, a pound of muscle tissue burns between 35 and 50 calories a day, while a pound of fat only burns 3 to 5 calories. That’s ten times more every day. If you change five pounds of fat to muscle, you’ll burn enough calories to lose a pound in 15 days with no other changes to your diet or energy output.

Strength training is good for your health and can help prevent serious injuries.

The older you get, the more muscle mass you lose. That change starts at about 30, if you’re younger and sedentary, it could begin early and be extremely devastating. The muscles tug on the bone and trigger the hormones that cause the bone to build. If there’s no tug, the bone density decreases, causing weak bones and osteoporosis. Strength training also improves the muscle tone, so you won’t have as much potential pulling a muscle doing something simple, like picking up a bag of groceries or a baby.

  • While everyone needs some type of strength training, it should be tailored to your needs and situation. If you never exercised before, take it slowly and learn proper form to maximize benefits.
  • Strength training can also improve your immune system, so you aren’t as susceptible to illness, whether it’s the common cold or something more severe like diabetes, high blood pressure or a heart attack.
  • Strength training can help you shape your body and get that curvy appeal everyone wants. It can help improve your cognitive skills, burn off stress hormones and make you feel more relaxed.
  • You don’t need any equipment for most of the strength training exercises offered in my program. Bodyweight exercises like planks, squats and bridges build strength, tone muscles and burn tons of calories.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

The Scale Isn't The Only Measurement

The Scale Isn’t The Only Measurement

Your weight isn’t the only measurement you use to see if you’re making progress, so why do you let the scale bully you and taunt you. Maybe it’s because you aren’t aware of the other options and really, how well they work, providing a more accurate idea of how you’re doing on your fitness program. The scale doesn’t also show the real progress you made, which can be devastating and the reason to use several techniques.

If you’re building muscle tissue, you may be getting narrower, but not losing weight.

The whole idea of working out is to tone your body and look fabulous. When you build muscle tissue, but don’t lose weight, you need to take measurements or judge by how tight your pants are. Muscle weighs more per cubic inch than fat does. Comparing a pound of muscle with a pound of fat is like comparing the size of a container that holds a pound of steel to one that contains a pound of feathers. Even if you weigh the same, you’ll look far thinner and wear a smaller size.

Take a measurement around your middle.

Waist circumference is an important measurement that’s quickly taking place of BMI or used in conjunction with it. Not only does it give you an idea of how much weight or fat you lost, it also is a good indicator of health. The fat that gathers around your middle is visceral fat, which is the most dangerous type of fat that crowds your internal organs and increases your risk for serious conditions. Pat yourself on the back if your waist circumference is getting smaller.

Snap a picture of yourself when you start.

Take a picture of yourself in the mirror or have a friend take a picture. Once every two weeks or once a month, repeat the process, in the same spot, wearing the same clothes and at the same distance from the camera. Not only will you have a good comparison you can go back several months and see a big difference in how you look. If you have a pair of pants you haven’t worn for a while because they don’t fit, use them as your measurement. When you can fit into those pants, buy another pair that’s too tight.

  • Even if you are making progress, sometimes scales lie. Your weight fluctuates constantly, whether from water retention and bloating or another problem. You’ll see those fluctuations if you weigh daily. Weigh once a week and use a second way to measure progress.
  • Can you pinch an inch. You can use skinfold calipers to see how much subcutaneous fat you have under the skin. Use it in the area above the hip bone, the tricep, thigh or abdomen.
  • Track your workout progress. If you could barely make it through the workout the first time and now you’re doing tons more repetitions without gasping for breath or begging to quit, you know you’ve made progress.
  • Use a fitness tracker to help you see your progress on your weight loss journey. Whether you use your fitness tracker to check your heartrate, blood pressure or how many steps, seeing the numbers you want can be encouraging.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Exercises For A Perky Butt

Exercises For A Perky Butt

At RCF in Houston, TX, clients get the best information to help them look fantastic. You’ll find some great workout routines online that include exercises for a perky butt. I’m going to go through a couple here, to give you an idea of what exercises work, but to get the best direction, watching it being performed online is the best. You’ll get the exercises discussed here and many, many more. Our 21-day challenge has lots of exercises to tone.

Make a bridge and get more than just benefits for the derriere.

If you want a great workout for your glutes and stronger toned core muscles, the bridge exercise is perfect. It starts by laying on your back on the floor with knees bent, feet flat on the floor and palms facing up. Gently lift your hips by putting weight on your heels. Your lower body should be lifted high enough to create a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Tighten all the muscles, squeeze you bottom cheeks together and hold. Slowly lower your back one vertebra at a time. Repeat.

Standing kickbacks work well and can be done standing or on hands and knees.

Kick backs are extremely versatile. You can do them standing leaning forward with your hands on the wall, standing with your back straight or on hands and knees. All forms have one thing in common. You kick your leg backward, behind you. The standing one with the back straight starts with feet together and hands on the hips. One leg will be a balance leg, and the other becomes the kickback leg. The balance leg is slightly bent at that knee as you lift your opposite leg directly behind, pushing the heel as high as possible. Lower it, making it parallel to other leg, but not touching the ground, then immediately raise it again behind you. Do 10-20 repetitions and switch legs.

The simple but effective plank works the whole body.

You can do the plank for core work and a full body workout, but if you want to maximize the benefit, do it with a twist. Start by getting into plank position. Stomach on the floor, legs straight and upper body raised on elbows or palms with arms straight. Here’s the twist. Lift one leg off the ground, pushing the heel toward the ceiling, lowering and then lifting the other leg. That added movement really tones the butt.

  • Lunges are great for the bottom. A walking lunge is simple. Take a step forward, lower your body as you bend one knee, with the back leg stretched straight. You can add some variations to the lunge to break monotony.
  • Another really versatile exercise is the squat. Keep your back straight, head up, eyes ahead and feet hip width apart. Bend your knees, lowering your body, while keeping your knees behind your toes and butt out. Stand up and repeat.
  • Do a squat, but make it more challenging by using dumbbells. Put them at the side of your feet and pick them up as you squat. Stand up straight, dumbbells in hand and arms to the side. Lower yourself, put them back down and repeat.
  • Hip extensions, bike riding and doing isometric exercises where you tighten and relax the muscles of the butt are ones you can include in your workout program for a perky derriere.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

What Happens To The Body On A Diet?

What Happens To The Body On A Diet?

When you go on a diet or change your diet to include healthier foods, depending on what type of diet you choose, the body makes changes. To find what happens to the body on a diet, we’ll just include a diet that changes from junk food to healthy food, because that’s where you see the most beneficial changes. At your first healthier meal on the first day, your body responds.

Your blood sugar levels are immediately affected.

It may be tough to reduce added sugar in your diet, but well worth it. When you switch to foods that have a lower glycemic index, your blood sugar levels are affected immediately. The glycemic index measures carbohydrates effect on blood sugar, ranking them between 1 and 100. The higher the number, the more increase in blood sugar levels, which are followed by deep dips. Those fluctuations cause an increased risk for obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Cutting out sugary treats like pastries, candy and soft drinks immediately lower your risks.

Severe calorie restrictions can affect your body negatively.

There’s a reason that I recommend a healthy diet, not a starvation diet. If your diet has severe calorie restriction, your body reacts negatively. It’s programmed to stay alive and eating too little is an indication that food is scarce, so to avoid starvation, the body does what it needs to do to stay alive. It uses the available energy—calories—more efficiently, effectively lowering your metabolism and making weight loss more difficult. It tends to burn lean muscle tissue, which requires more calories for maintenance and stores fat for later. Again, that’s not what you want if weight loss is your goal.

It’s not about diet, but the type of diet you choose.

We know that a dramatic calorie-restricted diet isn’t healthy and just eating healthier food is better, but what about a keto diet or many of the other variations, like intermittent fasting? The keto diet simply restricts carbs, which affect the glycemic index and intermittent fasting is nothing more than eating your food in an eight-hour window of time. What you eat is what’s important, although some studies show that intermittent fasting can be beneficial. The reason may be due to the fact that this type of diet often causes people to eat less with little or no snacking.

  • Doing strength building exercises while losing weight can also be beneficial, no matter how healthy your diet is. It not only burns calories, but builds muscle tissue that require more calories, to keep your metabolism high.
  • There’s an estimate that for every pound of muscle tissue a person has, they’ll burn about 50 extra calories each day.
  • While it’s recommended that you never reduce your caloric intake lower than 1,000 calories a day, you don’t have to count calories when you eat healthy. Our meal plans let you leave the table feeling full.
  • If you want to be your healthiest, start by cutting out food with added sugar and sugary treats like pastry and candy. Eliminating processed foods and sugary carbonated drinks can help you lose weight immediately. After the initial cravings wane, you’ll feel better, too.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Can Prebiotics Reduce Anxiety?

Can Prebiotics Reduce Anxiety?

At RC Fitness in Houston, TX, we focus on finding ways to boost not only your physical well-being, but your mental well-being as well. While looking good is fabulous and can make you feel better, if you suffer from issues like depression and anxiety, it’s not enough. There’s good news. Many of the things you do to help your body can also improve your mental health. You can reduce anxiety through exercise and the right diet. Studies show the right balance of gut bacteria can improve depression and anxiety, but to get that healthy balance, you need to feed the bacteria the right food. That’s where prebiotics enter the picture.

Your body has more microbes than cells.

While there’s a bit of dissent about just how many microbes the human body contains, the ratio at 1.3 microbes per human cell is the latest accepted balance. The microbes help you live healthier. It’s everywhere on your body, from skin to lungs, but mostly in the digestive tract. Your microbiome affects your digestion, your immune system and can affect your mental health. There’s a gut-brain connection that scientists are now discovering, which can modify your outlook on life.

The connection between the brain and the gut goes both ways and is called the gut-brain axis.

Your hormones are affected by your gut bacteria, as are your immune and nervous system. The type of microbes that live in your gut affect how your body works. It also affects your mental health, according to recent research. Studies show that the more diverse your gut microbes and the fewer disease causing ones, the less chance you have of depression. How do you boost your healthy bacteria and make your microbes more diverse? Taking probiotics is one way, but so is providing the food healthy bacteria needs to grow, which are prebiotics.

Studies show providing probiotics and prebiotics can increase healthy bacteria and improve mental health.

The type of food you eat feeds more than just you, it feeds your microbiome. If you’re eating junk food, you’re probably feeding harmful bacteria and yeast, creating an imbalance. There are studies that show that prebiotics may help people cope with stress. Some microbes create cortisol that lead to stress and anxiety. One study showed that consuming GOS—galacto-oligosaccharides—a prebiotic—helped reduce the level of cortisol, which is directly related to stress and anxiety. The decrease in cortisol was linked to an increase in the bifidobacterium in the gut. Foods containing GOS include dairy, beans and some root vegetables.

  • Too many bad microbes in the gut leads to inflammation and stress. Chronic stress response can cause anxiety. It can deplete the body of good bacteria that produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine, GABA and dopamine that communicate with the brain.
  • When you feed the beneficial microbes with prebiotics, they displace the negative ones that help create anxiety. By producing the neurotransmitters, the healthy bacteria help relax the mind and have a calming effect.
  • Inflammation is reduced by lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which prebiotics feed. That too helps lower stress levels and anxiety. If you take an antibiotic, it can kill off beneficial bacteria, too. Eat prebiotic-food and probiotics to replace the healthy bacteria.
  • Not only will using prebiotics feed healthy microbes, it can help you lose weight. Studies show that prebiotics can help brain function, heart health, blood sugar regulation and immune health by improving your microbiome.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

The Science Of A Great Workout

The Science Of A Great Workout

Most people don’t realize how much science is necessary for a great workout. You can do all the spot training you want and you won’t get the results you want. Do you want to lose weight? Don’t bother with spot exercises—also called isolation exercises, do compound and core strength training instead. They burn more fat, while building muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism is. That’s because muscle tissue requires more energy—calories—to maintain than fat tissue requires.

Find ways to torch calories while you’re doing them and afterward, too.

HIIT workouts aren’t a specific type of workout, but a way to do any type of exercise to maximize the benefits. You can even take HIIT walks. It’s a method where you do the exercise at peak intensity for a minute or two and then ease up for the same length of time or longer using a recovery intensity. If you’re walking briskly, walk fast and get your heart rate higher, then slow it down to catch your breath and resume walking fast again. You can do it with strength training, flexibility training and endurance training. It continues to burn calories hours after you finish the workout.

Compound exercises are better than isolation exercises.

Isolation exercises work just one muscle group, like bicep curls. Compound exercise work several muscles and joints when you do them. They include exercises like squats and lunges. It only makes sense that the more muscles and joints you move at once, the more calories you’ll burn. Focus on compound exercises and full body workouts.

It’s important to work on all areas of fitness.

There are four areas of fitness, strength, flexibility, endurance—cardio—and balance. You need all four areas to be your healthiest and look your best. Strength training helps build muscle tissue, burn calories and prevents injury. It can help prevent osteoporosis in later years. Flexibility workouts aid you in everyday life to prevent muscle strains and tears. Endurance training increases your energy level and allows you to workout longer. Balance training prevents injuries from falls and makes you look more graceful when you walk.

  • You’ll be able to work harder when you do compound exercises. Unlike isolation exercises, you’re not putting all the force on just one muscle group, but transferring it over dozens of muscles and joints.
  • Don’t worry about getting big and bulky when you do strength training. It’s especially difficult for women to do because of hormones, but even men have to have a special program to bulk up.
  • Having a preworkout snack and post workout meal or snack can keep you working out more effectively and help speed your recovery. These snacks should be a combination of protein and carbs.
  • Make sure you stay hydrated when you workout. It can help improve your workout by providing more energy. Even mild dehydration can sap the energy out of you.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Building Six-Pack Abs

Building Six-Pack Abs

Many of the goals clients have at Reggie C Fitness in Houston, TX, is to get rid of muffin tops, have a flatter belly or get six-pack abs. If it were only doing spot exercises, it would be easy, but the answer is more complicated. No matter how toned your abs are, it won’t matter if you have a layer of fat covering them. I can’t emphasize that enough. Spot training builds muscle tissue, but doesn’t remove the fat from just that area. When you lose weight, you lose it from all areas of the body, not just one spot.

Great abs start in the kitchen.

Eating foods that promote weight loss, while also promoting muscle gain is necessary. It starts with a healthy diet that’s free from added sugar and highly processed food. A balanced diet should contain carbs, protein and fat, but the carbs should be non-starchy fruits and vegetables. Healthy fat is extremely important. Healthy fat actually helps you lose fat. You can get it from sources like avocados, nuts or fatty fish. Ensuring you have a wide variety of fruits and vegetables of all colors in your diet is also important. Include whole grains like oatmeal and sprinkle on some cinnamon. It will help lower insulin levels that can cause your body to store fat.

Do core exercises.

Your core muscles are the ones that make up your torso. It does include abs, but so much more. They’re the muscles in your back, hips and shoulders, too. When those muscles are strong, you have better posture and that can help flatten your abdomen immediately. Stand in front of your mirror and slouch with your shoulders down and check your belly. Now stand up straight with shoulders back and do the same. Your stomach should be flatter. Working your core muscles means working your larger muscle groups, which also burns tons of calories to help lose fat. Push-ups are one type of core exercise, so are planks, mountain climbers and rollouts.

Do strength training to burn the most fat.

Strength training not only burns tons of calories, it builds muscle tissue, too. Aim for compound exercises that work more than one muscle group to maximize the benefits. A single-arm bent over row and single-leg deadlift are two examples. You don’t have to have weights to do strength training. Good old-fashioned push-ups are bodyweight exercises that build strength, just as planks are, and they both work the core muscles, including the abs.

  • Eat more protein. You need 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of weight. Protein fills you up and is necessary for building muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn, since muscle requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue does.
  • If you’re having problems creating a healthy diet, don’t worry. We can help. Our meal plans can help you learn healthy eating. You’ll be surprised at how much you can eat and how good it tastes. You can still have some of your favorites, just not as often and keeping portion control in mind.
  • Try some tips from various researchers. Green tea contains catechins, which help you lose weight. Other studies show that adding chili peppers to your diet will increase your metabolism. It’s the capsaicin in the peppers that does it.
  • Cut back on refined foods, sugar and carbs. It cuts calories, so you lose weight, plus have more energy and feel better. Eating sugar, refined grain and soft drinks, including diet soft drinks is linked to abdominal fat, which hides those muscles.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness