
Foods That Help Boost Your Memory

Foods That Help Boost Your Memory

Whether you workout with me in person in Houston, TX, or opt for the online option, you know I focus on looking good, while getting fit and healthier. One good side effect of a healthy lifestyle that helps you look your best is improved cognitive functioning. Not only does exercise enhance your brain power, there are foods that help boost your memory. You don’t have to be old to want to improve cognitive functioning and memory.

While genetics plays a role in the aging process, lifestyle plays a far more important role in many cases.

I get people of all ages that use my program remark that not only do they look and feel better, they actually feel mentally sharper and find it easier to recall information quickly. Part of it is regular exercise, which many studies show improves blood flow to the brain and even lowers the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. It affects the hippocampus area of the brain that controls memory and recall. A healthy diet can also make dramatic changes.

Preventing inflammation helps your entire body, including the brain.

Atherosclerosis, for instance, comes from cholesterol accumulation caused by inflammation, thickening arteries and slowing blood and oxygen levels to the brain. Consuming food that helps prevent inflammation, such as tomatoes, olive oil, green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and collards, nuts like almonds and walnuts, fruits like blueberries and fatty fish can help reduce inflammation and prevent the arteries in the brain from blockage.

Eating healthy can help prevent obesity and obesity is linked to memory loss.

Eating healthy, avoiding sugary treats and processed food can lead to weight loss, which is good for your brain. Studies have shown that people who are obese are more at risk to cognitive decline and dementia. Studies showed it reduced the amount of gray matter, where neurons are located, while also increasing the amount of two proteins in the hippocampus that can cause memory loss. Eating healthy to lose weight can improve your memory, too. It’s noted that not only does a high BMI indicating obesity affects memory, people who are severely underweight had the same changes.

  • Cut out sugar! You can protect your memory and cognitive functioning, as well as improving your attention span by eliminating added sugar. It elevates glucose levels in the blood that can cause harm to the brain and have a big impact on memory.
  • Improve your intake of vitamin D to make your brain healthier. Safe sunning without sunblock for short periods is one way. So is eating fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel. Also egg yolks, beef liver, mushrooms and cheese contain smaller amounts of vitamin D.
  • Opt for organic food that are free from pesticides. If you want to save money, buy organic if it’s on the Dirty Dozen list, but it’s not necessary to choose vegetable and fruit that are organic on the Clean 15 list.
  • Good news! That cup of coffee in the morning can actually help your memory. So can food like blueberries, dark chocolate, nuts and seeds, oranges and green tea.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Are You Overweight Because Of A Hormone Imbalance?

Are You Overweight Because Of A Hormone Imbalance?

I have had clients at RC Fitness in Houston, TX, who put on weight easily and are overweight. They find it hard to take off those extra pounds. It’s not that they eat more than others. It’s that they have a hormone imbalance, which makes it harder. If you feel like you’re trying your hardest to shed those extra pounds, but your body is fighting harder to keep them, that may be the case. You can control many of the factors when you know what to do. Hormonal imbalances make it especially hard for women going through menopause, when hormone levels are regularly changing. There are ways to identify the problem and control it.

When hormone levels drop, each level diminishes different.

One sign of estrogen dominance is weight gain. You’d think that at menopause, with consistently lower levels of estrogen, you’d find it easier to lose weight. That doesn’t happen because at the same time, progesterone levels are also dropping and you need the fine balance of the two to maintain normal weight and burn calories. When progesterone levels drop faster than estrogen, it creates an estrogen dominance and weight gain.

Other hormones play a role in weight loss.

Besides estrogen and progesterone, you have a number of other hormones that determine your weight. Insulin ensures your body uses the energy properly. High levels lead to insulin resistance and weight gain on your belly. Too much cortisol, the hormone of stress, is burned off when you run or fight. You can burn them off by mimicking those actions with exercise. Hormones that control hunger levels, leptin and ghrelin, tell you when you’re full or hungry. Too much leptin, the satiety hormone, develops leptin resistance and your body doesn’t get that message of being full. Too much ghrelin keeps you hungry all the time.

You don’t have to take medication to level hormones

Adequate sleep can help you keep your ghrelin and leptin balanced. You can reduce the amount of cortisol and stress hormones by simply exercising regularly. It mimics fighting or running that they are meant to help you do. Exercise also helps you modify the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. It helps lower insulin levels and prevents insulin resistance. Eating healthy is another way of helping your hormone levels stay in balance and keeping you in a normalized state.

  • Walking is a great way to start if you are completely out of shape. As you get fitter, you’ll be able to workout harder and see even faster results.
  • Sometimes, your body needs additional nutrition. When you don’t get adequate sun, you may have vitamin D shortage, particularly if you use sunblock. Magnesium and vitamin B are also important in maintain a good hormonal balance.
  • Too much caffeine and red meat might be causing the problem you face with your weight. Don’t forget to include healthy fat in your diet and make sure you focus heavily on whole foods, like vegetables and fruit.
  • Your gut health plays an important role in regulating your hormones. Probiotic food like yogurt, sauerkraut and kefir contain healthy bacteria that can help you lose weight. Food high in soluble fiber, such as asparagus, onions and bananas are food for that bacteria and called prebiotics.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Best Workouts For A Flat Stomach

Best Workouts For A Flat Stomach

If you want to flatten your stomach, you need to work several muscle groups. People normally think specifically about the abs when they think a flat stomach, but other core muscles are also important. Not only are strong core muscles important for a flat stomach, but also to improve your balance, prevent backache and help you achieve your fitness goals. However, no matter how strong your core muscles and abs are, if you have a layer of fat on your belly, nobody will see how flat they are. That makes a healthy diet and weight loss important.

Start with one of the easiest ab exercises.

If you don’t do a plank now, it’s time to learn. It’s one of the easiest ways to work not only your abs, but all your core muscles. You can do it when watching TV if you have room on the floor. Lay on your stomach with toes touching the floor and arms directly down with your forearms on the floor. Lift yourself up on your forearms and toes and raise yourself, until your entire body is in a straight line. Hold that position. It’s harder than it looks. Start with holding it one minute and add time as you get stronger.

Another exercise that requires a pose and hold position is the boat pose called Navasana in yoga.

Sit on the floor, bending your knees. Slightly lean back and bring your feet toward you until your legs for a V. Stretch your arms forward, keeping them level with one another and parallel to the floor with your palms facing each other. It may be hard to balance. Keep your abs tight and make sure your stomach is flat. Hold the position for a minute and longer as you get fit.

The bicycle crunch is another tough one that gets fast results.

Start by laying on your back, putting your hands behind your head. Lift your head off the floor, leaving your hands behind your head. Lift your right leg slightly off the floor and bend your left leg to a 90 degree angle. Bring your right elbow toward your left knee and then back to neutral position, straightening your left leg at the same time. Then bring the left elbow to the right knee as you bend your right leg, bringing it toward you. You’ll be pedaling your legs and bringing the opposite elbow forward to touch the knee, providing both the strength building from keeping feet and head elevated and the twisting.

  • Focus on eating more vegetables and cut out sugar and caffeine. It will help you eliminate belly fat that covers the abs you’re building and makes you have a pooch.
  • If you don’t ride a bike now, consider starting. Bicycling is a good exercise for belly fat. You don’t have to buy a bicycle if your city has bike rentals. Consider taking a bike to work, rather than driving or taking a bus.
  • Jumping rope can help you take off belly fat and build abdominal muscles, plus is good for burning calories and a great cardio workout.
  • A very simple exercise you can do daily is a suction. It’s simply standing up tall and attempting to suck in your stomach until your belly button hits your spine. Another way to do it is bend forward slightly squatting, put your hands on your knees, blow out the air in your lungs, pull in your stomach and hold.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Can Too Much Sugar Be Dangerous

Can Too Much Sugar Be Dangerous

Those sweet treats and delicacies may look fantastic and taste that way, too, but they could be killing you in the process. They’re loaded with sugar and too much sugar can be dangerous to your health. That doesn’t mean you have to give them up entirely. An occasional treat won’t create lasting harm for most healthy people. However, there are dire consequences for eating food heavily laden with sugar on a regular basis. To make matters worse, sugar is in just about everything you find on the grocery shelf. It may be called corn syrup, dextrose or high fructose corn syrup, but it doesn’t make it any better for your health.

Natural food is always healthy. Right?

Sugar is a natural product, but no, it doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Whether it’s cane sugar, corn sugar or maple syrup sugar, it does the same thing. It increases your risk of heart disease and your risk of obesity, which is now the leading cause of preventable deaths. Too much sugar causes tooth decay, impairs the immune system and causes aging to accelerate. Think of it like this, tobacco is a natural product, but like sugar, it’s not healthy either.

But the commercial told me HFCS—high fructose corn syrup—was healthy because of its natural goodness.

Thank heaven we don’t get all our medical advice from Madison Avenue and those that make commercials or everyone would be on hundreds of medications and as round as a ball. HFCS is even worse than normal cane sugar. It’s from corn stalks and created with a chemical reaction. The end product is nothing like regular sugar chemically and far worse for your health. Like cane sugar, it goes into the blood rapidly to cause a spike of insulin, which can lead to fatty liver disease and create metabolic problems. HFCS can actually cause your appetite to increase, causing weight gain. It contributes to the risk of dementia, heart disease and damage to the stomach lining.

If you thought that fat was the evil one, think again. It’s sugar.

You probably look for fat free alternatives at the store, to avoid all the problems from fat, but you won’t be doing yourself a favor. When they take the fat out of food, they have to put something in to make it more palatable and that something is often sugar, making the food even less healthy. There’s a myth around the dangers of fat that came from a study in the 1950s that showed fat was the leading contributor to heart disease and sugar was healthy. That study was paid for by the sugar industry and later it was found that the Harvard professors that did the study were paid to come up with those exact findings. Trans fat is the only truly unhealthy fat, while fat, like that in avocados, nuts and coconuts can provide health and even weight loss benefits.

  • If you’re having a hard time giving up food with added sugar, don’t feel bad. Sugar is addictive and affects the brain receptors that cocaine and other drugs do. It alters your sense of taste and makes you crave even sweeter foods.
  • If you’ve cut out the salt that affects your blood pressure, it’s time to cut out sugar, too. In fact, it makes your blood pressure rise as much as the salt does, while also causing other health issues.
  • If you’re checking the label of food for sugar, remember, it comes by several names. Look for fructose, corn syrup, dextrose, lactose and maltose, just to name a few. Manufacturers often use several types of sugar so each one appears lower on the list of ingredients, leading you to think there isn’t that much.
  • If your food label says HFCS or high fructose corn syrup, don’t buy it. It affects your hunger and satiety hormones, decreasing the production of the hormone leptin that makes you feel full and increasing the hormone ghrelin that makes you hungry.

For more information, contact us today at RC Fitness

How Do Hormones Affect Your Health?

How Do Hormones Affect Your Health?

I focus a lot on appearance at RC Fitness in Houston, Tx, but every workout and dietary recommendation is also designed to make you healthier. Many of the recommendations help regulate hormones and hormones affect your health, while also affecting your weight and metabolism. People often associate hormones with estrogen and testosterone, which are associated with sexuality. However, they’re more than that. They are chemical messengers that help the body to function at its best. They control everything from your mood to your body temperature and weight.

Are you feeling stressed out? That comes from the fight or flight hormones.

Your body was engineered to respond quickly to danger. At the first sign, it sends out hormones that stimulate it to prepare to run or fight. Those stress hormones make changes that send blood to extremities so you can run faster and fight. Those hormones also regulate you blood sugar levels, maintain blood pressure, improve memory and regulate your metabolism. If they’re not burned off by exercise, those changes and more remain. Stress hormones, like cortisol can also cause increased potential for belly fat and obesity. They can cause other health issues like increased potential for heart disease. Regular exercise can help reduce those dangers, while also giving you a toned beautiful body.

Are you gaining weight and don’t know why?

Weight gain, no matter how much you diet, may be due to a sex hormone imbalance. The imbalance can come from too much stress, poor nutrition or toxins. It can lead to serious health issue. Issues like fibroid tumors, weight gain around the thighs hips and abdomen, low sex drive, mood swings, heavy bleeding, gall bladder disease and painful periods are symptoms of too much estrogen and too little progesterone.

Health issues occur due to hormonal deficiencies or imbalance.

The endocrine system consists of glands that make hormones. The major gland is the hypothalamus. It controls the hormone of sleep, thirst, body temperature and other important functions. Type 1 diabetes is another disease caused by hormones, since insulin is insufficient and insulin is a hormone. The pituitary gland is the master gland that controls all the others. Another important gland is the pineal gland or thalamus that makes serotonin. Serotonin affects the sleep/wake cycle. As you can tell, every part and function of the body is affected by hormones.

  • If you want to ensure your endocrine system is functioning at its best, you need to have healthy eating habits. Avoid food that has added sugar, which can cause problems regulating insulin.
  • Regular exercise can aid in regulating hormone levels. It’s especially good for resetting your hormones after a stressful situation set off the fight or flight response. Stress doesn’t have to be life threatening to do it. It can be as simple as an angry boss or being caught in traffic.
  • Food that can help you maintain a healthier hormonal system include those higher in omega 3 fatty acids, like salmon or other fatty fish. It also can include green tea, which has been shown beneficial to hormonal health.
  • It’s not always easy to keep stress at bay and sometimes working out immediately is impossible. Learn ways to deal with stress like meditation or find ways to burn it off without going to the gym. Pacing has always been a stress release. Taking a few flights of stairs at top speed can also do it quickly.

For more information, contact us today at RC Fitness

Are All Processed Foods Bad For You?

Are All Processed Foods Bad For You?

While there’s a generalization that processed foods are bad for you, it’s just that, a generalization. There are foods that are processed that not only could be in your menu, but should be. The definition of processing is food that is cooked, canned, frozen, milled or dehydrated. Processing does many things. It can lower the nutritional value of food. It can also be loaded with unhealthy additions, which include preservatives, sodium and added sugar. Those are the true culprits of processed food, so reading the label is imperative.

Check your label and see if the food includes the following ingredients.

Is there added sugar to the food? Whether it’s low calorie sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, regular table sugar or other sweetener, it adds calories, affects your health and provides no upside in nutrition. Refined grains are another that should be avoided. It doesn’t have the nutrition of whole grains. There’s a link to bad health and refined grains. Trans fats are removed from may products, but you’re more likely to find them in pastry, donuts and pies. Fried foods are also food you should avoid.

You may have to do a little extra to make some processed food healthier.

If you’re on a budget, it’s good to know that canned vegetables and canned fruit without added sugar can be quite healthy. For food with added sodium, such as beans, you may have to pour off the liquid and rinse them. Canned salmon, tuna or other fish without additives and packed in water are also healthy. If you’re a fan of peanut butter or other nut butters, you’ll be happy to know natural options are good. The same is true of whole-grain cereals without added sugar and plain yogurt,

Eating whole food doesn’t necessarily mean fresh from the garden.

During off-season, eating fresh fruits and vegetables can be a bit pricey. To save money, you can use frozen fruits and vegetables liberally. The same is true for canned ones, except you still have to check the labels on canned food. Studies show that frozen fruit and vegetables may actually have more nutrients since they’re picked at their ripest and immediately frozen.

  • Do you want a delicious and healthy dessert? Combine chopped walnuts, chopped whole frozen black cherries or blueberries and plain Greek yogurt. Mix well. It’s a sweet treat that is healthy and low in calories.
  • Cheese may be a healthy option, but you want the healthiest options. Cottage cheese, feta, goat cheese, Parmesan and part skim milk mozzarella are healthiest.
  • If you want a simple method of finding food to avoid, consider anything with added sugar, processed meat, like hot dogs, diet or regular soda and most snacks, such as chips, cheese puffs or tortilla chips.
  • While fruit juice may seem like a healthier alternative to soft drinks, you’re better off eating the whole fruit and drinking water. You’ll feel fuller, add fiber to your diet and often consume fewer calories.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

What Is The Best Day To Meal Prep?

What Is The Best Day To Meal Prep?

If you’re using my ap or working out with me in Houston, TX, you know I highly recommend a program of healthy eating. Weight loss and fitness starts in the kitchen, which is why I made it easy for you with the weekly menu and shopping list ap. I’ve had several people follow the plan and ask what the best day to meal prep is. That’s one thing that’s so great about the program. You get to choose. It should be a day when you can have time to stay home and don’t have to go to work.

Some people use two days for meal prep.

Since the ap eliminates the need to create a menu and shopping list, that’s one task you don’t have to do. You still have to shop and should do it after you’ve eaten, to prevent those chips and snacks from jumping into your grocery cart or the need to check out empty cookie boxes. It happens and we all know it, so take precautions to prevent it. People who have a Monday through Friday job often do meal prep on the weekend. Most of the dishes can be created and cook while you do other things around the house.

If you have unusual hours, you be the judge.

It’s easy to say use your day off to cook, but I know those, like nurses and shift workers who have odd hours. They may work 10 hour shifts for four days or work a straight week and take a half week off. It’s all about having time at home to do the cooking. Once you make that time, the rest is a breeze. Just like our nutrition programs, find the one that works for you.

Planning your meals, including snacks, helps you avoid junk food.

It’s pretty easy to stop for drive-through or grab something quick and easy at the grocery, but you won’t be tempted when you know you have a great meal waiting for you at home that you can just heat and serve. In fact, it’s actually faster than waiting in the drive-through line or stopping for a quick meal from the deli section of your grocery. That’s why meal planning works…and helps you stay on track.

  • Don’t forget about snacks. You’ll be more likely to eat the cantaloupe or grapefruit if it’s already in the refrigerator in a bowl. It makes it easy to grab a quick snack and doesn’t pack on the pounds.
  • You’ll be amazed at how much time you’ll save after a few weeks, especially when you double the recipe and freeze meals for another week. In fact, you’ll probably be able to take a week or two off from prep after a while.
  • You’ll have pre-measured meals when you do meal prep and freeze ahead. That cuts the need to measure everything you eat when it’s dinner time, you’re starved and more likely to eat more than you should.
  • Meal prep saves money, too. You won’t have food that goes to waste. My ap makes it easy and each meal is designed with you in mind.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

How To Quit Sugar For Good

How To Quit Sugar For Good

You don’t have to live in Houston, TX, to realize there’s food with added sugar everywhere you look. If you want to quit sugar for good, it becomes pretty difficult. Not only is added sugar in the vast majority of food we eat, it’s also quite addictive. It stimulates the reward center of the brain, like an opioid, releasing dopamine that makes us feel good. While it’s not physically addictive like an opioid, it’s emotionally addictive because it makes you feel good. Think about the times you grabbed a sweet because you felt bad emotionally. That’s what is meant by emotionally addictive.

You can go cold turkey or slowly.

Quitting anything or starting anything all begins with the first step. Whether you choose to give up all sugar and change your entire diet in one felt swoop or start by taking baby steps, you’ll be doing yourself a favor. If you’re a baby step taker, begin by making changes to the obvious. Eliminate sugary treats or sugary beverages from your diet. Often people fail to identify a soft drink as a source of sugar or calories. Switch to water, not diet drinks that trick your brain into thinking you had sugar. If you’re getting rid of sugar in steps, do this for a week or two and move on to the next step.

Read labels.

If you’ve successfully given up food with added sugar, including cereal and sweet tea, it’s time to start reading labels. You’ll be amazed at how many condiments contain sugar. Watch out for other names for sugar, such as dextrose, fructose and etc. Just because it’s a natural sugar, it doesn’t mean it’s okay. Natural or man-made, they both work the same way to keep you on the sugar train.

Watch out for simple carbs that act like sugar.

When you eat refined grains, such as white bread, pasta and crackers—which also have sugar in them–your body breaks them down quickly and there’s a rush of sugar. Try substitutions. Vegetable spaghetti—vegetable squash—is a great substitute for pasta. Consider eggplant or zucchini lasagna over regular. Add more meat and vegetables to your pasta sauce and cut back on the pasta.

  • When you want something sugary, go for fruit. The fiber in fruit changes how the sugar affects your body. Keep fruit cut up and ready to eat in the refrigerator. Put some peanut butter on the apple to mae it more filling.
  • If you really crave sugar, take a hike. Really! Do something active. You’ll be surprised at how that can get you away from food and change your mood. It helps release dopamine that is the feel good hormone.
  • Eat healthy meals and don’t worry about weight until you conquered sugar. If you’re following the rules and giving up sugar and simple carbs, you probably will actually lose weight.
  • Get plenty of sleep and hydrate frequently. Lack of sleep adds to sugar and food cravings. Thirst can also be mistaken for hunger. Water is amazing when you need a quick pick-me-up.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

How Accountability Can Increase Results!

How Accountability Can Increase Results!

What is accountability? There are a lot of definitions, but they all boil down to someone holding you personally responsible for your actions. When you work with a personal trainer, he or she tracks your progress when you exercise and measures and records your success. The trainer knows your goals and what you should be achieving, so if you don’t meet them, either you didn’t follow the path or there needs to be changes in how you reach those goals. Someone who has to meet a trainer at a gym or report to a trainer is being held accountable for his or her actions.

If you workout with a trainer and record your results, you’ll be more apt to finish every set.

Everyone has probably gotten near the end of a task and wanted to quit. Getting started may be a problem, but finishing something is just as big a problem, maybe worse. It’s the same for working out. You’re tired and achy. It seems so easy to just cut out the last few push-ups or last few minutes, where in reality, it’s those minutes that do the most good. If you’re working with a trainer and reporting your progress, being held accountable, you’re more likely to do every set and finish the entire workout.

Accountability is important in diet, too.

One reason people often fail to lose weight is that they don’t realize just how much they eat. How many times have you walked into the kitchen and mindlessly grabbed a cookie or a cracker, and you weren’t even hungry! Whether it’s cookies, candy or snack food, eating out of habit, rather than hunger, does occur. Whether you follow a specific diet plan or choose to eat healthy, recording everything you eat, you’ll be more aware of those habits. When you’re accountable for tracking food, no matter which way, you’ll be more successful.

Everyone wants recognition for their success, too.

Being held accountable isn’t all about having to report failure. It’s also about reporting success. Whether it’s a workout friend or one of the RC Fitness Team, it’s nice to be able to report how well you’re doing. Unless someone is also going through the same weight loss and fitness struggles, has been there or works with others with the same problems, they simply don’t understand what an accomplishment it is to be successful.

  • Having a friend to workout with and share your trials and tribulations is also important. Not everyone has a friend that wants or needs to transform their body and fitness. It’s important to find other ways to get support and accountability.
  • Documenting your progress with a log or through pictures also holds you accountable and gives you a visual for success.
  • Being held accountable keeps your goals to the forefront. Whether it’s logging into the dashboard or recording your progress, it keeps your mind on your fitness goals.
  • Getting fit and even being held accountable can actually be fun. It’s always important to challenge yourself and see how much you can achieve. Consider fitness your challenge.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

Does Intermittent Fasting Really Work?

Does Intermittent Fasting Really Work?

If you’ve heard about the latest miracle diet called intermittent fasting, don’t just toss the idea away as another fad. There is some scientific proof that intermittent fasting may be good for your health and also some logic that says it might be a good way to shed those extra pounds. The studies were animal studies. For a long time, scientists have known that calorie restriction could make rats stay younger longer. However, more recently they found that there was more to the story.

Mice were divided into two groups.

The results of a recent study published in the September 6, 2018 issue of Cell Metabolism, which divided lab mice into two groups. The first group had a low sugar, whole food diet, while the second group had a diet with more processed food and sugar. They then divided each group into three types of feeding patterns. One had an on demand access, where it was available around the clock. The next group was calorie restricted, with 30 percent less food given once a day. The third group received the same number of calories as the on demand group, but it was given only once a day.

So who came out healthier?

You probably would expect the healthier eaters to live longer and have less disease than those who ate sugar and refined foods, but that wasn’t where the big difference was. The scientists discovered that calorie restriction and the composition of the diet didn’t make a difference. The fasting did. Those mice in the group fed once a day, gobbled their food quickly, just as those in the group of calorie restricted did with their two meals a day. That meant they had periods where they didn’t eat, periods of fasting. Mice fed twice a day lived 11 percent longer than those in the on demand food schedule. Mice in the calorie restricted group increased their lifespan over the on demand eating group by 28 percent.

The study showed that increasing fasting times, even without calorie restriction, improved the health of male mice.

While only male mice were used in this study and not female, it does show a unique result. Scientists considered that the improvements in health and longer survival of the male mice might be due to extended fasting that allowed the body to do maintenance and repair. While the results were for male mice, there’s new research to see if it affects humans the same way. Another study on mice showed that fasting produced a molecule Beta-hydroxybutyrate, which reversed vascular aging and built more cells that lined the interior of blood vessels, which is a marker of cellular youth.

  • Intermittent fasting is good for weight loss. Just by restricting your caloric intake to a smaller window, you’ll automatically cut the calories consumed. It also could boost your metabolism according to some studies.
  • Intermittent fasting can also reduce insulin levels and help control blood sugar. Some research shows it can help retain muscle mass better than calorie restriction and can aid in decreasing body fat significantly.
  • Some research says intermittent fasting can significantly benefit a keto diet and boost fat burning. It speeds up ketosis for maximum weight loss.
  • You don’t have to go a day without food for intermittent fasting, you can limit your eating window to a six or eight hour one. Some people choose to eat once a day and others choose to go 24 hours without food two times a week. No matter what, you’ll get health benefits and a boost in your weight loss effort.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness