Abs Challenge-Day 14!
Sip from it every now and then, and you’ll feel fuller, more invigorated, and you’ll also be a lot less likely to indulge in a sugar-laden soda or juice if you’re not thirsty!
Also, Check out my Abs eBook Here!
Abs Challenge-Day 13!
Reggie’s Tip: Leafy greens like collard greens, watercress, kale, and arugula may not be on your everyday list, but they all contain a compound called sulforaphane. This nutrient has been shown to act directly on the genes that determine “adipocyte differentiation”—basically, turning a stem cell into a fat cell. A healthier intake of the compound means a healthier body weight for you.
Also, Check out the Abs eBook Here!
Abs Challenge–The 11th Day of the 30 Day! Make sure you keep your accountability partner consistent!
Also, Check out the Ab eBook Here!
Abs Challenge-Day 10!
Those core muscles will feel the workout after today.
Also, Check out the Abs eBook Here!
Abs Challenge-Day 9!
Reggie’s Tip: Add two or three weight training sessions on nonconsecutive days to your weekly workouts; everyone naturally gains some fat as they age, but building muscle tone can significantly slow the production of belly fat.
Also, Check out the Abs eBook Here!
Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Hold You Back
If you want to lose weight or were told by a health care professional you need to exercise more and eat healthier, remember that negative thoughts hold you back. Changing how you think about something can make all the difference in the world. While you might not be able to fill your bank account or shed extra pounds by simply thinking happy thoughts, you can change your perspective and start to look forward to a healthier lifestyle with anticipation and pleasure. There are a few ways to make striving toward good health more enjoyable.
Make it a friends, couples or group activity.
If you have a best friend, start working out with them. Instead of going to the local coffee shop or bar after work, go to the gym. Get a shot of exercise to clear your brain and get your blood circulating. Instead of going to a show for couples night, make it at the gym for a workout. You’ll both feel better afterward. (Remember that exercising on a regular basis also boosts the sex drive, so it is the prelude to a romantic evening.) It’s been known for a long time that exercising with someone else makes it more enjoyable. While you might have a gripe fest afterward, you’ll both agree it makes you feel great.
Fake it until you can make it.
Those first few days of working out are killers. You feel totally out of place and hurt after each session. There’s no immediate evidence it did any good either. However, you probably will sleep better at night, if that’s any concession. Until you can see the difference, fake it with a smile. When people are learning a new task, or developing new habits, faking it is one way to get through the hard times until you start to see success. Just smile and keep your appointment with the gym.
Make it a game.
Online gaming sites are very popular because everyone loves a challenge. That’s all exercising is. It’s challenging your body to achieve certain things. Setting goals and keeping records of your success helps you keep score of the game. If you could only do two push-ups when you started, see how long it takes before you can do three. Call it leveling up if you must. Before you know it, you’ll forget about the time and the hard work and just focus on achieving the next level.
Don’t worry if you don’t have a workout buddy. Sign up for a group exercise, such as boot camp. Everyone tends to become friends as they workout together at these types of camps. They’re run by personal trainers.
Make sure you have a program designed especially for your level of fitness and needs. It can be discouraging if you’re working out in a group with everyone trying to achieve the same goal. Either you feel left behind or bored. Sign up for a group where you have individualized goals.
Look for the positive. If you’re overweight, focus on inches or pounds lost, not how many you have to go to reach your goal. Notice small things, like not getting winded after climbing a few stairs.
Feel the change in your mood. Exercise is both a stress buster and mood enhancer. Notice how good you feel after you workout and you’ll be hooked on it for life.
Abs Challenge-Day 7!
Reggie’s Tip: Core exercises will strengthen your abs, but they won’t eliminate the fat that lies beneath them. To do that, you have to ramp up your overall calorie burn with cardio (running, walking, biking).
Also, Check out the Abs eBook here
Abs Challenge-Day 6! Now it’s starting to get challenging. Stay Strong!
Reggie’s Tip: Research shows people who drink one and a half cups of green tea enriched with a total of 609 milligrams of catechins (a group of antioxidants that have been shown to help burn fat cells) every day for 12 weeks lost almost 16 times as much visceral fat as those who consumed green tea without the added antioxidants.