Fitness & Wellness

Avoid Illness

Avoid Illness

Many people in Houston, TX focus on ways to avoid illness rather than spending the time and money at the doctor’s and pharmacy. It means doing the things necessary to stay healthy. No matter how much you do, sometimes you will get ill. It might be a genetic issue, environmental issues, or a virus you were exposed to when your defenses were down. You can’t control everything, but if you get sick, your body will be more prepared for battle, so you’ll start with an advantage.

Start by eating healthier.

Your body needs the right fuel to function at its best. That requires you to eat nutrient-dense food and avoid food that harms your body. Avoid highly processed foods. They don’t contain many nutrients. Many contain sugar and toxins that can damage the body. Many are high in calories, which can cause weight gain. Obesity is the leading cause of preventable deaths. It’s worse than smoking. Part of the problem comes from lack of exercise, but most occur because of diet. Sugar causes inflammation. Chronic inflammation can lead to arthritis, COPD, cardiovascular disease, and other health conditions. A healthy diet can help prevent many of those illnesses.

Keep moving.

Exercising is another factor that will keep you healthier longer. Like a nutritious diet, it helps fight obesity. One study found that being sedentary is as damaging to your health as smoking. Exercise increases the flexibility of blood vessels and helps them function better. It lengthens the telomeres that protect the chromosomes and keeps them from unraveling so they reproduce longer and intact. It also increases the production of stem cells that replace damaged cells. Exercise lowers blood pressure, boosts insulin sensitivity, and strengthens the heart.

Get adequate quality sleep.

Sleep has several stages. Quality sleep includes all stages. You’ll get quality sleep when you stick with ] a sleep schedule, keep the room cooler and dark, and turn off all electronic devices like cell phones, the TV, or computers. When you sleep, your brain reorganizes. Your body makes necessary repairs. It’s vital for a healthy heart. If you lack sleep, your body produces more ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and less leptin, which makes you feel full. You’ll be more prone to overeating and weight gain.

  • Stress can cause inflammation. It causes the release of cortisol that can put on belly fat. Belly fat can lead to insulin resistance, which ultimately can cause diabetes. It can cause high blood pressure and cardiac disease.
  • Stay hydrated. Adequate hydration can help prevent urinary tract infections. Mild dehydration affects all organs. It can make you feel sleepy or light-headed. As you age, you dehydrate faster.
  • Don’t start bad habits like using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. If you’ve already begun, quit. There are programs and aids to help you. Vaping is just as damaging as tobacco, even if there is no nicotine involved.
  • Always check with your healthcare professional before making any dramatic changes, especially if you have a pre-existing condition or are starting an exercise program.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

The Best Workouts For Depression

The Best Workouts For Depression

There have been a lot of advancements in mental health. At one time, people with mental issues who acted out were considered possessed. People with depression were often shunned and called lazy, selfish, or over-reacting. Today, we know mental health issues are real. There are therapists, drugs, and adjunct therapies to help. Many therapists now prescribe exercise as an adjunct therapy to help lift depression. It works better than many prescription drugs. Here are a few of the best workouts.

If you’ve lived a sedentary lifestyle, start by walking.

You may not be ready for lifting weights or doing intense HIIT workouts. Start by doing any exercise, even walking. A consistent walking program can get your blood circulating and bring more oxygen and nutrients to the brain. It helps improve the gut microbiome that plays a role in your mood. Studies show that walking a half hour daily helped reduce depression or anxiety as much as medication. The more you walk, the stronger you’ll get.

Do HIIT—high intensity interval training—sessions.

Aerobic workouts, such as walking, boost your mood, so imagine how the ultimate aerobic exercise affects it. HIIT workouts aren’t specific exercises but a way of doing any exercise. You can even use it with strength-building workouts. You alternate your intensity between peak intensity and a recovery pace. You can use it with circuit training. Do a circuit as fast as you can. The exercises can include push-ups, burpees, squats, or any four or five exercises you want. Keep cutting the rest period between sets. It causes the body to create hormones that make you feel good and increases BDNF—brain-derived neurotrophic factor. BDNF regulates mood. HIIT helps with depression, anxiety, and mood-related disorders like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

Improve your self-image and lift depression.

One study followed a group of people who recently had strokes and suffered from depression. After doing several weeks of strength-building exercises, they showed an increase in their confidence and self-esteem. You’ll improve your posture as you build strength. Improved posture also makes a difference in how you feel. Try it for yourself. Stand slumped for a minute, then stand up straight. You feel more confident and look the same.

  • If you have flexibility or joint issues, do low-impact workouts like yoga or Tai Chi. These workouts are helpful for stress relief and relaxation, which also helps reduce anxiety and depression.
  • When you exercise regularly, it creates new neural pathways in the brain. They can help you get out of the loop of depression where you play the same scenarios repeatedly.
  • HIIT sessions balance the brain chemicals glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid—GABA. Glutamate stimulates brain function, while GABA calms brain function. It improves how neurogenesis.
  • If your depression makes it difficult to force yourself to exercise, find something you enjoy doing that gets you moving. If it’s dancing, turn on happy music and dance. If you like it, you’ll be more likely to do it.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Indoor Fitness Routines To Jumpstart Metabolism This Year

Indoor Fitness Routines To Jumpstart Metabolism This Year

Weight loss in Houston, TX can be easier when you use indoor fitness routines that burn calories and boost your metabolism. When you increase the calories you burn, it makes weight loss easier. Some cardiovascular exercises like running burn lots of calories while doing them. However, those calories come from burning both fat and muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue you have, the easier it is to lose weight. Muscle tissue requires more calories to maintain, so the more muscle you lose, the slower your metabolism becomes.

Do strength-building exercises.

If running burns some muscle tissue to slow metabolism, doing muscle-building exercises acts oppositely. Lifting weights burns many calories while you do it and builds muscle. The extra muscle boosts your metabolism, so you burn more calories 24/7. Building muscle tissue also makes you look thinner even if you don’t lose weight. Muscle mass weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. If two people weigh the same but one has substantially more muscle mass, that person will wear a smaller size and look thinner.

High intensity interval training—HIIT—triggers afterburn.

Get in shape faster by doing HIIT workouts. HIIT isn’t a specific exercise but a way of doing any exercise. You maximize the calories burned when you exercise at peak intensity, but you can’t do it for long. By alternating your intensity between maximum intensity and a less intense recovery pace, you burn more calories and continue to burn calories after the workout ends. After the intensity of the workout, your body increases oxygen consumption for repair and cools back down to a resting state. That increase is called EPOC—excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. It keeps your metabolism high for hours, increasing calories burned by as much as 15%.

Do compound exercises and circuit training.

Just like HIIT, circuit training can increase the calories you burn. You trigger EPOC, but only if you shorten rest periods between sets. Compound exercises, ones that work several joints, muscles, and tendons, also increase the calories you burn. The more muscles you use, the more calories you’ll use. An example of circuit training that uses compound exercises is a circuit containing jump lunges, burpees, and squats.

  • Don’t do more than three HIIT sessions in a week. Give yourself at least a day of rest between sessions. If you’re exhausted mid-session with only one day’s rest, space sessions two days apart. Your body needs time to recover.
  • Get adequate sleep. The magic of muscle-building takes place when you sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, it also disrupts hormones. Your body makes more hormones that keep you hungry and fewer satiety hormones.
  • The more intense the workout is, the more it temporarily increases your metabolism. Just walking faster can boost your metabolism if you do it regularly.
  • You’ll burn more calories by drinking more water. It can boost your metabolism if you’re slightly dehydrated. You’ll also eat less, consuming fewer calories. Always check with your healthcare professional before starting any exercise program.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Why Is Physical Activity So Important?

Why Is Physical Activity So Important?

People who exercise with me at RC Fitness in Houston, TX, whether online or in person, understand how important physical activity is. That’s why they stick with a regular exercise program. They know they need all types of fitness, which include flexibility, endurance, strength, and balance. They use our guided program. Exercise does more than help you look fabulous. It has enormous health benefits that make you live longer and improve the quality of life.

Regular exercise can improve your mental functioning and mood.

When you exercise hard, you push your body. That burns off stress hormones. Exercise increases circulation that sends oxygen and nutrient-laden blood to all body parts, including the brain. The elimination of stress hormones improves cognitive functioning and develops new neural pathways. Exercising triggers the release of “happy hormones, which are natural pain relievers. They lift your spirits. Exercise also releases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). It’s a protein that supports cognitive functioning, new neural growth, and many other brain functions.

Improve your cardiovascular health and endurance by exercising.

Your heart is a muscle. Like any muscle, exercise makes it stronger. Exercise also improves your lung functioning. It improves lung efficiency so you get more oxygen into the blood and ultimately the muscles when needed. When you exercise regularly, over time, it makes changes that make the heart and lungs function better, and you can perform activities longer without getting winded. It maintains flexibility in the blood vessels and boosts circulation by 25%.

Exercise reduces the risk of diabetes and improves weight control.

Exercise increases insulin sensitivity and the body’s ability to process glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin tells the cells to open to uptake glucose. When insulin resistance occurs, the cells don’t respond. Then the body produces more insulin to offset that reaction and remove glucose from the blood. The problem continues to compound if you don’t change it with diet and exercise. That leads to diabetes and obesity. Obesity increases the risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, and preventable death.

  • You’ll feel better and look better when you exercise. Exercising extends telomeres that protect the chromosomes from damage. Damaged chromosomes cause DNA damage and cell death that leads to illness and aging.
  • Exercise improves your microbiome. It makes it more diverse and improves the beneficial microbe population. The gut microbiome is responsible for digestion, immunity, mental health, and many other functions.
  • Weight-bearing exercise can keep bones denser and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. When the muscles are strong, they tug on the bone and cause it to uptake more calcium to keep it stronger.
  • Exercise relieves pain from conditions like arthritis. It keeps the joints lubricated and builds muscles and tendons that relieve the pressure on the ends of the bones. The increased circulation helps reduce chronic pain.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Easy Healthy Breakfasts

Easy Healthy Breakfasts

Not everyone eats breakfast. Some people don’t care for it and prefer to start eating later. Others find it too time-consuming and impossible to fit into their schedule. Some people substitute a healthy breakfast with a donut and coffee. That’s not the fuel of champions. You need nutritious food that keeps your energy high without peaks and valleys. There are easy breakfasts that are lower in calories and high in nutrition. You can make some dishes the night before and reheat them in the microwave in the morning.

Include all the macronutrients in your breakfast.

Breakfasts should contain carbohydrates for energy, but they also need protein and healthy fat. They keep you feeling full for longer. Including fiber in your breakfast can also extend your feeling of fullness longer so you aren’t famished by mid-morning. A breakfast burrito with egg, mushroom, feta, and kale is also delicious. The egg and cheese provide protein and healthy fat. The carbs come from kale and the burrito shell. Other versions, like those with black beans, cooked quinoa, tomatoes, and other ingredients, are delicious. Just cook each ingredient the night before and microwave them in the morning. All that is left is a 15-second assembly.

Regular oatmeal or overnight oats provide fiber and carbs.

Overnight oats take little effort. You make overnight oats using one cup of oats to ¾ cup milk or milk alternative and a pinch of salt. Put the ingredients in a container and store them in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Serve cold or heat in the microwave. Stir before serving. Add dried or fresh fruit, toasted nuts, nut butter, and a sweetener like maple syrup. If you have more time in the morning, make fresh stovetop oatmeal. You can use the same extras used in overnight oats. Adding toasted pecans or almonds gives extra flavor.

If you’re rushed, make several breakfasts at once.

Boil a week’s worth of breakfasts at once. If you put a hard-boiled egg in the refrigerator immediately after it’s cool, it will last a week. Combine one or two eggs with one or two slices of whole grain bread topped with butter from the milk of pastured cows or made from mashed avocado. Add a banana, some sliced tomatoes, or a sliced apple.

  • Make breakfast muffins from eggs, veggies, and meat. Scramble the eggs, add cooked meat, cheese, and veggies. Pour into muffin tins, bake, and store in the refrigerator to heat and eat. They last in refrigerated airtight containers for four or five days.
  • Make a breakfast smoothie. If you’re in a hurry, tossing ingredients into a blender and pushing a button is quick. It takes some planning. Prepare the ingredients the night earlier. You can use frozen fruit to make it smooth and creamy.
  • Go simple with minimal preparation. Fill a one-cup Mason jar halfway with Greek yogurt Toss in fresh or frozen berries, half a slice banana, and a layer of wheat germ, walnuts, or pecans. Put on the lid to eat in the morning.
  • Put mashed avocado onto whole grain toast and top with a sliced hard-boiled egg, or poach the egg if you have time. Add baby lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese for a breakfast sandwich.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

The Role Of Nutrition In Weight Loss

The Role Of Nutrition In Weight Loss

Some people in Houston, TX think that starving yourself is the only way to attain weight loss. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you try to exist on a diet that’s too low in calories, the body attempts to conserve energy to ensure enough for vital functions. It slows metabolism and makes loss harder. The key to losing weight is adequate nutrition. Many foods can satisfy your hunger, keep you feeling full, and boost your metabolism, so weight loss is easier.

Don’t avoid foods with fat.

You’ve probably chosen a fat-free type of dairy, thinking it would help you lose weight. You sabotaged your weight loss program by doing that. Fat-free options often contain chemicals to provide the consistency fat offers. They also improve the flavor with sugar. You don’t need either one to lose weight. The sugar causes cravings and weight gain. Your body requires fat for many functions. It helps burn body fat, is part of making hormones, and keeps you feeling full. Choose healthy options, like fat from avocados, whole eggs, or fatty fish. It keeps you healthy and helps weight loss.

Foods that contain magnesium are excellent for weight loss.

If you want to burn more fat, eat food containing magnesium. It helps burn fat and aids in muscle contractions. It lowers insulin levels and improves blood glucose levels. Reducing insulin levels and improving fasting blood glucose helps your body efficiently burn fat and makes the process quicker. One study showed magnesium supplements helped boost protein synthesis and burn stored fat. You get magnesium from eating dark leafy vegetables, avocados, cashews, and almonds.

Food high in quality protein or fiber.

Both fiber and protein take longer to digest. They make you feel full longer. Fiber feeds the beneficial microbes in the gut. The microbes affect everything from mood to nutrition. Some excrete material that helps you maintain a healthy weight. High-fiber foods include apples, cauliflower, broccoli, and whole grains. Quality protein also keeps you full longer. They provide the building blocks of muscle. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is. Consider animal products from pastured animals. They’re higher in ALA, a healthy fat that makes you burn more fat.

  • Avoid simple sugars and food with added sugar. Sugar spikes insulin levels. That can cause insulin resistance and weight gain. Read labels and choose food with no additives or sugar.
  • Diet and exercise are both key to weight loss. Start with a healthy diet. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Follow it with exercise for a healthier life, toner body, and faster weight loss.
  • Foods containing choline and B vitamins, like navy beans, eggs, and chicken, slow the genes that cause the body to store fat. Those vitamins are also necessary for a healthy metabolism.
  • Choose your drink wisely. Drinking sugary soft drinks can make you gain weight. A study showed sugar-free ones can increase your waistline. Don’t drink fruit juice instead. It doesn’t have the fiber to slow sugar absorption and can increase insulin levels. Drink water, black coffee, or unsweetened tea.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Tips For Healthy Eating Habits

Tips For Healthy Eating Habits

You won’t get healthy by eating all junk food and topping the meal off with a carrot stick. You need to ensure you have nutritious food at every meal and minimize the food that’s not good for you. That requires your eating habits to change. Once something becomes a habit, you don’t have to think about it. You automatically do it. You can change a little at a time, making small changes every few weeks, or jump right in with both feet and change your diet entirely. The key to good health is consistency.

Drink more water and chew food longer.

You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference this makes. When you drink water frequently, you do more than quench your thirst. You boost your energy. Mild dehydration can make you feel tired and mentally confused. If seniors are mildly dehydrated, it can create the same symptoms of dementia. Drinking water before a meal can fill you so you don’t eat as much. That helps with weight loss. It’s far better than soft drinks, even diet soft drinks, that add inches to your waist.

Keep healthy snacks ready to eat.

Snacking doesn’t have to be bad for you. It’s all about the type of snack you eat. If you have vegetables and dip ready in the refrigerator, you’ll probably eat that instead of potato chips. When you bring home watermelon or cantaloupe, peel it and dice it. Keep it in a bowl in the fridge to satisfy your urge for something sweet. Frozen grapes can also be a delightful summer treat. Other healthy snacks include nuts, fresh fruit like apples or oranges, and cheese.

Try meal planning.

Planning meals, including snacks, makes it easier to stick with a healthy diet. You plan the meals one day, shop on another day, and cook everything for the week on your day off work. It saves you money since you use the ingredients in several meals. Bake a chicken for baked chicken one night, a chicken salad another, and chicken soup with leftovers. Chopped veggies can be snacks, used in meals, and if there’s any leftover, used in soup. Pack the week’s meals in individual serving sizes. When you’re ready to eat them, just heat and serve.

  • Consider pasta substitutes. Spiralized vegetables such as zoodles or Mother Nature’s noodles from spaghetti squash are good substitutes for pasta. You can slice eggplant or zucchini for lasagna.
  • Add extra vegetables to your dishes. If you’re serving rice, toss in some broccoli. Scramble your eggs with spinach and cheese. Mix boiled cauliflower with boiled potatoes for mashed potatoes.
  • Switch to whole-grain bread. White flour uses just the starch endosperm off the grain and has few nutrients. Whole grains have the bran, germ, and endosperm. The bran is fiber. The germ contains all the nutrition.
  • Use unsweetened applesauce to replace oil or sugar in a recipe. If you’re making a smoothie, sweeten it with a ripe banana. Cut fruit into pieces and freeze it. Put it in the blender to make a sorbet for dessert.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Best Diet Foods That Satisfy Cravings

Best Diet Foods That Satisfy Cravings

It’s hard to match the satisfaction junk foods offer people in Houston, TX. Most diet foods pale by comparison and fail to satisfy cravings. Cravings start in the brain. It’s part of the body’s reward system. Hunger pangs begin in the hypothalamus, located at the base of the brain. The center of the brain contains the reward system. It helps keep people alive and guarantees the continuation of the species. Those systems control eating, sleeping, sex drives, and the fight or flight response. It triggers the release of dopamine, the feel-good hormone. Sugar is one trigger. Your memory of emotional moments also triggers cravings.

There are also selective and nonselective cravings.

Selective cravings are specific. If you’re experiencing a difficult time, your comfort food is a selective craving. Nonselective cravings are broader. If you’ve just worked out and are famished, anything that fills that gnawing hole in your gut will do. The messages can be confusing in this area. If you’re dehydrated, sometimes you think you’re hungry. That hunger is usually for juicy foods like Popsicles. It’s easy to fill that need without adding calories. Drink a glass of water and wait. If you feel satisfied after a few minutes, you weren’t hungry. You were thirsty.

Overcome emotional cravings by identifying what draws you to that food.

Some people head for crunchy food when they’re angry. That crunch helps release their anger and gets them back in control. Food like pretzels, chips, and crisp cookies often satisfy that urge. How do you overcome that? Fresh vegetables offer the same crunch. They don’t have the salty outside that drives people toward chips and pretzels, but you can overcome that drawback. Create a dip from yogurt or hummus that has a slightly salty flavor. If you want that comforting taste of mashed potatoes when you’re sad, consider making a mixture of mashed cauliflower and potatoes. You won’t notice the difference.

There are healthier options to fill your cravings.

Do you crave something sweet when you’re tired? Keep watermelon chunks, cantaloupe, or berries ready to eat. Crunchy food substitutes include popcorn, nuts, and trail mix. Does a specific food remind you of home and safety? Alter the recipe to create a lower-calorie version. Use spaghetti squash with a fresh tomato sauce topping flavored with herbs. One quick fix is to use a can of chili-ready tomatoes and one of stewed or diced tomatoes. Boil it down for a low-calorie, healthier option.

  • Give up food with added sugar for a few weeks. It breaks the cycle of requiring more and more sugar to get the same rush. You’ll be surprised how fresh fruit now tastes sweeter and satisfies cravings.
  • Health issues or hormonal changes can cause cravings. Women who need iron often crave chewing on ice cubes. Hormone changes may trigger cravings for sweets or comfort foods.
  • You might feel hungry even if you also feel full. Lack of sleep causes the body to produce more ghrelin—the hunger hormone—and less leptin—the satiety hormone.
  • Stress can cause cravings. People under stress often eat to help keep their mind off the problem and keep themselves busy. Instead of eating, try exercising.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Do You Know Much About Your BMI?

Do You Know Much About Your BMI?

You may have heard about your BMI, maybe even from your doctor. What is it? Does it give a good picture of how healthy you are? BMI is an acronym for body mass index. It compares your height to weight to determine whether you’re underweight, average, overweight, or obese. BMI charts exist for men, women, and children. It’s a quick way for doctors to identify changes in your body that might indicate a health issue or point to issues like severe obesity or other weight issues. It’s not the final answer.

BMI needs to be combined with a physical exam and other factors.

Muscular people will weigh more than people without massive muscles, even though they may be the same size. A muscular six-foot man may weigh 200 pounds and be healthy without looking overweight. Another six-foot man with little muscle mass and a high percentage of body fat will look fat! The BMI chart indicates both are overweight and bordering on obese. That’s true for one but not the other. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does, so if your body composition is mostly muscle, you’ll look thinner.

Know your numbers, but understand they aren’t the final answer.

Based on BMI, an ideal number is between 18.5 and 24.9. Someone with a BMI below 18 is underweight, and 25 to 29 is overweight. 30 to 40 is obese, with 40 or above being extremely obese. Besides body composition, other factors influence BMI. Bone structure is one of those. People with a smaller bone structure will weigh less than someone with a larger one. The length of your body compared to your height is another factor.

BMI is only one guide.

There are far more accurate ways to determine your health. Your waist circumference is one of those. Your waist circumference indicates the amount of belly fat you have. Belly fat is visceral fat. It crowds the organs and leads to conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and breathing problems. Visceral fat causes inflammation. Men with a waist measurement over 40″ and women whose waist is larger than 34.6″ are considered at risk.

  • Life insurance underwriters use BMI charts to identify and add extra premiums to those with health risks. Unlike healthcare professionals, they don’t see the person. They often rate muscular people at a higher risk due to muscle weight that affects BMI.
  • The formula used for BMI is (weight in pounds x 703) / (height in inches x height in inches). Using a chart was easier than calculating the information each time.
  • One study showed BMI didn’t predict cardiac health. There was no correlation between an unhealthy BMI and a healthy or unhealthy cardiometabolic profile that contains blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
  • RFM is a better way to identify health risks. RFM stands for relative fat mass index. For men, the formula is 64-(20 x height/waist circumference), and for women, 76-(20 x height/waist circumference). It helps identify a high ratio of body fat.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

Why 10,000 Steps Per Day?

Why 10,000 Steps Per Day?

The definition of being fit is personal. Each person determines their goal. Ways of staying fit are just as varied. Some people, like the family of warriors at RCFitness, use online services or private and group training to achieve that goal. One way that’s encouraged is to walk more. A movement encouraging walking 10,000 steps each day grew significantly these past few years. Why has it become popular? Is there a reason 10,000 steps are better than 5,000 or 15,000?

It all started in a marketing meeting in Japan.

You would think the magic 10,000 number came from the mouths of people wearing white lab coats, but it didn’t. It all started because of the 1864 Olympics held in Japan. People there were excited. Everyone was jumping on the fitness bandwagon. Half of Japan had taken up running, and the other half started walking. Walking clubs became popular. Pedometers that tracked steps also had their moment in the sun. One company created a pedometer called. Manpo-kei. If you translate that to English, the name means 10,000 steps. At that point, the concept of walking 10,000 steps became popular, even though there is no scientific evidence that the number is significant.

Scientists tested the marketing gimmick.

Japan may have started the trend, but it didn’t stop there. The rallying cry of 10,000 steps grew around the world. Studies checked the validity of the push. One study showed how increasing daily steps from 2700, classified as sedentary activity, to 4,400 steps reduced mortality rates by 41%. That same study found that the mortality rate continued decreasing until the subject averaged 7,500 steps, then leveled out.

Should you consider boosting your daily steps?

Increasing your steps increases your activity level. That’s good. The more active you are, the healthier you tend to be. Walking more, whether or not combined with a formal exercise program, increases your endurance, helps prevent osteoporosis, and builds lower body strength. The average person takes approximately 2,250 steps per mile, making 10,000 steps approximately 4.5 miles. If you walked the 10,000 steps without taking a break, it would take about 80 minutes.

  • If you choose the 10,000 daily step method, don’t forget to include flexibility, strength, and balance exercises, too. If you’re new to exercise, start walking and slowly add other exercises to your fitness program.
  • You can modify your workout and get more benefits by turning it into a HIIT—high intensity interval training—workout. HIIT workouts alternate intensity by walking at peak intensity, switching to a recovery pace, and volleying between the two.
  • You don’t have to do your 10,000 steps all at once. Find ways to increase the steps you take. Park further from the store and walk. Get off the bus at a stop before your destination and walk.
  • Most people wear their pedometer all day, so they include normal walking. Sedentary people increase their activity by 60 minutes a day.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness