Avoid Illness
Many people in Houston, TX focus on ways to avoid illness rather than spending the time and money at the doctor’s and pharmacy. It means doing the things necessary to stay healthy. No matter how much you do, sometimes you will get ill. It might be a genetic issue, environmental issues, or a virus you were exposed to when your defenses were down. You can’t control everything, but if you get sick, your body will be more prepared for battle, so you’ll start with an advantage.
Start by eating healthier.
Your body needs the right fuel to function at its best. That requires you to eat nutrient-dense food and avoid food that harms your body. Avoid highly processed foods. They don’t contain many nutrients. Many contain sugar and toxins that can damage the body. Many are high in calories, which can cause weight gain. Obesity is the leading cause of preventable deaths. It’s worse than smoking. Part of the problem comes from lack of exercise, but most occur because of diet. Sugar causes inflammation. Chronic inflammation can lead to arthritis, COPD, cardiovascular disease, and other health conditions. A healthy diet can help prevent many of those illnesses.
Keep moving.
Exercising is another factor that will keep you healthier longer. Like a nutritious diet, it helps fight obesity. One study found that being sedentary is as damaging to your health as smoking. Exercise increases the flexibility of blood vessels and helps them function better. It lengthens the telomeres that protect the chromosomes and keeps them from unraveling so they reproduce longer and intact. It also increases the production of stem cells that replace damaged cells. Exercise lowers blood pressure, boosts insulin sensitivity, and strengthens the heart.
Get adequate quality sleep.
Sleep has several stages. Quality sleep includes all stages. You’ll get quality sleep when you stick with ] a sleep schedule, keep the room cooler and dark, and turn off all electronic devices like cell phones, the TV, or computers. When you sleep, your brain reorganizes. Your body makes necessary repairs. It’s vital for a healthy heart. If you lack sleep, your body produces more ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and less leptin, which makes you feel full. You’ll be more prone to overeating and weight gain.
- Stress can cause inflammation. It causes the release of cortisol that can put on belly fat. Belly fat can lead to insulin resistance, which ultimately can cause diabetes. It can cause high blood pressure and cardiac disease.
- Stay hydrated. Adequate hydration can help prevent urinary tract infections. Mild dehydration affects all organs. It can make you feel sleepy or light-headed. As you age, you dehydrate faster.
- Don’t start bad habits like using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. If you’ve already begun, quit. There are programs and aids to help you. Vaping is just as damaging as tobacco, even if there is no nicotine involved.
- Always check with your healthcare professional before making any dramatic changes, especially if you have a pre-existing condition or are starting an exercise program.
For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness