Is It Time For New Workout Shoes?

In Houston, TX, working out doesn’t require you to make a fashion statement. As long as your clothes allow free movement, they’re good enough to workout, even if they’re old and torn. What you shouldn’t skimp on is workout shoes. Not all shoes are gym worthy. Tattered and torn shoes held together with duct tape and gorilla glue can lead to injury. The type of shoes you choose depends on your foot and the exercises you’re doing. Weight-lifting shoes are different from those you wear to do bodyweight exercises.

Can your shoes cause injury?

The answer is a definite yes. Good workout shoes have spring in them to absorb shock. A worn midsole limits that ability and allows your foot to move excessively. A worn shoe also causes the shoe’s form to change which will affect your foot alignment. It causes stress on various parts of the foot that correct alignment protects. That can cause stress and overuse injuries.

How long should your shoes last?

There’s not a specific timeline for how long workout shoes last. A lot of factors come into play. Better quality shoes will last longer than those that are of lesser quality. Quality isn’t always determined by price, so look for shoes that absorb shock when you jump. Does it cushion the shock? It’s the shoe’s compression ability. The National Strength and Conditioning Association—NSCA—suggests that running shoes last about 6 months or 4=300 to 500 miles. If you’re using those shoes in the gym to do high-impact cardio, it could take less time. If you do more low-impact exercises, expect your shoes to last longer.

Check the wear on the sole.

Look at the soles of your shoes. If you notice the heels are extremely worn or have lopsided wear, with one side showing far more wear than the other, it’s time for new shoes. That kind of wear puts your heel in motion and causes you to land unevenly, putting even more strain on your body. Does your foot slide from side to side inside the shoe? It’s time for new shoes.

  • If you notice a hole starting to wear in the ball of the shoe, toss it. It’s time for new shoes to protect your feet. Your shoes no longer protect the balls of your feet.
  • Did you buy new shoes and let them sit for several years? They may not be useful even if they look new. It depends on the materials they contain. Some materials can dry out in the outer sole, midsole, or upper area causing them to lose their ability to function properly.
  • Do a thorough visual inspection. It’s more than just the sole that wears out, the interior can show wear, too. Check for uneven wear everywhere. You can judge the life left in shoes by the wear they show.
  • How your feet feel when you wear the shoes makes a difference. Do the balls of your feet hurt? There’s no cushioning left. Do your knees hurt? Your shoes may be responsible for turning your feet at an odd angle. Even small changes can make a difference.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

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