The Role Of Nutrition In Weight Loss

Some people in Houston, TX think that starving yourself is the only way to attain weight loss. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you try to exist on a diet that’s too low in calories, the body attempts to conserve energy to ensure enough for vital functions. It slows metabolism and makes loss harder. The key to losing weight is adequate nutrition. Many foods can satisfy your hunger, keep you feeling full, and boost your metabolism, so weight loss is easier.

Don’t avoid foods with fat.

You’ve probably chosen a fat-free type of dairy, thinking it would help you lose weight. You sabotaged your weight loss program by doing that. Fat-free options often contain chemicals to provide the consistency fat offers. They also improve the flavor with sugar. You don’t need either one to lose weight. The sugar causes cravings and weight gain. Your body requires fat for many functions. It helps burn body fat, is part of making hormones, and keeps you feeling full. Choose healthy options, like fat from avocados, whole eggs, or fatty fish. It keeps you healthy and helps weight loss.

Foods that contain magnesium are excellent for weight loss.

If you want to burn more fat, eat food containing magnesium. It helps burn fat and aids in muscle contractions. It lowers insulin levels and improves blood glucose levels. Reducing insulin levels and improving fasting blood glucose helps your body efficiently burn fat and makes the process quicker. One study showed magnesium supplements helped boost protein synthesis and burn stored fat. You get magnesium from eating dark leafy vegetables, avocados, cashews, and almonds.

Food high in quality protein or fiber.

Both fiber and protein take longer to digest. They make you feel full longer. Fiber feeds the beneficial microbes in the gut. The microbes affect everything from mood to nutrition. Some excrete material that helps you maintain a healthy weight. High-fiber foods include apples, cauliflower, broccoli, and whole grains. Quality protein also keeps you full longer. They provide the building blocks of muscle. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is. Consider animal products from pastured animals. They’re higher in ALA, a healthy fat that makes you burn more fat.

  • Avoid simple sugars and food with added sugar. Sugar spikes insulin levels. That can cause insulin resistance and weight gain. Read labels and choose food with no additives or sugar.
  • Diet and exercise are both key to weight loss. Start with a healthy diet. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Follow it with exercise for a healthier life, toner body, and faster weight loss.
  • Foods containing choline and B vitamins, like navy beans, eggs, and chicken, slow the genes that cause the body to store fat. Those vitamins are also necessary for a healthy metabolism.
  • Choose your drink wisely. Drinking sugary soft drinks can make you gain weight. A study showed sugar-free ones can increase your waistline. Don’t drink fruit juice instead. It doesn’t have the fiber to slow sugar absorption and can increase insulin levels. Drink water, black coffee, or unsweetened tea.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

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