The Power Of Active Release Technique (ART)

If you live in Houston, TX, you may have heard of the Active Release Technique (ART). It’s a way to relieve pain. Chiropractors, massage therapists, doctors, and physical therapists provide the services. It has been shown to help relieve pain and improve mobility. It helps by finding knots in muscles and fascia and using pressure to release them. It can aid nerves, tendons, fascia, and muscles to move pain-free.

What do they do that helps?

Before any healthcare specialist uses ART, they gather your pain and medical history. They assess and evaluate your situation. Once the general location is determined, you either lay or sit comfortably as the provider uses his hands to locate a lump showing contraction or a tight area that indicates tissue tension. It might hurt. If it does, you need to let the practitioner know so he can reduce the pressure. The tender area is where there’s an adhesion or tightness of the underlying tissue. It’s often a lump. The practitioner pushes it as you move in a specific way that helps pull on it and free the adhesion. It takes about 15 minutes to a half hour for a treatment.

Not all pain can be treated with ART.

Even though it helps many conditions, it’s not helpful for some. It’s why the healthcare provider has a lengthy evaluation before starting. It can help with iliotibial band syndrome, which causes the iliotibial band at the side of the knee to become painful. It can help with shoulder pain, shin splints, surgical scars, plantar fasciitis, hip pain, back pain, knee pain, neck pain, bursitis, and tennis elbow. ART can also help improve limited motion or pain from soft tissue.

It’s becoming more popular because it works.

Many people love it because they feel better afterward. It causes their pain to diminish and eventually disappear. It helps improve range of motion, functional mobility, and flexibility. There’s less tension in the tissue and improvement in the injured muscles. As the soft tissue adhesions break up, your movement improves, and you’re less apt to damage or pull other muscles or tissue in your body.

  • One back pain study showed that when comparing myofascial release to ART, ART brought superior pain relief. A different study showed it superior to myofascial release for plantar fasciitis.
  • The combination of pressure and a specific movement is the key to achieving release. You may not be able to do the complete movement. Do as much as you can. If the pain becomes unbearable, let your provider know.
  • If scar tissue causes pain, ART can help. Signs of scar tissue include stiffness, pain when exercising, sharp pain near the heel, numbness, reduced flexibility, inflamed joints, decreased strength, and tingling or weakness.
  • There are four areas of certification and training for ART. The upper extremity, lower extremity, spine, and nerve. Check for accreditation before getting treatment. Always discuss using ART with your primary healthcare provider first.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C. Fitness

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