    Testimonial Picture of Iman (1)
    Testimonial Picture of Iman (2)
    “I am in better shape physically and aesthetically than I was as a high school cheerleader”

    I tried a few times on my own to lose weight, but never really had major success due to a lack of great guidance or the tools needed to actually be successful. Running across Reggie has been one of the greatest things that has happened to me in Houston, and as what I believe to be Houston’s best female trainer, he has given me great guidance, accountability, encouragement, and every tool needed to reach my fitness goals. What began as a quest to FINALLY “lose weight” 30lbs to be exact) has turned into something much greater than a desire to decrease a number on a scale. I am in better shape physically and aesthetically than I was as a high school cheerleader, and I now desire to be healthy, fit and implement overall wellness into my lifestyle, while constantly improving my physique along the way. Reggie has also helped me understand the importance of nutrition and eating according to my goals, which has been a major key to my transformation.

    The most important transformation that has taken place over the last nine months since training with Reggie has been the transformation of my mind. I no longer believe in limits, and I know that whatever my mind perceives, my body WILL achieve…with discipline and a relentless work ethic. In addition, Reggie has built a safe, exciting, encouraging community of women who motivate and hold each other accountable daily. Fit sisters turn to fit family, and it is impossible not to want to do or be great when surrounded with so much positivity and accountability. Reggie is able to meet you where you are, and has a way of pushing you to exceed well past wherever it is you THOUGHT you wanted to be. His attention to each client’s individual fitness and nutrition needs is conducive to our overall growth, success and improvement in strength and aesthetics.

    Six months in I was down 30lbs and 10% body fat. Nine months in, I achieved a 50+ lb weight loss, shed a ton of body fat, built muscle, a shape, strength, endurance and confidence AND saw my body fat percentage reach the teens. I can’t wait to see what my 12 month transformation will bring, and beyond! I look forward to growing and glowing with Team RCF in the future!


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