Safe Pregnancy Exercises

It’s not only safe to exercise during pregnancy, it’s healthy. However, not all exercises are free from risk and not all situations are the same. If you’ve exercised on a regular basis before you became pregnant, your workout will be different than someone who has never exercised. Exercise can help prevent gestational diabetes, excessive weight gain and a cesarean birth. It can reduce the risk of low birth weight, postpartum depression and make recovery faster. The key is to find safe pregnancy exercises and that is created specifically for the expectant mother.

Were you physically active before you became pregnant.

In most cases, you can continue your activity. However, if you’re involved in contact sports or ones that could lead to falls like competitive skiing, you need to discontinue that activity. Other activities that shouldn’t be done are those that are extremely rigorous or ones where you lay on your back too long. Always consult your health care professional about your particular health and situation.

Whether you’ve exercised before or not, it’s safe to participate in moderate cardio workouts.

Whether you’re extremely fit or completely out of shape, moderate cardio, such as swimming, riding a stationary bike or walking is not only safe, but quite healthy. You need at least 150 minutes a week. Doing exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles to help support your growing abdomen better and those that strengthen the pelvic floor are also important. During the early period of pregnancy, kneeling push-ups, pelvic curls and even squats can be done.

After the first trimester a lot of changes.

If you’re jumping rope, running or doing high impact exercises, stop. The second trimester and third are times to avoid high impact workouts or any workout that pushes you past exhaustion. You can still do some exercises, like those done in the first trimester, just not ones that make you bounce or jar your body. Stretching exercises can also be quite comforting and help your body adjust to the change in the center of gravity and new ways you have to move.

  • The final trimester should focus on abdominal strength and mild cardio. Pelvic floor exercises, bodyweight workouts and walking or swimming are examples.
  • Other examples of exercises for the third trimester and bicep curls, standing should press with light weights, bodyweight squats, modified planks and wall push-ups. It’s important to keep moving, but not to push too hard.
  • If you’re exercising, always make sure you warm-up and cool-down. Warming up can help loosen the muscles so you don’t strain them and cooling down can help prevent dizziness and falls after exercising.
  • Your center of gravity is changing throughout the pregnancy, which makes you more susceptible to falls. Be aware of that every time you workout. Always listen to your health care professional for guidance about the safety of certain exercise regimens.

For more information, contact us today at Reggie C Fitness

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